
A master criminal? No, I just want to be a good person

What's it like to experience a police chase a hundred thousand times? Never dream, or you'll never know what the next crime scene in your dreams will be. A criminal capable of crafting the perfect crime could certainly become the best detective. Ethan, who just started his internship at the Detective Bureau, simulates crimes in his dreams every night. After simulating the perfect crime a hundred thousand times in his dreams, he has acquired various skills. Lock picking, cheating at cards, psychological manipulation, and even using firearms and piloting fighter jets—he's mastered them all. Every time he escapes the statute of limitations, he completes another perfect crime. Is this a test by the god of dreams or a plot by Satan? Ethan, who could have been one of the most infamous criminals in history, now just wants to be a good person…

Skyvault · Urban
Not enough ratings
30 Chs

Another suspect attempting suicide!!!

This looks like a quirky suicide note.

Or rather...

It shouldn't be called a suicide note, because there's no mention of any regrets or resentments.

And there's nothing about settling affairs like others do.

But as Ethan held it, there was an indescribable weight and sadness in his heart.


Even though the letter doesn't express fear, every word drips with regret and sorrow.

Especially that line.

"I'm not coming back in the next life..."


After a few seconds of silence.

Ethan slightly closed his eyes, pressing down the complex emotions slowly.

Even though he's simulated crimes a hundred thousand times.

And has been the brutal killer countless times.

His heart should be as cold as ice, but this isn't a simulation, this is the bloody, flesh-and-bone reality, and people are often emotional.

As he closed his eyes.

Ethan kept asking himself, trying to clear his thoughts and find the right answers.

Did the victim commit suicide?

If it was suicide, why was the radial artery in her left wrist cut?

The girl who spent the last moments here with the victim, why didn't she try to stop it? Instead, it seemed like she was even cooperating?

Why was the dust on the sixth-floor staircase swept away, intending to hide footprints, yet they didn't bother cleaning up the trash on the rooftop, leaving behind their own DNA evidence?

Could it be possible that the items on the rooftop were deliberately arranged by the killer to make it look like a suicide, crafting a perfect crime?

The victim mentioned feeling superfluous, were her parents divorced, each starting new families? What does the mention of being 'dispensable' in the letter signify? Poor relationships with classmates? Or was it depression leading to suicide due to school bullying?


After securing any objects that might contain DNA.

Lucas stood up and seeing Ethan with his eyes slightly closed, asked curiously, "Ethan, why are you closing your eyes?"

"Is there a key clue in that letter? Or did you deduce some useful information?"

Ethan, having nearly sorted out his thoughts, opened his eyes and handed the envelope to Lucas, saying, "Lucas, take a look at this letter."

"It's not a will, but a message the victim left for us."

"Let me summarize the clues we have so far and integrate them into a rough deduction."

Pausing for a moment.

Ethan continued after a brief pause, sorting through the clues, "First off, we can probably confirm the victim committed suicide. The position she fell in is quite unique,other than jumping herself, I can't see any other possibility."

"But even though she jumped, we can't rule out the possibility of a suspect using drugs or psychological suggestion to control the victim's extreme actions."

"Because in past case files."

"There have been instances where victims were controlled by drugs or psychological suggestion, leading to suicide."

"As for."

"Why the victim's left wrist artery was cut, I have three guesses right now..."

"First, the victim might have asked her companion on the rooftop to give her a chance to die peacefully if she somehow survived the fall."

"Second, the companion, seeing the victim alive, couldn't bear her suffering, so chose to cut the victim's radial artery."

"Third, there might be another person involved, directing or demanding the companion to ensure the victim's death."

"Any of these guesses suggest that the person who cut the victim's artery was the companion who was chatting and snacking with her!"

"So I think the key issue is..."

"We need to quickly identify this companion, or let's call them a suspect for now."

"Because this person, in my view... has too many suspicious points!!!"

"If they were friends, why is there no attempt to stop the victim from taking her life, and yet they inflicted further harm in the end?"


"The dust on the sixth floor was swept away, not wanting to leave footprints, but they didn't care about leaving DNA on the rooftop, could this mean something..."

"Are footprints easier to find than DNA?"

"And, thinking that we, the police, would definitely find her eventually, so she didn't bother with her DNA, just hid her footprints to avoid being found too soon?"

"And the most important point."

"From being able to drink chocolate milk, eat fries, chips, and sit chatting with the victim, we can generally infer that this person is likely around the same age as the victim."

"Being so young, why would they have such a strong psychological fortitude?"

"Seeing the victim fall and not showing any fear, even going forward to cut the radial artery, is just too strange."

"Which makes me highly suspicious..."

"This case might not just involve two high school students,there could be someone else directing them behind the scenes, but we can't just rely on deductions to confirm the situation."


"Lucas, I think we need to act on two fronts."

"One is to understand the victim's family situation and social relationships, to find the real reason for her suicide, and to uncover whether she was in this state long-term or if someone deliberately led her to it."

"On the other hand, we need to thoroughly search for the suspect who witnessed this case, based on the clues we have so far..."

"This suspect is likely also between the ages of 14-17, female, and had a good relationship with the victim, or was one of her few friends."

"Based on the suspect's method of wiping away footprints but leaving DNA, I think this suspect might have a leg disability,"

"Also belonging to a group at school who are ostracized and overlooked, because of their similar experiences, they could become quite good friends."

"And there's a very high probability of one thing."

"That is..."

"From the suspect's current method of covering her tracks, she's likely not trying to flee, but simply making us find her a bit later."

"Why isn't she afraid of being found, but worried about being found too soon?"

"If we consider the extreme possibility, it's likely that this suspect also wants to..."

"Commit suicide!!!"

At that moment.

As Ethan finished his deductions.

Lucas had also finished reading the letter left by the victim.

But he...

Had no time to express any emotion, as he immediately returned to the staircase, turning on his flashlight and searching for something in the dusty stairs on the fifth floor.

Half a minute later.

Among a bunch of faint footprints.

Lucas found a footprint against the wall, with a clear impression of the forefoot on the ground and the heel floating!!!


It wasn't just a one-time occurrence.

Looking closely.

It was clear that every step had this kind of footprint.

Lucas's eyes narrowed slightly, surprised that it matched Ethan's deduction—the suspect had a significant leg condition.

But the most crucial point is...

According to Ethan, this suspect also wants to commit suicide?!!!