
A man named Smert

- A killer is a job. -Manyak is for my pleasure. -Psych - for your peace of mind. -And death is neutral. Can I now consider myself a human?

H20Rain · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter-2. Misunderstanding

After a long walk, there were fewer gray trees in front of me. While I was walking and thinking about everything that had happened, I hit my forehead against something solid, invisible. After a while, small cracks in the air began to form at the impact site. I wanted to run away, but I continued to stare in perplexity at this hypnotically beautiful sight. The cracks grew larger and began to cover the surrounding area. This continued until the debris of air began to fall on me. Avoiding the danger of falling spatial fragments, breaking like a fragile mirror and turning into multi-colored dust. I stepped back and dodged to the side over and over again. Pieces of space stopped falling on my head. And now it was possible to calmly look around. The first thing that I saw before my eyes was a beautiful landscape in the distance. I was high up and had a great view. Green fields and plains that stretched to the horizon. The smell of freedom wanted to turn my head again. I managed to make out some kind of settlement, which looked like many houses surrounded by a wooden wall. Looking around the beautiful expanses, I looked down and saw a large abyss, I was almost standing on the edge. I immediately moved away, fearing to fall from such a great height.

After enjoying the beautiful view and the warm rays of the sun, I decided to look for a way to safely descend. And here's a cruel joke. The good-natured warm wind, which treated me so kindly, unexpectedly wanted to push me down. Under the pressure of the wind, I pressed down on the ground with my feet harder than usual. Unable to withstand my steps, the ground began to crack, and now I am flying down. The wind whistling in my ears and not even screaming, what will happen to me if I crash from such a height? Before I could react, I was already lying on the ground with my eyes closed. Leaving behind a deep crater several meters long, covered with cracks in the shape of my body. To my surprise, there was no dirt, no scratches on me, and the strangest thing was, I did not feel any pain. I guess my strange clothes are protecting me. Shaking off and calming down after a sudden fall from a great height. I had only to continue my journey and soon I managed to find a path leading somewhere beyond the horizon.

Two guards in shabby, old armor at the top of the tower watched the crawling snail crawling along the railing of their sentry post and discussed a variety of entertaining topics:

-Horse do you really enjoy watching such a pitiful creature? Isn't it better to pay attention to your work? The warrior named Bull asked with a grin.

-Bull, stop thinking like a sack of potatoes. Aren't you interested in watching her crawl? Such a beautiful creature with only the ability to crawl? Isn't it admirable? - With admiration looking at the crawling snail said a warrior named Horse.

The warrior Bull did not understand that his friend had found such "beautiful" in this creature. A slug no more. Better to nail it, let it not suffer. Bull had already begun to draw his sword from his armor to hack to death such a useless creature, but Horse had already understood the intentions of his comrade and covered the snail with his body. Bull stopped his sword from the sudden turn of events and, with a sigh, shoved his cheap sword back into its sheath.

- Horse, I still don't understand, what did you find in her? Every day you follow this snail and every day we discuss the same thing out of boredom. Maybe I can cut the source of the problem, huh? Glancing mercilessly at the poor "invertebrate" she, as if realizing his intentions, hid in her house.

- Bull stop! You scared her. - with a little bit of anger in his voice shouted Horse

With a vicious glance at his comrade, Horse punched him in the jaw. A fight ensued. Horse's sharp blow threw Bull off balance, but deftly restoring his body position, his hand went to the right and stabbed at Horse's jaw. Horse, who did not have time to react, almost fell from the watchtower, grabbing the railing.

Horse was stronger than Bull due to his bulk and training when Bull relied on dodge and agility. Bull's blow also did not pass without a trace, and all this time Horse was with ripples in his eyes. Horse got up from the floor, dodging the incoming blow and several successive blows went into the face of the enemy. Bull, not expecting a counterattack, unsuccessfully put a block, got a couple of good hits from his friend and comrade. Compared to Bull's attack, Horse's attacks were slower, but dealt more damage. Bull continued to "dance" around the opponent and strike, but calculating the trajectory of the enemy. Horse delivered a crushing right-handed blow that hit Bull in the head. Blood burst from Bull's mouth and the winner was determined. Bull was already unconscious from a strong blow to the head. As Horse was about to carry his friend to the infirmary, he noticed a strange black dot on the horizon.

It was an ordinary day in the "Avengers" fortress, this military fortress was created by the king of this country Luthernia to protect against demons. According to him: "These people will protect the inhabitants of the country from the future invasion of demons and protect them at the cost of their own lives."

