
A magical discovery! Chapter 1

Zzz... ZZZ... zzz. OUCH! What was that? Suddenly a unicorn appears out of nowhere and flies out. I went back to bed and woke up in the morning. I thought it was so weird what happend at midnight. I tell my dad to drop me off at school. I go to school and WOAH! What's happening? My fingers, they're glowing AHH! How do I control these?! Maybe I should shake them! WOAH the lockers are falling down! AHHHH! Maybe I should ignore them? I have to get to class! I'm getting late! "You are late Miss Lily." I apologized the teacher. "I'm so sorry, for some reason my fingers glowed!" "Good joke!" I attended the class normally since the teacher didn't belive me and while I was, my fingers stopped glowing, Finally! While I was going to my next class a student stopped me and said "I really have to talk to you at break time." I said okay wondering what she wants to talk about. When I was in English class the teacher said the headmistress wanted to see me. I went to her office and she said "There are some lockers fallen down and broken and you were last seen there." I had to tell the ma'am that I fell on them by accident since nobody believed my glowing fingers. It was break in an hour. I attended my other classes and I went to break with the girl who called me. Her name was Maddie. I took my lunch and went to her table. I asked her that why she wants to see me she replied "Did your fingers really glow"? I told her yes they did! I cant belive there was somebody who actually believed me. She whispered "Magic exists, glowing fingers is an elf power, we have to keep the magical world secret." I shouted "WHAT?" I was shocked. The school bullies, Jessica and Rebecca came up to me. "What, what? What were you talking about?" I told her... uh.. um Maddie brought my favourite food.. Rare Italian pizza! "Sure...." said Jessica with a light punch. I whispered back to her why do we have to keep the magical world secret? And the break was over I attended my classes. My dad picked me up I was still shocked about the thing Maddie told me...........

Chapter 2 coming soon!

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