
Chapter 1: Michael

Cream Fruit City

At the centre, the city itself was split into three major sections based on living costs. Due to the magnitude of the city the different sections had pretty much become independent of one another. Walking from one to another, especially from the Business District to the Residential District, one would find themselves transported to different worlds. Although named as such they had actually changed their uses after the establishment of the city. The Residential District had been effectively transformed into the slums, while the Business and Central District had been turned into a living and business centre for the wealthy. 

"Benjamin, what do you think led these people to be as such?"

A young boy, of about 11 years, walked along the district line. His gaze rested upon a murderous scene, a man had just stabbed another over a piece of bread, while not too far away you could hear the humiliating screams of a desperate woman. 

An older man walked tentatively behind, his hand gripping tightly upon his crossword's hilt. Although he was tasked with guardianing a young boy, he had never had a break. This child would always be asking him philosophical questions about human nature, and even when he did answer he would always end up corrected.

"I believe it is due to greed, young master, they consume and consume and eat each other alive."

Michael looked at the poor sap bent out of shape, blood poured out of his chest, while his lifeless eyes stared at the skies. 

"No, that's not it Benjamin. It's not them who have an insatiable hunger, it is us, the upper class. But it is true, they are not without fault either."

"Young master, it is not your fault for their savage behaviour. It is because... Only God can forgive them of their sins."

Benjamin was halfway through his sentence when another person walked up and directly bit into the recently deceased body. Murder, rape, cannibalism.

"Yes, Benjamin, only God can forgive them for their sins."

Michael looked at the scene, his gaze cold, empty of surprise or fear.

"Young master, why do you come here every day?"

Benjamin cringed as he bowed in question.

"It's because I don't wish to forget what reality is. It's easy to forget that there is true suffering when you are surrounded by privilege."

"Yes, young master."

Benjamin did not understand but he would not further enquire. Since he was tasked with being his personal guard three years ago, he had come to realise that this child was different, be it his unnatural maturity, his depth of knowledge, or his emotional intelligence. The head of the house, Master William had big expectations from him and hoped that he would both excel in the pen and the sword. Instead of being looked upon as a strange anomaly, he was looked upon as a gift from the heavens.

"Alright, Benjamin, let's return home. Father is going to explain something to me today after lunch."

Michael turned his body and walked back towards his carriage, his silky black hair flowing in the cool morning breeze. 

"Yes. young master."

Benjamin followed him, just one step behind, his eyes always scanning his surroundings. Although the Business District was heavily guarded and patrolled unlike the Residential district, there was still that faint possibility.

The carriage was made of a special wood known for its ability to absorb impact which made it impossibly difficult to carve. Still, the Longstein family's wealth was once again shown as the carriage was completely adorned in intricate cloud-like patterns. The special wood, the cushioned benches and the paved roads made the trip back home a pleasing ride. 

"Benjamin, can I ask, what level are you currently at? Father said he would speak to me about it later, but I want to know some things beforehand."

Michael's turquoise eyes suddenly gained a faint glimmer of interest, something rarely seen as there was almost nothing that would impress the boy.

"Young master, I am already an intermediate knight."

"Ok, but then how do you compare to others in the city, or in the whole county?"

"Young master, I'm close to the top. In the city there are only two stronger than me, and there are about 15 at the same level."

Benjamin seemed proud saying this as he unconsciously puffed his chest a bit.

"Wait, so then uncle Brute?"

"Brute is one of the ones stronger than me, he is an advanced knight, and he is also your father's personal guard."

"Hmmm. Alright then, thank you Benjamin. I'll make sure to ask my father to increase your resources so that you can become an advanced knight."

"Oh no, young master, you don't have to do that. I didn't explain it to you but, whether or not you can advance and at what speed is dependent on your inborn talent. I have been an intermediate knight for ten years, there really is no path for me to grow anymore."

Michael looked at Benjamin to hear his response, he had baited him earlier to understand a bit about the time period it takes to advance in knighthood, but he didn't expect that response.