Many have lost their families and loved ones in the terrible war of demons and humans. This war lasted for many millennia. And now demons and demonic beasts have become an endangered species. And the warriors who burned with hatred and wanted to kill all the demons. Were collected and sent here to guard the area near the Abyssal Forest. All the surviving demonic beasts gathered there, but no one dared to set foot there. Even the "best" warriors sent there never came back alive. That is why the society of the great archmages, fenced off the demonic forest with a powerful barrier to protect humanity. And the need for the "Avengers" disappeared, but many refused to return, remaining on the guard of this deserted fortress and the monument to the achievements of their ancestors. It was a fortress in words. In fact, it was more like a village. Several hundred people with "rusty" swords were guarding unnecessary territory in shoddy armor.

The king refused to provide the "Avengers" with material support, but delivered provisions on a monthly basis. Thus, the "Avengers" continued to stand for several hundred years. They had long forgotten what demons were supposed to look like. Kings succeeded each other, but it was already a tradition for them to provide such an unpromising fortress with provisions for the holidays and for the glory of their ancestors.

The "Avengers" fortress itself stood on a plain surrounded by wooden walls four meters high, some wanted to dig a moat around the fortress, but one of the "Avengers" said that demons can fly and the moat will not stop them. And the moat was canceled. The only property was the tower in the center from where one could observe the "Forest of Evil". The only entrance and exit to the fortress was the front gate. Provisioners often complained about the distance and terrible route. But the "avengers" answered them: "Overcome yourself, go through difficulties and become stronger!" After such an answer. There were usually no more questions. They did not have the opportunity to argue with them because of their "merit".

And then one sunny day. A guard with a "rusty" sword in torn armor looked into the distance with horror and saw a strange silhouette. He approached, leaving the "Forest of Evil". They did not believe him and believed that he was talking nonsense, but having climbed the tower and saw with his own eyes. A military alert was declared throughout the fortress, the soldiers hastily grabbed the equipment of their grandfathers and fled to the walls. When the "demon" got close enough they could see his clothes. Dressed in a black robe covered in strange symbols. There are three small thorns on the shoulders, and three of the same on the knees. The face is covered with a black hood, making it impossible to see the exterior, covered with the same incomprehensible symbols. He came closer and closer. The tension increased many times. The "demon" almost stood at the gate noticing the "avengers" with bows, he waved them, as if mocking them. Sweat poured in a river, everyone was breathing heavily with horror in his eyes, watching the "demon". As soon as he approaches an advantageous position, we will start fire from bows and destroy him in order to protect our country.

Calmly reaching the settlement, I noticed the guards. They aimed their bows at me to calm them down and show that I was not an enemy. I waved my hand to them. Many of them pulled their bows only tighter, and the sound of the string being pulled was heard. I didn't know what to do and decided to try to talk to them. Trying to open my mouth again. I tried to utter at least one word and I managed to say:


The soldiers began to fall from the wall one by one. I watched and did not understand what happened until I heard:

- The demon began to attack our brothers. Fire! - with fear in his voice muttered a guard in an iron helmet to the whole area

A dozen arrows flew in my direction, it seemed to me that I was about to die because of a stupid misunderstanding. Not having time to dodge the arrows. Before reaching my body, they turned into a black mist in front of my body and disappeared. The guards stood and watched, and then I heard screams of horror and a dozen more arrows flew towards me.

The arrows continued to turn into black smoke and were no longer a threat to me. Now I don't need to avoid their shots by calmly reaching the gate. I touched them with my finger and they were gone. I did not understand where my calmness came from, but before losing consciousness, I heard a quiet whisper:

-You won't die.

The guards ran madly at me with swords, but I calmly avoided blows. I was scared, but at the same time an inexplicable calmness seized me. One by one, they arrived. Trying to explain to them that I am not an enemy, one of them accidentally pierced the other with a sword.

- Daemon! Killed our brother, we will avenge him for our families! - the cry of the "avenger".

