
A Man Blossoming at Thirty

Once a multimillionaire, I found myself on the brink of bankruptcy at the age of 30, about to savor life. My wife of six years not only handed me divorce papers but also adorned me with a glaring green hat. In the depths of life's trough, I serendipitously encountered a captivating female CEO. Determined to reclaim my innocence, I resurrected the glory of yesteryears. Armed not only with vengeance against my enemies but also a mission to make those who once looked down on me pay the price for their shallow judgments!......

flybees · Urban
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32 Chs

A Pack of Wolves

Everyone was taken aback by my imposing presence, except for my uncle who took a step forward, seemingly thinking that I wouldn't dare do anything to him.

At that moment, I caught a whiff of alcohol from my uncle's mouth, indicating that he had been drinking quite a bit.

He glared at me fiercely and shouted, "What the hell do you want, kid? Planning to hit someone? Can't you see if you're capable enough?"

Aunt and Uncle chimed in, "Exactly! This brat dares to hit elders. I say we call the police and have him locked up."

I couldn't take it anymore, really couldn't!

Swinging the hoe in my hand, I aimed for my uncle's head and brought it down.

But at that very moment, my mom shouted, "Stop! Alex, have you gone mad? This is your uncle!"

"Mom, they don't recognize us. What uncle? I don't have such relatives!"

"Keilee, did you see that? This is the son you raised, destined to end up in jail sooner or later," Aunt scornfully remarked.

My mom stood in front of me, almost kneeling before the so-called relatives. She pleaded, "I beg you, spare our family! I'll compensate for those three chickens, is that not enough?"

Only then did they seem satisfied with my mom's plea. My uncle, with a strange look, stared at me and said, "Aren't you wealthy now? Why are you back? Are you bankrupt, scrambling back here to seek refuge? Such things don't happen in this world."

I felt uncomfortable hearing this and retorted, "Whether I come back or not has nothing to do with you. If we talk about compensation, why don't you start by returning the 100,000 yuan I lent you to start the chicken farm!"

My uncle's face changed upon hearing this, and Aunt quickly added, "Stop making baseless accusations. When did we borrow money from you?"

I calmly smiled and said, "I have a promissory note here. Don't want to admit it? The promissory note holds legal weight!"

Aunt seemed unaware of this, glancing at my uncle. He immediately lowered his head, as if guilty of some wrongdoing.

Aunt turned to my uncle and asked, "Did you really borrow money?"

Reluctantly, my uncle nodded but then looked at me and said, "You said you were helping me start a chicken farm; we never discussed borrowing."

I laughed, "I didn't mention borrowing, but you insisted on creating a promissory note, claiming brothers should keep accounts clear. I had no choice but to accept it. This promissory note is legally binding!"

Aunt, upon hearing this, became furious. She turned to my uncle and questioned, "Is it true?"

My uncle, with his head down, softly mumbled, "Yes."

Enraged, Aunt grabbed my uncle's ear and left.

I turned to the uncle and aunt who hadn't left yet and said, "Uncle, when your house was renovated back then—"

Before I could finish, Uncle interrupted, "I never borrowed money from you. You willingly helped us pay."

Look at that, is this how people talk?

This is what they call relatives! Bloodsucking relatives!

I sighed, "Yes, you didn't borrow money from me, and I don't have a promissory note. But I remember that day you were with a woman on the street."

Before I could finish, Uncle hastily interrupted, "What street, what woman? I don't know what you're talking about. Leave, go back."

Aunt was still standing there, staring at Uncle. She interrogated, "What woman? What did Chen Feng mean just now?"

"Nothing, oh! Just go back, go back."

Saying that, Uncle hurriedly ran out.

Aunt looked at me again and asked, "Alex Phoenix, what did you mean just now?"

I didn't want to deliberately cause a dispute, so I said, "Go ask Uncle what I meant. I won't see you off."

Finally, I managed to send these two families away. Although relieved, I saw my mom looking tired.

I walked up to her, gently patted her shoulder, and asked, "Mom, are you okay?"

Mom shook her head and sighed, "No, Alex, will you blame Mom for being useless, for making you unable to hold your head high?"

I smiled, "How could that be? Mom, I've never thought that way. You are great; you are the greatest mother in the world."

In the afternoon, we had initially planned to donate to the old village chief. Still, due to the village director's busy schedule, we postponed it until tomorrow.

The old village chief was still in the city hospital, making it impossible for us to visit him.

That night, my mom prepared a sumptuous dinner for me. There was cured pork and sausage, as well as the duck soup I loved. There were hardly any vegetables.

That's my mom for you. When she's alone at home, she eats porridge and pickles. As soon as I come back, she gives me the best in the house.

After dinner, my mom went to tidy up my musty bedding.

Afraid she would tire herself, I went to the kitchen to clean up, washing pots, bowls, and utensils, busy until late at night.

In the countryside, it's usually quiet around ten in the evening. Everyone goes to bed early, but I couldn't sleep.

Sitting alone in the yard, staring at the moon in the sky, my mind wandered.

The countryside air is comfortable, making you forget the hustle and bustle of the city. However, I couldn't forget my wife's infidelity.

It's my shame, something I can never forget in my life!

Thinking about the changes in my hometown over the years, every household has built small buildings, and the greenery is well maintained. You hardly see garbage along the roads; everything is centralized.

But thinking about the demolition of the house, I feel a bit reluctant.

Not to mention the fact that the house cost me quite a bit back then. Just consider that my father built it brick by brick. Now, is it going to be torn down?

But when I think about how my business needs this money, I get entangled again.

What's most heartbreaking is these bloodsucking relatives. When I had money, they all flocked to me, inviting me to their homes during festivals, preparing the best tea and wine.

I really helped them back then, not to mention lending my uncle a hundred thousand to start a chicken farm. Even their house renovations were financed by me, including Uncle and Aunt.

Self-reflecting, I haven't mistreated any of them.

But now that I'm down and out, they treat me like I'm nothing. I don't even know how they ruthlessly humiliated my mom when I wasn't home.

I'll settle this score sooner or later. Family or not, they're all wolves in sheep's clothing.

Don't let me rise again; otherwise, I will make them regret it, I definitely will!

The next morning, my mom had prepared breakfast early. While enjoying it, the village director announced that the property developers had arrived, asking each family to send a representative to the village committee for a meeting.

After breakfast, I went to the village committee and saw a few cars parked at the entrance, including a Maserati.

There were quite a few people. Although the village director said one person per family, practically the entire family had come. After all, this was about getting money.

But I felt it wasn't that simple. The whole village wouldn't be demolished. This wasn't a government-led development project; it was private. It should only affect some areas.

Many people greeted me when they saw me, as I was still quite well-known in the village. Before, they used to surround me, but now, they greeted me with backhanded compliments.

For example, "Hey! Isn't this the big boss, Alex Phoenix? You're willing to come back!"

"Alex Phoenix, you're so rich now. Why bother personally coming for this little demolition compensation?"

"Don't you know he's bankrupt now? Probably relying on this demolition money to get by."

Listening to these mocking words, I felt uneasy, but I had to endure it.

This group of people is truly despicable. Back then, I helped them work their way out of poverty, and now that I'm down and out, they treat me like I'm nothing.

I ignored them and only stared when I saw one of the property developers. Suddenly, I froze.

Because I had seen her before. It was the woman from the day I delivered coffee to the hotel, the one named Seraphina Bloom.