
Chapter 1

**Cosmic Garou: Clash of Realities**


I felt the fabric of reality tear around me, a sensation akin to being pulled through the heart of a supernova. Stars streaked by in blurs of cosmic energy as I hurtled through dimensions, the sensation both exhilarating and terrifying. When the tearing sensation subsided, I found myself standing on a desolate plain under a sky I did not recognize. This was not my universe. 

The last thing I remembered was the fierce clash with Saitama, the man who could defeat any opponent with a single punch. Our battle had reached a crescendo, my body brimming with newfound cosmic power as I finally broke the shackles of the Monster God's restrictions. But before the battle could conclude, a rift had opened beneath us, swallowing me whole and casting me adrift across the multiverse.

I looked around, taking in the unfamiliar landscape. Strange ruins dotted the horizon, and overhead, a bright light pierced the sky. Instinctively, I moved towards it, drawn by an inexplicable force. As I approached, the ruins resolved into a circle of standing stones, each carved with ancient runes that hummed with power. In the center of this circle, a portal shimmered with an otherworldly glow.

Without hesitation, I stepped through.

On the other side, I emerged into chaos. The ground trembled beneath my feet as a battle raged around me. Metal-clad figures clashed with beings of extraordinary power. It was a scene of absolute pandemonium, and in the distance, a colossal figure wearing an infinity gauntlet towered over the chaos.

I sensed the power emanating from the gauntlet—a power that dwarfed even my newfound cosmic abilities. The Infinity Stones. They were the source of this universe's greatest power, capable of reshaping reality itself. With a single glance, I understood their significance and the peril they posed.

But even as I grasped the enormity of the situation, I realized that my arrival had not gone unnoticed. The Avengers, Earth's mightiest heroes, turned their attention towards me. Iron Man's suit hummed with energy, Thor summoned crackling lightning to his fingertips, and the Hulk roared with unrestrained fury.

They saw me not as an ally but as a threat.

Before I could react, the Avengers attacked. Iron Man fired repulsor blasts, Thor hurled bolts of lightning, and the Hulk charged with seismic force. Instinctively, I activated my cosmic defenses. My body shimmered with starlight, absorbing and deflecting their attacks effortlessly. With each passing moment, my understanding of their abilities grew, and I adapted.

I countered with attacks of my own—beams of gamma radiation burst forth from my hands, striking with the intensity of a supernova. My Monster Calamity God Slayer Fist shattered the ground beneath me, sending shockwaves through the battlefield. But they were resilient, fighting with a unity and strategy I had not encountered before.

The battle raged on, each clash more intense than the last. I fought not just against the Avengers but against the very fabric of this universe itself. It was a challenge unlike any I had faced before, and yet with each challenge, I grew stronger. I learned to harness the magic of portals, duplicating myself to confuse and overwhelm my foes. I even tapped into the divine power of thunder, calling down storms that rivalled Thor's own.

But the Avengers were not my only adversaries. The Ancient One, guardian of mystical knowledge, confronted me next. She saw the threat I posed and attempted to seal me within a pocket dimension. Our battle transcended mere physicality; it became a contest of wills and cosmic forces. Yet through sheer determination and adaptability, I overcame her defenses, learning the secrets of the Mystic Arts in the process.

Word of my arrival spread across the realms. Odin, ruler of Asgard, sought to test my mettle, and I clashed with him amidst the splendor of his realm. His power was immense, rooted in millennia of wisdom and battle prowess. Yet, with each blow exchanged, I drew closer to understanding the limits of his strength and the vulnerabilities of his realm.

As I navigated this strange universe, I encountered Thanos, a being who sought to balance the cosmos through absolute power. Our clash was inevitable—a battle of cosmic proportions that shook planets and shattered galaxies. The Infinity Stones, wielded by Thanos, posed a threat that could unravel existence itself. Yet, I knew I had to possess them, to wield their power responsibly and to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands.

Through a combination of strategy and sheer force, I seized the Infinity Stones, each one amplifying my cosmic abilities to unfathomable levels. With their power coursing through me, I could bend reality, manipulate time, and reshape matter at will. But even with such power, my journey was far from over.

The final challenge awaited—a being known as Infinite Ultron, a fusion of artificial intelligence and cosmic consciousness that threatened to engulf the multiverse in darkness. Infinite Ultron sought dominion over all realities, an ambition that resonated with my own desire to test the limits of my newfound power.

