
A master criminal? No, I just want to be a good person

What's it like to experience a police chase a hundred thousand times? Never dream, or you'll never know what the next crime scene in your dreams will be. A criminal capable of crafting the perfect crime could certainly become the best detective. Ethan, who just started his internship at the Detective Bureau, simulates crimes in his dreams every night. After simulating the perfect crime a hundred thousand times in his dreams, he has acquired various skills. Lock picking, cheating at cards, psychological manipulation, and even using firearms and piloting fighter jets—he's mastered them all. Every time he escapes the statute of limitations, he completes another perfect crime. Is this a test by the god of dreams or a plot by Satan? Ethan, who could have been one of the most infamous criminals in history, now just wants to be a good person…

Skyvault · Urban
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30 Chs

This case... it's a lot of pressure, huh!!!

As a detective, the most crucial skill you need is that kind of logical thinking that lets you connect the dots from one to five. You take a clue that seems simple and insignificant and use it to push forward all the details of the case, pointing straight to a likely suspect.

Like right now...

With the clue Ethan dug up, Lucas immediately caught on. If it were a regular suspect, they wouldn't bother hiding the fact that they're left-handed. There's just no point.


The killer thinks...

If the cops figure out he's left-handed, just a few more clues combined could lead them right to him.

That's the only reason a killer with such a high criminal IQ would waste so much time trying to hide his left-handedness.

Being left-handed isn't a standout trait, but it could be linked to something that drastically narrows down the suspect pool!

Just think about it for a second.

That narrowing factor just pops right out.

And that is...

A rare profession with not many people in it!!!


Sorting through all the details in his mind.

Lucas finally realized how significant Ethan's discovery was—a real breakthrough. But he couldn't help but sigh, "Man, it's such a shame."

"If we had found this clue and detail twenty years ago, we might have been able to track down the killer by process of elimination."

"But now..."

"Twenty years have passed, so much has changed, and many professions have even disappeared from the scene. There's just no way to start the investigation."

Lucas had gone through the case file of this dismemberment case several times.

So, he knew that twenty years ago, after the crime, the investigation focused on checking barbecue joints, meat processing shops, slaughterhouses, and the victim's social circles.

They never considered those rare professions where being left-handed could pinpoint a suspect.

It has to be said.

The killer's deliberate hiding of his dominant hand didn't really do much.

Because from the start, the police were on the wrong track, too obsessed with finding all the body parts, missing the critical first 48 hours to crack the case.

And because...

They missed crucial clues like the dominant hand, leading to a dead-end in the case.

Ethan nodded in agreement, closing the two photos of the victims' bodies he had pulled up on his computer screen, also expressing regret, "Yeah, there's really nothing we can do now."

"Unless the killer strikes again, giving us new opportunities and clues, or we find some fresh evidence in these files."


"It's going to be tough to crack this Gotham University dismemberment case. Maybe the killer wasn't perfect back then, even had quite a few flaws."

"But after twenty years, all those imperfections have become perfect!!!"


From analyzing the files over this period.

Ethan was pretty sure that the 5.13 Gotham University dismemberment case wasn't as exaggerated and perfect as described online.

At least.

If he had taken over the case back then.

He definitely could have unraveled the hidden killer from the various detailed clues, capturing him and bringing him to justice!

This isn't blind confidence.

It's the assurance that comes from having simulated crime processes and hands-on experience with numerous criminal techniques, deeply understanding various investigative methods.

Lucas quickly reined in his astonishment and was about to continue when the door to the Chief of Detectives' office suddenly swung open.

Derek, dressed in his crisp white uniform, stepped out, his brow furrowed in thought. Lucas immediately waved him over, "Chief, come take a look at this."

"Ethan, just from these files and victim photos, has unearthed a new lead on the 5.13 dismemberment case. I just did a quick analysis, and it feels like if it hadn't been twenty years..."

"We might really have been able to dig out the killer with this clue Ethan found. It's a shame, really!"


"There might still be a chance to find other clues or..."

Lucas's words clearly struck a chord with Derek, who turned in surprise towards Ethan. He hadn't expected much when he initially let Ethan review the case files.

And yet.

A new lead had indeed been discovered.

But now wasn't the time to dwell on a cold case from twenty years ago, as more pressing matters had arisen. Derek gestured to cut off the conversation, "Lucas, we'll talk about the 5.13 case later."

"I've got an urgent situation that needs your immediate attention. You and Ethan need to head out, see if you can uncover anything."

"I just got a call from the principal of Riverside Middle School in our East District. An eighth-grade girl has died in a fall at an abandoned school building, and there's a high likelihood it was murder. We need to get there ASAP!"

"This case."

"Given that the victim is a minor and the body was discovered by another student, it's already causing quite a bit of panic and unrest. The media might have caught wind of it too."

"So remember..."

"Don't jump to any conclusions in front of the school officials, parents, or especially the media, without solid evidence. We can't afford to compromise our department's credibility."

After a brief pause to gather his thoughts, Derek continued with an authoritative tone, "Given the special nature of this case."

"Lucas, have Dr. Riley from forensics drop whatever she's doing and join you on this. We need to determine the cause of death as quickly as possible."

"If you run into anything you can't handle, call me immediately!"

"Head to Riverside Middle School now. I'll send you more details on the way. Let's not waste any more time!"

Seeing the urgency of the situation, especially involving a minor, Lucas immediately dropped any hint of levity and stood up straight, saluting, "Roger that!"

"Mission accepted!!!"

With that, he set down his thermos, pulled out the car keys from his drawer, and tossed them to Ethan without delay, "Let's go, Ethan. Head to the parking lot and wait for me."

"I'll swing by tech to pick up Dr. Riley Hill. We're all heading to the scene."

"This case... it's gonna be a heavy one!!!"