
A Man Blossoming at Thirty

Once a multimillionaire, I found myself on the brink of bankruptcy at the age of 30, about to savor life. My wife of six years not only handed me divorce papers but also adorned me with a glaring green hat. In the depths of life's trough, I serendipitously encountered a captivating female CEO. Determined to reclaim my innocence, I resurrected the glory of yesteryears. Armed not only with vengeance against my enemies but also a mission to make those who once looked down on me pay the price for their shallow judgments!......

flybees · Urban
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32 Chs

Eliminating Demolition Quota

I have to admit that Seraphina Bloom looks quite charming when she smiles, with those rosy lips and white teeth, truly beautiful.

The wind on the rooftop was strong, messing up Seraphina Bloom's hair. She casually took a hair tie from her bag and tied it up, as if it was bothersome.

In any case, this woman gives me a very casual yet naturally graceful feeling.

Just like her beauty, it's natural, not enhanced by cosmetics or plastic surgery.

"So, you used to be quite wealthy, huh?" I admit I was a bit lost in thought until she spoke again, and I subconsciously lit a cigarette, looking into the distance, taking a puff and saying, "Not bad, just not extremely wealthy."

"But it seems like your reputation in the village is not very good?" She raised an eyebrow, saying, "Did they tell you everything?"

"Even that Keilee person? Who is he to you?" I hesitated for a moment, then smiled bitterly and replied, "My third cousin, did she tell you everything?"

"It seems like you have some complicated relationships."

"Believing everything they say about you, I think you're just like that too."

She seemed quite interested in my affairs and said, "Alright, explain it to me then!"

I thought about explaining but suddenly felt it wasn't necessary. I said, "Forget it, let's not dwell on the past. As for my house, tear it down if you want, I won't force it."

Seraphina Bloom didn't say much, just turned and went downstairs.

As she was about to leave my house, my mom hurriedly ran out and stopped Seraphina Bloom. "Miss, have lunch before you go! I'm already preparing."

Ungratefully waving my mom away, Seraphina Bloom said, "No, Auntie, I have something to do in the neighboring town."

I echoed, "Exactly, Mom, let her go! She's a busy person."

My mom couldn't persuade her and went back inside, but not without giving Seraphina Bloom a bag of oranges, saying, "Miss, these are picked from our orange tree, no pesticides, enjoy, they're sweet."

Reluctantly taking the bag after glancing at me, Seraphina Bloom said, "Thank you, Auntie. I'll come to see you another day. I have a lot to do today."

My mom nodded, walked Seraphina Bloom to the door, and quietly asked her, "Miss, can our house be demolished?"

Seraphina Bloom whispered back, "Auntie, we need to discuss this when we get back. Don't worry."

After that, she got into her car and left.

I knew, with a high probability, that our house wouldn't be demolished.

Pity my mom, preparing lunch and giving away oranges for nothing.

What surprised me was that my mom's gesture of giving oranges to Seraphina Bloom quickly became the talk of the village.

They said my mom was bribing the developer.

Hearing these rumors, I was speechless. Sending a few oranges is considered bribery? It's absurd.

However, in the countryside, bad news spreads faster than 5G. Soon the entire village knew.

I was angry, but I had no temper because facing the whole village, I couldn't confront them alone. I would drown in a sea of gossip.

My mom, frustrated at home, wanted to explain to the villagers, but I stopped her.

I felt it was unnecessary; the more you explain, the less they care.

In the countryside, I still had some influence. People hesitated because they knew I had a bad temper.

However, once I left, my mom would suffer.

But I wouldn't stand idly by. I would slowly settle this score.

At three in the afternoon, the village head called everyone to the village committee, saying the developer needed some signatures for additional work.

I didn't expect Seraphina Bloom to return. I stood on the edge, listening to her talk.

After discussing some matters, she got to the point, "Originally, we planned to demolish seven houses in your village. But after discussing at lunch, we decided to remove one. I inspected it, and it's not suitable for demolition."

People started to worry, especially those already selected for demolition.

I wasn't worried at all because I knew that the one removed would be my house.

Sure enough, Seraphina Bloom announced, "The removed household is owned by Alex Phoenix."

Everyone looked at me, almost gloating, more excited than if their own houses were being demolished.

Then Seraphina Bloom continued, talking about building a beautiful rural area, asking for villagers' active cooperation. The details would be handled by the village head.

After the meeting, Seraphina Bloom and her team left without saying a word to me.

The bag of oranges my mom gave her vanished without a trace.

Pity my mom's good intentions!

At this point, the villagers started cheering, saying things like, "Others gave gifts, but the developer still removed a household." They spoke ill of us, making me furious.

Seraphina Bloom, I'll remember you!

Then the village head asked everyone to stay, saying it was time to collect donations for the old village chief.

The whole village respected the old village chief, and no one left. Even those who didn't attend the meeting came.

My reputation had already soured.

Imagine this! My mom gave a gift to the developer, but our house wasn't selected for demolition. What a joke!

Therefore, these villagers kept their distance from me, even spreading rumors behind my back. It was clear they were pushing me out.

I wanted to leave, but the thought of donating to the old village chief made me endure this humiliation and stay.

I remembered the time when the village would gather around me during big events, even asking me to speak. My wife would stand by my side, holding my hand, and the surroundings would be filled with envious glances.

Now, I not only had no presence but was also ostracized like an outsider.

Considering my family background, my status wasn't low. The old village chief was just from my father's generation, and there weren't many with a higher status than me in the audience.

But because I fell from grace and didn't offer much to them initially, now that something happened, they wanted to remove me from the family.

These people, if it weren't for the road I built for them back then, would they have a happy life now?

I should have known that people's hearts are insatiable, like a snake trying to swallow an elephant. The better you treat them, the more they feel entitled.

When you start treating them badly, they see you as a criminal.

These truths are only realized through experience, and at this moment, the pain is deep.

While donating, I suddenly received a call. I didn't expect it to be Seraphina Bloom.

Answering her call, when I realized it was her, my temper flared up, and I coldly said, "You still have the nerve to call me!"

"How do I not have the face?" Seraphina Bloom calmly asked.

"If you have a conscience, bring back the bag of oranges my mom gave you. Now both my mom and I are nearly drowned in the villagers' spit."

"No way? Is it that serious?"

"Even more serious than you think."

"But these oranges are quite tasty. There's no reason for me to return them."

I laughed in exasperation. "So why did you call me?"

"Two things," Seraphina Bloom wasted no time, very decisively. "First, I want to collaborate with you. Second, while I indeed won't demolish your house, I have other plans for it. In any case, you won't lose a cent."

Her words left me stunned. What did she mean?

After a moment of confusion, I asked, "Make it clear; I didn't understand."

"I want to collaborate with you. I want to use the plan you discussed in my office last time. Name your price!"