There were more and more attacks. And now I had fewer opportunities to avoid their attacks. It was as if I was "dancing" in a whirlwind of blades, as if I was doing this every day. Not a single blow could even touch me. With a sharp blow, intercepting the blade of the nearest warrior, I knew the time for pity was gone and it was time to return blow for blow. Now this was no longer a battle, it was a massacre. I only wanted to survive, but they got in my way. Now it's my turn, how lucky I am. The hand of the nearest enemy turned into a "bloody powder", a sharp grip on the head, lifting his body with one hand became a bloody fog and scattered across the battlefield. Not realizing what had happened, the "Avengers" continued to attack, but the "demon" did not react. Rusty "knives", before reaching the flesh, turned into black smoke. Turning around, the "dark demon" grabbed two warriors and, not having time to realize anything, their bodies turned into a "bloody fog". The hands of the "demon" were covered in blood, unclenching his fist and pointing his index finger at the survivors. Indescribable fear was stronger than their hatred. All his actions were cold and ruthless, but the most terrible thing was his calmness, his steps stopped leaving behind a web of destruction and were unusually graceful.

Each step made their hearts and souls flutter with fear. The army began to retreat rapidly, their former confidence in victory was completely destroyed Their bodies fluttered in the wind, a minute passed and less than 150 people remained.

"Avengers" screaming in agony in pain. To each lying person, the "demon" approached and kicked them until they became "bloody dust." Breaking off a thorn from his shoulder, he threw it and killed more than 10 people with it. The hit was with surgical precision, standing in one line, they were doomed to death. At the same time, the spike continued to fly and pierce everything in its path, attempts to block or stop it were in vain. They couldn't even see him. The speed of the black spike was incredible as soon as you close your eyes. And you're dead. The blood painted the earth red, the earth began to be saturated with this smell. Breaking off more thorns from his shoulder, he continued to throw them. These throws were enough to kill every living person, these people were very unlucky, showing aggression because of their fear, the guards were doomed to destruction.

There are less than a hundred people left. The "demon" slowly approached them and their leader, whom they were proud of, the general of the "Avengers", stepped forward. He was their only hope for their survival. His body was covered in muscles, and even his appearance could intimidate anyone in the fortress. His eyes were wide open with terror and anger in his heart. After saying a few words to his loyal comrades, he left taking his sword with him. Covered in weak gilded armor, he drew from his back a huge two-handed sword, cast in gold. And with anger he rushed at his worst enemy. The sword turned into black smoke, right before his eyes, like the past weapon of the warriors who attacked him.

In the same second, the outlines of the enemy blurred. The general was trying to gain time so that as many people as possible could escape and save their lives. But it was already too late. Each was a warrior ready to give his life for his country, but the cruelty and ruthlessness in this battle led the general of the "avengers" into an indescribable shock. His body trembled with fear, gagging began to throat, many warriors could no longer keep it to themselves and the air was saturated with an unpleasant odor.

The general saw that their weapons were useless and ineffective in this carnage. Anger, resentment and fear continued to fill his body and soul. He turned and now every time he blinked, he saw how effortlessly his comrades gave their lives so that as many of them as possible could escape from this terrible carnage. Turning into dozens of bloody fog. "Demon" has already finished off all the others, no one left alive. All their efforts were in vain. The only survivor was the General of the Avengers. His face no longer expressed emotions; all his "family" died in terrible agony, recalling the past. The air was saturated with blood, and the fallen comrades did not even have corpses and were fluttering in the wind in a scarlet mist.

Their screams were now heard only in his head and there was an all-encompassing silence. The only thing left for him to do is to take this demon with him to the judgment of the gods. The crystal was given to him long ago by the king himself in case of imminent danger. It was sealed with the destruction magic "Fire Blast". It was incredibly expensive, the power of this attack was enough to destroy their entire fortress and the "demon" along with it. His legs were trembling with fear, and the "demon" was already bringing his bloody fingers over his head to uproot the "weeds." The crystal could only be used once, and then it was impossible to restore it. The crystal was bright orange, diamond-shaped. Remembering the fallen comrades, his gaze turned from fear into determination. There is no way back, there are only ways forward that lead us along a path known only to us and to no one else. Activation will not happen immediately and it takes time to activate it. Continuing to infuse its life energy, the orange crystal began to glow, accumulating energy inside for a powerful explosion. "Death" was already a step away from him, every second was counting and seemed like an eternity.

A sharp swing of his right hand, his right leg was easily nailed to the ground by a black spike, a sharp swing of his left hand, his left leg was also nailed to the ground with ease by a black spike. The last thing he saw before his death was the happy smile of his enemy. A sharp blow to the head and the general of the "Avengers" became the same bloody fog as his loyal comrades. There was only a dark spot on the site of buildings and not a single living creature nearby, except for a figure in black clothes looking into the distance. And those who are dead no longer need pity. Only the living need pity. Fools must die and regret their boundless stupidity.