
A Man Blossoming at Thirty

Once a multimillionaire, I found myself on the brink of bankruptcy at the age of 30, about to savor life. My wife of six years not only handed me divorce papers but also adorned me with a glaring green hat. In the depths of life's trough, I serendipitously encountered a captivating female CEO. Determined to reclaim my innocence, I resurrected the glory of yesteryears. Armed not only with vengeance against my enemies but also a mission to make those who once looked down on me pay the price for their shallow judgments!......

flybees · Urban
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32 Chs

Burning the Boats

I never expected the person getting out of the BMW to be Hardy, my former subordinate from the company!

How could it be him?

But I did recognize the BMW; it was the same car I saw in the parking lot of the Orland Hotel last time.

After Hardy got out of the BMW, he went straight into the hospital, talked to the security guard for a while, and was let through.

The footage then showed Hardy entering Adrian's ward. Of course, there were no cameras in the ward, so I have no idea what happened in there.

Nearly ten minutes later, Hardy emerged from Adrian's ward.

He looked dejected, indicating that he hadn't achieved his goal.

The footage ended there, and there was definitely more to the story. As for what it was, I couldn't say for sure.

I then told the doctor, "This person has a problem. He's definitely not Adrian's friend. If he comes again, please call me."

The doctor suddenly realized, "No wonder. After he came, Adrian seemed highly agitated, especially that day. It took several doctors to restrain him."

I felt heavy-hearted, but it was clear that Hardy was somehow connected to the bankruptcy of my former company.

After the doctor promised to call me the next time Hardy showed up, I left on my electric scooter.

What surprised me was that I received a call from Hardy while on the way.

I pulled over and answered his call. "What's up?" I asked.

He didn't change his number; of course, I still used my old number, so naturally, I still had his number.

On the phone, Hardy politely said, "Boss Alex, I'm calling you without any ulterior motive. I just want to meet and chat with you. Is that okay?"

I thought for a moment. If I hadn't seen him at the psychiatric hospital earlier, there was no way I would have met someone like him.

But now I needed to figure out everything, so I agreed and asked where we should meet.

He gave me an address, which turned out to be a café downstairs from my former company's building.

I arrived at the café we agreed on more than half an hour later, and he was already waiting inside.

When he saw me, he waved eagerly.

I walked over and sat across from him. He politely asked what I would like to drink.

I said anything was fine, so he ordered me a latte and said, "Boss Alex, I know this is your favorite. I used to see you drink it often in the company."

I didn't have time for small talk, so I cut to the chase and asked, "What do you want from me?"

"Good things," Hardy said with a smirk.

I replied coldly, "What good things could you possibly want from me?"

"I want you to join my company, and your salary is up to you."

I furrowed my brows in confusion. "Your company? Aren't you at Ruixing?"

Before I could finish, Hardy interrupted, "I was at Ruixing before. In fact, I registered my own company half a year ago. Ruixing was just a stepping stone, and I took their clients along the way."

After hearing this, I chuckled. This guy never changed. He took away some of my company's clients back then, and now he's poaching Ruixing's clients.

But I really didn't expect him to have the ability to start a company, so I jokingly asked, "What kind of company? How big is it?"

"It's still a software company. Currently, including me, we have thirty people. It's not a lot, but it's fully equipped!"

I chuckled again and said, "Why do you think I would agree to join you?"

"You will, because you've always wanted a turnaround. I can give you that opportunity."

I instinctively frowned and asked, "What do you mean?"

Hardy didn't beat around the bush. "Let me be straightforward! If you join my company, I'll give you a base salary of fifteen thousand a month, plus a two percent commission on projects. Isn't that better than delivering takeout?"

Indeed, it was much better than delivering takeout, not to mention the fifteen thousand base salary. Just the two percent commission alone was quite substantial!

I didn't quite understand Hardy's intentions, but I could guess a little. Still, I asked him, "Why?"

Hardy shrugged, "No reason, just because you have the capability. I wouldn't be interested in anyone else."

I rubbed my nose awkwardly and smiled, "You know my past, and yet you dare to use me?"

Hardy seemed to have a plan and didn't hesitate to say, "It's easy. I've prepared everything. When the time comes, all the programs you write will be published under my name. In short, you'll just be a coder."

Hardy was very straightforward; he didn't beat around the bush.

To be honest, this was very disadvantageous for a programmer and extremely insulting.

Think about it! You work hard to code at home, only to have your work published under someone else's name.

Isn't that screwed up?

Of course, this method could effectively hide my identity and showcase my abilities again.

If it were the me before today, I would never agree. Even if I had to deliver takeout for the rest of my life, I wouldn't agree to such a request.

But now, I needed to gain his trust, find evidence of the bankruptcy of the company back then, and the only way to do that was to have as much contact with Hardy as possible.

So, after a long silence, I finally said, "I can agree, but my time is up to me. In other words, I can work from home or come to the office as I please. Can you agree to that?"

Hardy didn't hesitate at all. He laughed and said, "Sure, programmers can work from home. I agree."

I couldn't force a smile because the real show was just beginning.

Excitedly, Hardy said, "From now on, I'll be your boss. It's not very appropriate to call you boss anymore, so can I call you Alex Phoenix?"

"Suit yourself."

"Great! I really didn't expect you to agree. I thought you would pick up your coffee cup and throw it in my face, then leave."

Of course, if I hadn't gone to the psychiatric hospital and seen that surveillance footage, I probably would have done just that.

But to make him happy, I forced a smile and said, "Don't think of me as that stubborn. I have a family waiting for me at home to take care of. Who wouldn't get along with money?"

Hardy laughed heartily, "Right, it seems you've come around. People need to be open-minded."

After that, he added, "Don't worry, from now on, work well with me, and I won't mistreat you."

I hypocritically smiled and thanked him, addressing him as Prime Minister.

Especially the words "Prime Minister," I emphasized them.

Hardy liked it very much, so he leaned closer to me and said, "Come on, call me again."

I called him three times in a row, and he enjoyed it, smiling broadly.

Yes! Initially, I wasn't very nice to him because he always had problems at work, so I often scolded him, making him feel small.

But now, he was my leader, and naturally, he enjoyed seeing me humble in front of him.

Playing along, my wife taught me.

Getting close to you is the first step, fully entering your circle is the second step, and making you regret it is the third step.

This time, I'm going all out!