
A Man Called Morningstar

“You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.” The old era has collapsed and the new era has arrived. Humanities can now grow stronger to the point of smashing a realm to pieces and powerful, talented humans who are destined to be humanity's greatest protectors shall also arise. But, in a Multiverse, there must be a balance between yin and yang, good and evil and white and black. Since heroes for humanity shall rise, then a demon who does as his heart pleases shall emerge! King of slaughterer, Lord of domination and maybe the future god of...

Daoistf7YZbm · Fantasy
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59 Chs

Chapter 46: Investigation: Lord Of The Mysteries?

While others might feel happy at finding themselves in their favorite novel. What Morningstar felt at this moment was fear. 

_Shit I know too much about this novel! Will I be corrupted by the outer gods?!_ He thought frantically. 

"Officer Hitchcock? Are you okay?" Officer Klein asked with doubt as he saw how dramatic Hitchcock reacted to the news. 

"I... I am fine. Just some slight headache. Anyway, can I have the information about them?" Hitchcock asked, trying to divert his attention. 

 Morningstar felt cringe at the name, _Fuck who hates this baby to the core to name him Hitchcock?_ he thought as he saw Klein handing him some papers. Flipping through it, he let out a sigh of relief since it was written in English. Reading through it, his expression turns serious.