
A Man Blossoming at Thirty

Once a multimillionaire, I found myself on the brink of bankruptcy at the age of 30, about to savor life. My wife of six years not only handed me divorce papers but also adorned me with a glaring green hat. In the depths of life's trough, I serendipitously encountered a captivating female CEO. Determined to reclaim my innocence, I resurrected the glory of yesteryears. Armed not only with vengeance against my enemies but also a mission to make those who once looked down on me pay the price for their shallow judgments!......

flybees · Urban
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32 Chs

The Setup

Ava's body felt as soft as a pile of mud, constantly slipping downward, but she smelled so good, so enticing that I found myself drawn in.

Yet, I struggled to keep my thoughts in check, all the while supporting her weight and scanning our surroundings.

Not far across the street stood a hotel, so I wrapped my arm around her waist and guided us toward it.

Along the way, I couldn't help but grumble, "You used to hold your liquor well. What happened? You seem to be getting worse at it!"

Ava, intoxicated, with her tongue lolling, slurred, "I used to be young. Now, I'm almost thirty."

I retorted, "Age isn't an excuse. If you know you can't handle it, why drink at all? Luckily, you ran into me today. If it were someone else—"

Before I could finish, Ava interrupted with a mischievous grin, "If it were someone else, what would happen?"

I chuckled, teasingly, "What else? They might just take advantage of you. Not everyone's as chivalrous as I am!"

Suddenly, Ava gripped my arm and halted. I turned to her, questioning, "What's wrong?"

Her gaze was hazy as she softened her tone, "Alex Phoenix, why don't you take advantage of me?"

My mind buzzed momentarily. What was initially a jest had unexpectedly become earnest.

I laughed, "Don't be silly. Let's keep moving. I'll get you to the hotel, then I have to go back."

But she persisted, still clinging to me, pouting, "Don't leave. Stay with me tonight. I know you liked me back in college. Tonight, I'm yours."

My heart skipped a beat. "Ava, stop fooling around! If you keep this up, I'll leave you here and walk away."

Before I could finish, she leaned in, and suddenly, a wave of fragrance engulfed me.

My mind went blank.

Ava, slightly shorter than me, hooked her fingers around my neck, standing on tiptoes.

My thoughts spun.

In a daze, I instinctively tried to push her away.

But she resisted, holding on tight, becoming even bolder.

In that moment, I felt an electric surge.

Memories flooded my mind, clouding my judgment.

Though my wife was my first, everyone has a first love.

Ava was never my girlfriend, but to me, she was my first love.

First loves are sweet, and I'd often fantasized about being with her.

Now, she was kissing me, right here in this deserted street.

Too bold. Under such excitement, adrenaline soared, and rationality vanished.

Thoughts of my wife's infidelity, thoughts of the looming cuckoldry, drove me to lose control.

In that moment, I carried no burdens.

The company's bankruptcy, my wife's affair, all life's pressures, they nearly suffocated me.

I desperately needed an outlet, and Ava appeared.

I exerted force, even using her as a release.

And Ava seemed to relish it, emitting soft moans from her nose.

However, just as I was fully immersed, I heard a clicking sound.

I snapped back, turning to see Ava holding a phone, capturing the scene.

My body stiffened, and I pushed her away, glaring at her with anger.

"Ava, what's the meaning of this?" I lowered my voice, demanding an explanation.

She seemed suddenly sober, with a smug smile, casually saying, "What do you think? Fool!"

She even dared to insult me! I couldn't bear it.

I lunged at her, grabbing her collar, glaring, growling, "Tell me! What are you up to?"

"No big deal, just someone wanted to test you through me. Didn't expect you to fall for it so quickly. I thought your true colors would only show in the hotel room. Seems I overestimated you."

With a cold snort, she added, "Men, none of you are any good. All the same!"

I was furious. "Who put you up to this? You better tell me now or I'll throw you into the river!"

Having been in society for so long, Ava wasn't scared by my threats.

She continued to gaze at me, seemingly amused, calmly saying, "You better not worry about that. All you need to know is, you're in trouble. Unless you cough up twenty grand, those photos stay."

She leaned in closer, taunting, "And I can still spend the night with you, make it worth your while."

Damn it, this woman was playing games with me!

Of course, I knew those photos weren't taken for no reason. Someone must be behind it.

Was it my wife?

She did know Ava, and their relationship seemed rather good.

Once again, I questioned her, "Was it Emily who sent you?"

Still not telling the truth, she maintained her calm smile, casually saying, "You better let go of me soon, otherwise, you'll ruin yourself."

I was stunned, utterly stunned!

I'd been played, by Emily and Ava working together.

I should've known Ava wasn't sincere. After all these years of no contact, how could she suddenly reach out?

But those bruises on her arm felt so real, that's what fooled me.

Finally, I released her, but with a bitter laugh, I said, "Fine, you got me. Remember this, Ava. One day, I'll have you begging at my feet!"

Ava wasn't fazed by my threats, still smiling calmly, clucking her tongue, "Is that all you've got? You're too soft. I thought you might offer me twenty grand to delete those photos."

"Twenty grand? I wouldn't give you twenty bucks!" I yelled.

"Fine, then don't blame me. Besides, you seemed to enjoy yourself earlier."

With that, she retrieved her phone, swaying away with a seductive stride.

Watching her leave, anger surged within me. I wanted to grab her phone and delete those pictures.

Whatever it took, after being played like this, why should I care anymore?

But just as I pondered this, a van suddenly screeched to a halt in front of Ava.

The door clattered open, and three burly men emerged, clearly heading for Ava.

Seeing this, Ava bolted. She wasn't drunk now; that was an act.

The three men chased after her, yelling threats. "Stop, you bitch! You're not getting away today!"

I sensed trouble and hurried to follow, wanting to know what was happening.