
The 90's

"Man, that movie was awesome and scary"

"yeah it was" A few kids said as they exited the theater which was showing Army Of Darkness.

"I can't wait for the next movie" a young boy said as he and his friends walked out.

A young lady by the name of Kathryn Green was out with a group of friends who decided to go and tell ghost stories at an abandoned amusement park just out of town. They took a car to the park and got out, bringing some fuel and a box of matches to do a campfire story. Kathryn was amazed at how tall and ominous the park was, the structure of the gate was very odd since she'd never seen it before. The group walk into the park and make a small campfire, putting rocks around the fire as they all sit on the dry ground. Kevin, who suggested that they tell some scary things to the group said "I guess I'll go first if no one else wants to" the others, including Kathryn, shook their heads.

Kevin breathed in deeply as he started to speak "it was a long time from now, this old park was the center of amazement and joy, lots of families came here for the holidays since it was the only park for miles. All people from young to old visited here but that's when it happened" Kevin suddenly stopped, looking at the group. Kathryn asked "what happened?" Kevin smirked as he continued "it was Halloween night, many decided to visit since Halloween was a special time for this park. The owner had a stage set up to do old timey shows like in the 1800s. Everyone was so into it that they didn't know that many people went missing that night. They police came to the park the next morning but it's said that many police officers lost their minds to the sight they saw that morning. The bodies were strung up by their intestines on a massive dead tree just outside of the park, men, women, the elderly and even children. Some say that it was a message, others say that it was the devil" Kevin let out an evil laugh. "That's pretty fucked up man" Henry said as the girls looked like they were about to throw up, except for Kathryn. She smiled and said "that's not what happened" everyone then looked at her confused.

Kathryn cleared her throat and started her story "it was a long time ago, around 163 years ago from now. There was a town that was run by a mayor, all was good and happy until one night, a mysterious fog covered the town and a figure walked into town. A year later, the entire town disappeared and a massive amusement park rose up from the earth. Though some say that the figure that visited was in fact, the devil" Kathryn made a fake evil laugh after she finished. "That sounds fake as shit" Henry said as the girls laughed at his response. Kathryn looked annoyed at Henry as she then says "that story was told to me by my late grandmother."

Henry laughed with the girls as Kevin looked at Kathryn "i thought it was good Kat" he reassured her, she smiled at him as she brushed some hair away from her face. Kevin got up and slapped the back of Henry's head. "Hey man! The hell was that for?" Henry held the back of his head as Kevin walked over to Kathryn. She smiled up at Kevin as she then stood up and walked home with him. Henry and the other two girls were getting drunk from some alcohol that Henry snuck in. One of the girls walked into the woods as Henry and the other girl began to make out.

The other girl, Brittany, walked upon an old and run down amusement park, it loomed over her, the walls towering above the trees as black voids of nothing. Brittany walked into the park with curiosity in her eyes, she looked around the area in the park, the structures were ruined and rusted as some things creaked and groaned. Brittany walked over to an old stage like structure and looked at it, intrigued by the way it looked, the appearance looked like it was from the mid 18th century. The style of the art was mesmerizing and beautiful yet this structure looked new as she then placed her hand on the wall of the stage. A burst of smoke and lights suddenly began to happen, the stage was lit up by amber coloured lights and black smoke covered the stage floor as Brittany slowly backed away from what was happening as a silhouette of a figure loomed against the wall. The smoke rose up against the wall, creating a smoke-like figure.

"Well, what do we have here? A piece of meat that walks?" The figure spoke in a deep and rough voice as his form blew away and reformed, creating the silhouette of his body. His eyes glowed a bright amber light, his clothes faded in and out of colour.

"I'm Brittany, who are you?" She questioned the silhouette.

"I'm a lost boy, lost in the embers of a hell-like sea of despair and doubt. The embers of dread rain around me" the figure said in a calm and peaceful voice as it stepped towards Brittany.

She took a step back from the stage, she was becoming afraid of whatever this thing was.

"If you help me, I can grant you eternity itself" It said as Brittany stopped and got interested in this deal. She looked at the figure's eyes and asked "how do I help?"

