
A Man Blossoming at Thirty

Once a multimillionaire, I found myself on the brink of bankruptcy at the age of 30, about to savor life. My wife of six years not only handed me divorce papers but also adorned me with a glaring green hat. In the depths of life's trough, I serendipitously encountered a captivating female CEO. Determined to reclaim my innocence, I resurrected the glory of yesteryears. Armed not only with vengeance against my enemies but also a mission to make those who once looked down on me pay the price for their shallow judgments!......

flybees · Urban
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32 Chs

Thought I Was Raised by a Scaredy-cat?

This is too much, absolutely too much!

Not only did she cheat on me without a shred of shame, but she also disrespected my mom, locking her outside.

Thinking about how my mom worked hard to raise me, how she carried me on her back in the dark for over ten miles to the town hospital when I had a severe illness as a child, makes my blood boil.

And in these years, she worked tirelessly to ensure I could finish college, playing the roles of both mother and father. She ate worse than a pig, slept later than a dog, and woke up earlier than a rooster every day.

Why should Emily be allowed to criticize her like this?

Can I endure this? I can't!

Perhaps my wife has never seen me so furious. It's indeed the first time I've laid hands on her, but she deserved it.

She staggered backward, covering her red face from my slap, screaming, "Alex Phoenix, dare you hit me? Even my parents never dared to touch me, and you hit me?"

With bloodshot eyes, I glared at her, shouting, "I won't just hit you; I'll kill you!"

Saying that, I pulled out the boning knife from behind!

Seeing the knife, my wife's eyes flickered for a moment, but soon she stretched her neck, thinking I was just trying to scare her.

"Try hitting me if you dare! Come on, have the guts to stab me!" she challenged.

Seeing the confidence in her eyes, thinking I was only trying to intimidate her, she was wrong. Ever since I received that call from our son, I hadn't thought about living.

If I'm going down, we're all going down together. But first, I need to expose that adulterer and take him down with me.

I cornered my wife against the wall, placing the knife at her throat, my eyes bloodshot, and said, "You think I won't do it? Emily, since the day you betrayed me, I've thought about killing you before ending my own life. It's better to end it all!"

My wife, frightened by my words, lost her previous fierce look. She softened her tone, "Husband, please put the knife down. Let's talk about this."

"Tell me, who is that man?"

My wife, looking distressed, begged, "Husband, please don't do this. I'm scared."

"Now you're scared? What about when you were having a good time with that adulterer in bed?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about? What adulterer?" My wife's eyes dodged mine, clearly panicking.

"Heh," I sneered, continuing to glare at her menacingly. "Our son may be young, but he wouldn't lie. Xiaowei, are you going to tell me or not?"

"I have nothing to say! Alex Phoenix, don't lose control; you might regret it. I can sue you for domestic violence!" My wife suddenly screamed.

"Sue me? Go ahead!"

As she spoke, she forcefully pushed me and rushed into the bedroom.

I hurriedly followed, wanting to grab her, but she violently resisted, screaming and trying to claw at my face.

Her nails were long, and in the struggle, she scratched my face.

Furious, I forcefully pushed her onto the bed.

I pounced, grabbing her by the throat, shouting, "Today, I won't let you off! I work so hard to earn money for the family, and you're sneaking around behind my back."

She continued to struggle, but it was futile. Her delicate face quickly turned red, as if she was about to suffocate.

Seeing her like this, a wave of sadness washed over me, and I reluctantly let go of her neck.

She sat up, coughing violently, her eyes glaring at me fiercely, as if she wanted to devour me.

Gradually calming down, I lit a cigarette for myself.

Taking a deep drag, I eased my tone and said, "Tell me who that man is. If you don't, I won't spare you."

As I finished speaking, there was a sudden loud bang from outside.

The door was kicked open. Before I could react, a rapid set of footsteps rushed in.

I looked up abruptly.

Standing at the bedroom door was a tall, fierce-looking man with a crew cut, holding a watermelon knife.

This man was my wife's brother, a former convict who had been out for less than half a year.

He stormed in, swinging the knife towards my head, cursing, "Alex Phoenix, you dare to bully my sister, I'll kill you!"

I dodged, and his knife landed with a loud thud on the bed.

I quickly ran to the living room and picked up the boning knife from the floor.

At the same time, Razor Claw also followed, seeing the knife in my hand, he froze.

I brandished the boning knife at him, shouting, "Come on! You think I'm scared because I grew up in fear?"

"Alright! I'll kill you if necessary, and I'll go back in. So what?" he sneered coldly, rushing towards me.

Just then, my mom's trembling voice appeared at the doorway, "Don't fight, please don't fight."

I turned to look at my mother; she was holding the vegetables she had just bought. Seeing Razor Claw and me holding knives, about to attack each other, she was almost in tears.

My heart softened instantly, and I called out, "Mom, your son is unfilial, and for your kindness, I'll repay it in the next life!"

My mom ran towards me, hugging me tightly, begging me to put down the knife.

Feeling powerless, Razor Claw also dropped his knife, shouting at my mom, "Old lady, your son bullied my sister, so I had to interfere!"

My mom took the boning knife from my hand, then looked at Razor Claw and said, "You're all family; can't we talk calmly without resorting to violence?"

"Talk calmly? Fart! Your useless son almost strangled my sister to death. Do you know?" Razor Claw sneered.

My mom couldn't say anything for a while because she didn't know what had happened.

I was about to speak when Xiao Kun approached, glaring at my mom, saying, "Old lady, your son is worthless. Can't make money, and even resorts to violence against his wife. Is he useful at all?"

My mom lowered her head, unable to say anything. She always sacrificed herself for the sake of peace.

But I couldn't bear to watch, and I walked up, eyes red, and said, "Razor Claw, be more respectful when you speak. She's my mom!"

"What's wrong? I said it. So what?" Razor Claw said, suddenly sniffing the air, staring at the two sacks on the floor, and sneering, "What's this stinking thing? Turns out it's this garbage."

With that, he picked up the sack and threw it all out. The cured meat and sausages scattered all over, and the eggs broke, creating a mess.

My mom stomped her feet in distress, "Oh, why like this! I brought these from the countryside for my son, daughter-in-law, and grandson. Why did you do this?"

Trash, you think my sister and my little nephew would eat this crap? Only your useless son would!" Razor Claw sneered.

I clenched my fists, the sense of humiliation flooding over me, causing me to lose the last shreds of my composure.

Picking up the boning knife from the ground, I swung it fiercely towards the back of Razor Claw's head.