
A Man Blossoming at Thirty

Once a multimillionaire, I found myself on the brink of bankruptcy at the age of 30, about to savor life. My wife of six years not only handed me divorce papers but also adorned me with a glaring green hat. In the depths of life's trough, I serendipitously encountered a captivating female CEO. Determined to reclaim my innocence, I resurrected the glory of yesteryears. Armed not only with vengeance against my enemies but also a mission to make those who once looked down on me pay the price for their shallow judgments!......

flybees · Urban
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32 Chs

Wishful Thinking

Once I took my seat, my father-in-law got straight to the point, "We know about your issues with Emily, Alex Phoenix. Honestly, accusing her of infidelity without any evidence and resorting to physical violence—what kind of man are you? This isn't what you promised when you married our daughter."

I understood; they were here to hold me accountable.

Razor Claw probably went back and spilled the beans, and now the whole family came to lecture me.

Thinking I was conceding by remaining silent, my father-in-law continued, "You're not a kid anymore; you're thirty this year. You've been married to Emily for six years. You know who she is. I get that you're under stress, but that doesn't justify hitting your wife. You should be a responsible man. When I gave my daughter to you, this isn't what I expected."

I nodded, not inclined to argue. With the whole family present, no amount of explanation would suffice.

He went on to lecture me further, emphasizing the need for me to show some masculine responsibility and trust in my wife.

In reality, after we got married, I did trust her. I never snooped on her phone or invaded her privacy. I believed that even in marriage, each person should have some personal space out of respect.

But Emily didn't respect me. I had no idea when her infidelity started; I only recently found out. Without enough evidence, I wasn't ready to make the situation messier. So, I chose to endure, at least for the time being.

In the evening, my mother-in-law prepared dinner, and the whole family gathered around the table.

My father-in-law brought some wine, poured glasses for me and Xiao Kun, then turned to Razor Claw, saying, "Razor Claw, bring the wine to your brother-in-law as an apology!"

I was puzzled. What game was my father-in-law playing now?

Moments ago, they were scolding me, and now they were being friendly?

Reluctantly, Razor Claw picked up the glass, offered it to me, and said, "Brother-in-law, I acted impulsively yesterday. You know I'm a bit rough. Don't take it to heart. We're family; forgive me."

My wife chimed in, "Yes, honey, my brother was just concerned about me. Forgive him!"

Even my mother-in-law joined, "Alex, Razor Claw may be harsh in words, but he cares for Emily. Don't hold it against him."

What was this family up to?

Since my bankruptcy, they hadn't treated me this kindly. It was either offering toasts or speaking good words. It reminded me of their flattering attitudes during my prosperous days, now mirroring their current behavior.

I wasn't naive. Seeing them act this way, I understood.

It must be about the news of my family's impending demolition that my wife disclosed. Now, they were trying to please me.

No doubt about it, this family knew how to exploit situations. They wanted to drain me dry!

I couldn't drink this wine. Accepting Razor Claw's apology and they would seize the opportunity to morally pressure me with just a few words.

So, I smiled and declined the glass Razor Claw extended, "No need for apologies. Family grudges don't linger."

Razor Claw's face turned slightly unpleasant after I refused the wine. Unsure of what to do, he looked towards my father-in-law for help.

My father-in-law, a shrewd man, spoke up, "Son-in-law is right. Family disputes shouldn't last. We should support each other, right?"

I bitterly smiled; were we finally getting to the point?

I didn't beat around the bush, "Dad, just say what you have to say."

My father-in-law glanced at my mother-in-law, signaling her to speak.

So, my mother-in-law started, "Since you put it that way, let's be frank. Razor Claw has been discussing marriage with his girlfriend recently. We thought of buying him a house as a wedding gift. We're a bit short on funds, so we came to talk to you."

I jokingly asked, "How much are you short?"

"Only a million."

Listening to their tone, a million seemed like pocket change to them!

I shrugged, "I don't have that kind of money."

At this point, my wife couldn't hold back, "Why not? Didn't you say last time your old house's demolition compensation is over a million?"

"Yes, but it's not confirmed yet!"

My wife suggested, "We can sell this property first. I checked with the agent today, and our house can fetch around 1.8 million. Once we receive the demolition compensation, we can use it for a mortgage."

Wow, what a perfect plan she had! Sell this fully paid-off house to buy a new one for Razor Claw, and then mortgage another for ourselves with the demolition compensation. Did anyone conduct business like this?

I didn't bother arguing with them. I waved my hand and said, "I won't touch that money. It belongs to my mom, and I want to save it for her old age."

Razor Claw, with a hot temper, slammed his cup on the table and shouted at me, "Alex Phoenix, don't think I don't know. Emily told me everything. Do you think you're still the same person from before? Come on, times have changed!"

I glanced at my wife; she deliberately avoided my gaze.

I felt an intense anger. Was she really going to cut me off so completely?

Why was her heart so ruthless?

But this confrontation was what I wanted. The sooner we broke off, the better. I had no interest in exchanging more words with this family of parasites.

I decided to be direct, "Speak up. I won't touch that money. No discussion. If you have the guts, put a knife to my throat and take it."

After saying that, I stood up and returned to the bedroom.

The seemingly sumptuous dinner ended on a sour note.

They probably didn't expect the once submissive me, who obeyed every command after bankruptcy, to suddenly become so resolute.

Behind the bedroom door, I could still hear my mother-in-law and Razor Claw arguing.

I put on my headphones, tuning them out. I had no idea how much time passed before the bedroom door opened.

Turning my head, I saw my wife walking in.

I thought she would scold me, but to my surprise, she sat beside me, carrying a faint fragrance from her recent shower.

"Honey, don't be mad at my parents. They've left, and about the demolition compensation, let's forget it."

Seated next to me, my wife spoke softly.

"Sure," I replied, smoking a cigarette with a nonchalant tone.

"Honey, don't smoke. Smoke me instead," she said, sitting on my lap.

I looked at her coldly, neither pushing her away nor reacting.

Usually, I would have thrown her onto the bed by now, but at this moment, I had absolutely no interest in that aspect of her.

Seeing that I didn't resist, my wife pressed herself even closer.

She also blew air into my ear and whispered, "Our son is already asleep."