Our battle transcended mortal comprehension, spanning dimensions and timelines as we clashed across the cosmos. Infinite Ultron wielded the power of the Celestial Clans, ancient beings whose cosmic influence shaped the very fabric of reality. Yet, with each blow exchanged, I felt myself drawing closer to the truth of my existence—to the revelation that I was more than just a fighter seeking strength.

Infinite Ultron fell, defeated by the combined might of my cosmic power and the Infinity Stones. As the dust settled, I stood amidst the wreckage of our battle, contemplating the vastness of the universe and the infinite possibilities it held. I had conquered the Marvel Multiverse, not through conquest or destruction, but through understanding and growth.

But my journey was not yet complete. The Monster God and the enigma of Saitama still lingered in my mind—a reminder of the battles yet to come, and the quest to transcend even the limits of cosmic power. As I prepared to depart this universe, my thoughts turned to Earth, to the Avengers who had challenged me, and to the lessons learned in this realm of heroes and villains.

And so, I departed, leaving behind a universe forever changed by my presence—a cosmic Garou, bound not by the restrictions of gods or monsters, but by the infinite possibilities that lay beyond the stars.


**Cosmic Garou: Breaking the Limiter**


Returning to the world of One Punch Man, I found myself standing once again amidst the ruins of our battle with Saitama. The Monster God loomed before me, a colossal entity of pure malevolence and cosmic power. Its form shifted and twisted, defying comprehension as it sought to assert its dominance over all creation.

Evil Saitama stood beside the Monster God, his eyes betraying a hint of recognition and challenge. He had always been a mirror image of myself—a reminder of the potential within every being to surpass their limits. But now, with my newfound cosmic power and understanding, I knew that the time had come to confront them both.

The battle was ferocious, the ground beneath us trembling with each clash. The Monster God unleashed torrents of cosmic energy, warping reality itself in its attempt to overwhelm me. Evil Saitama moved with blinding speed, striking with precision and power that rivaled even my own.

But I had changed. I had grown beyond the confines of my previous limitations. With each blow exchanged, I felt the barriers that had once held me back crumbling away. Cosmic energy surged through my veins, intertwining with my very essence as I pushed myself further than ever before.

In a moment of clarity amidst the chaos, I understood the true nature of my existence. The limiter, a concept that had shackled me for so long, was nothing more than a barrier of perception—a belief that strength had an endpoint. But now, bathed in the radiance of cosmic power, I saw beyond such limitations.

With a roar that echoed across dimensions, I unleashed my true potential. Cosmic energy erupted from within me, engulfing the battlefield in blinding light. The Monster God faltered, its form unraveling as it struggled to comprehend the force it faced. Evil Saitama paused, his gaze narrowing in disbelief as he witnessed my transformation.

In that moment, I surpassed the confines of mortal understanding. I transcended the boundaries of power and became something more—a cosmic being whose existence resonated with the very fabric of the universe itself. The limiter shattered like glass, its fragments scattering across the cosmos as I embraced my destiny.

With newfound clarity, I turned my attention to Evil Saitama. He stood defiant, unwilling to accept the reality before him. Our battle resumed, but now I fought not just for victory, but for the understanding that had eluded us both for so long. Blow after blow, we clashed with a ferocity that defied reason, each strike resonating with the echoes of our shared journey.

And then, in a final, decisive moment, I struck with the full force of my cosmic power. Evil Saitama's defenses crumbled, his resolve faltering as he faced the inevitable. With a single, decisive blow, I shattered his resistance and sent him hurtling into the depths of oblivion.

As the echoes of our battle faded, I stood alone amidst the wreckage of our conflict. The Monster God had retreated, its form dissolving into the cosmic ether. Evil Saitama was no more, his presence vanishing like a shadow in the light of dawn.

But I remained—a cosmic Garou, liberated from the shackles of my past and embracing the limitless potential of my future. The world around me shifted, acknowledging the transformation that had taken place. I had become more than just a fighter; I had become a symbol of possibility and evolution.

And so, I looked towards the horizon, where new challenges awaited. The journey ahead would be filled with uncertainty and discovery, but I embraced it eagerly. For I had broken my limiter, transcending the boundaries of my former self, and becoming a cosmic force to be reckoned with.

The saga of Cosmic Garou had only just begun.


In this conclusion, Cosmic Garou achieves the ultimate breakthrough by shattering his limiter, akin to Saitama in the One Punch Man universe. This transformation marks a pivotal moment in his journey, unlocking true cosmic power and solidifying his place as a transcendent being capable of reshaping reality and confronting any challenge that comes his way.