"Do you mean to say that this is also related to one's birth, like how nobility, wealth, and opportunity is?"

"Yes, young master."

Benjamin shifted his gaze as he saw how incensed Michael had become.

Michael clenched his jaw as his mind raced with thoughts of powerlessness. Michael had actually been transmigrated from the modern era to this backwards world. He was once an American and got to experience the freedom of progression in his previous world, and yet when he arrived here, he quickly realised where one's limit lay.

Although he was born into great power and wealth, it was not just himself he worried for, but for his surroundings as well. The more knowledge he consumed from his fathers library, or from the chats with people in high positions he quickly realised that the wealthy here actively kept the poor divided by a wide chasm.

The culture pushed the poor down while it also uplifted the nobles into the stratosphere. In times of hunger the poor could not even think of revolting, how then would they form a whole new world order.

Hearing Benjamin's response he couldn't help but become worried about his talent. This might be where the true source of his anger lay, although Michael thought himself a bit of an activist, he was actually quite selfish, he only used it as a way to feel tied to his former identity. 

'What if I don't have the talent. Everyone thinks that I'm a genius, but that is only because I transmigrated here and had prior knowledge. I'm not sure whether I was blessed with talent in this life or not.'

Michael's hands became clammy and he now began to dread the evening chat with his father.

Still, time waited for no one. 

RIng. Ring.

The high pitch sound of a silver bell sounded in the cabin. That was the sign that they had arrived at the mansion. Michael stood and lifted his thick fur coat as he stepped off the carriage. 

He was now at the start of a long stone road that connected the Longstein Compound and the Central District. He walked a step further and he was welcomed by the main butler. He managed most of the property and responded directly to Master William, Michael's father. 

"Welcome back young master, did you have an eventful trip this time around?"

The wizened butler spoke with an amiable smile as he stepped aside, giving Michael the passage to walk in. 

"It was as usual Victor, is father home?"

"No, but he will be back for lunch."


"Alright then, I'll head to my room for now. I need to take a bath and finish up on my studies before my father returns."

Michael walked past the doorway and made his way up the spiralling staircase, his room was at the far end of the right side, so it was always quite a walk. It was moments like these where he much preferred a smaller house.

The wooden floorboards did not make one creak as he walked along them, another fascinating thing about this world, its craftsmanship.

The wooden door to his room was just like all the others and it was meant like that in case of criminals. It would be hard for them to pinpoint his location, if no one betrayed him, that is. 

As he walked in, he smelled the incense candle that he had left burning. It was a special product from another city that his father would bring him, it was said that it improved focus and creativity but, other than the enjoyable smell, Michael had not noticed a difference. Yet, he quite enjoyed the smell, so he often found himself lighting it up.

Other than acclimatising his psyche to the savagery of the premodern world, he also did extensive research on the supernatural for the last 4 years. Piles of books and personal journals were piled on the floor next to his desk. He was not worried that anyone would read his writings as he never mentioned anything he didn't want someone that could have possibly stumbled in, to find out.

Nonetheless, through his thorough research he found that ghosts and other supernatural creatures like talking rodents and werewolves were quite sure to be real. Through the nigh uncountable testimonials and official documents, Michael realised that these beings were quite real here, and although they usually remained as rumours through the common people, the upper class were quite well informed of their existence.

That's why becoming a knight was incredibly important to him, as it would give him the strength to be safer in this chaotic world. Although being a knight didn't guarantee riches, that was not his worry as his father was already quite wealthy. 

Michael pulled out a notebook, dipped his quill in ink, and he began to write answers into worksheets his teacher had left him for the weekend. 

Due to his high intellect as a child his father hired a especially well respected teacher as he hoped to nurture Michael's outstanding brain. And Michael did deliver, as he surprised his teacher again and again. Michael knew his limits, though, so he made sure to progressively increase his ability. 

Just like that, the candle burned until it was out. He had just dressed himself, and his hair was still slightly moist, when he heard a knock at his door. It was a butler calling him to lunch.