The figure grinned as it stood up and pointed at the massive tower that stood just outside of the small park. "Climb that tower and pull a lever, that will summon my pet and after enough people are consumed. I will be reborn" it said with a slight chuckle. Brittany nodded and walked straight over to the tower, its looming presence made Brittany question about how no one found it. She opened the door and walked forward, almost falling into a bottomless pit, she was lucky to have a hold of the door. Her gaze trailed up to the top which had multiple rails and catwalks that led to the top of the tower. Brittany grew confident and climbed towards the top, the stairs to the first level of catwalks greaked under her foot but she didn't care, she wanted to make it. With every step she took towards the top felt like an eternity until she reached a door, she gripped the handle and opened it and found herself on a balcony outside. Her gaze looked at the area below her as she looked at the side of the tower, there was a ladder that led to the top. She got on the ladder then realized that she was already near the top, but how? She was at the bottom before walking through the door. She shook her head so she could focus on the lever, her desire for eternity fired up as she reached the top which had a few bars circling the top and a small pyramid structure that stood in the middle. Over to her left was a lever that was built into the ground, she quickly ran over to it and grabbed the handle, she pushed with all her strength and it slowly started to move. She pushed harder and it switched on, the pyramid glowed and began to shift, Brittany walked over to it and watched as it shook and trembled until it stopped. She looked confused and went to touch it, suddenly it glowed brighter than before and shot a beam of light into the sky which made the clouds part and swirl. The sky changed from a purple colour to a dark orange as the tower shook tremendously, the ground opened up and out came a bigger park with 15 meter walls and a stylish gate that looked similar to a castle gate with bowls of fire at the tops of each pillar that connected the walls. Brittany felt scared but interested in what she did, she stood up and heard what sounded like a massive bird that landed behind her, she slowly turned around to see massive wings that were a hybrid of a bird and bat's wings. They unfurled and stretched as an anthropomorphic wolf in 1830s clothes with a top hat stood there, watching her.

"W-who are you?" Brittany asked, her voice now sounding frightened as her body trembled.

The Wolf tipped his hat as his glowing eyes looked directly at her.

"I'm Kura."

Brittany stumbled backwards from the figure who called himself Kura. As she fell over, he chuckled lightly as he dusted off his clothes and began to walk over to her. Brittany sat up in shock as he held his paw out for her, offering to help her up. She grabbed his paw as he smiled and helped her to her feet, Brittany looked at his massive bird and bat like wings, they were black on the outside but the inside was white while the webbing for the bat part was orange. She looked at his tails, they were more odd than his wings. They were red and black but fully scaled like a snake's body, the ends of them were sharper than anything. Brittany heard people from the top of the tower, the voices were faint but familiar. As she looked over the edge to see Kathryn and Kevin walking into the park. She smiled as she then stood back up and turned to the Wolf, he looked at her while smiling as well "I want to be young, beautiful and immortal" Brittany says to the Wolf.

Kathryn and Kevin walk through the park and look around at the structures, Kathryn sees the tower and runs over to it but she hears a scream from somewhere. Her head turns and looks around for where the scream came from, that was until the door to the tower burst open and Brittany ran out, bloody claw marks on her chest "RUN!" She screamed as she then tripped, Kathryn ran over to help her up but a shadow flew over them both. Brittany got up and pushed Kathryn away as the Wolf landed beside Brittany and pressed his paw against her back as Kevin ran over to help Kathryn. "You won't escape me" the Wolf says as he aimed his tails at Kevin and Kathryn, Brittany tried to move but the Wolf kept her there "Y-you said you wouldn't hurt them" Brittany muttered as the Wolf then smiled "I won't hurt the girl, but the others will die, but you, Brittany" He impaled her leg with one of his tails as he continued while she screamed in agony "You'll be my new toy" Kevin picked up a metal pipe and stood in front of Kathryn. The Wolf smiled and said "A brave human? I'll make your death quick" Kevin then rushed at the Wolf, he swung the pipe as the Wolf's tails struck the pipe. Kathryn looked around for something to fight with, her eyes immediately fell on a broken pole, she ran and grabbed it but Kevin was tossed near her, halting the fight. Kathryn gets ready to aim, her skills as a Javelin Champion might help and the Wolf starts approaching them both, Kathryn was about to throw the pole until the Wolf throws Brittany at Kathryn, knocking her down. As the Wolf approached, he raised his paw and went to strike but a loud gunshot rang out and the Wolf toppled over, Kathryn looked over to see Henry with a handgun. He was breathing heavily as his hands shook, it was his first time firing it, Kevin helped Kathryn pick up Brittany as they slowly walked over to Henry, he still had his gun aimed at the Wolf "Where did you get that? And why the fuck is it loaded?" Kevin asked as they walked past Henry "My dad keeps it at home, he keeps them unloaded but always keeps the bullets, magazines and guns next to each other" Henry responded as he walked behind the others.

As Kevin and Kathryn helped Brittany walk away from the park, Henry walked up beside them "That wolf thing messed you guys up" he didn't laugh after as he usually would, he just walked with the others. He held his gun tightly, ready to protect his friends again from that thing, it was the least he could do after being an asshole to Kathryn earlier but he stopped as the others walked a bit further, Kevin turned to Henry "Come on man, we need to get away from here!" Henry nodded as he turned and walked towards the park "you guys go and get help, I'll hold it off for you, if I'm not around to see you again then I'm probably dead" He then started running back towards the park. Kevin and Kathryn kept going through the forest until they came across a small cabin, they all went in and locked the door, after a few minutes, they heard gunshots ring out through the area then they suddenly stopped. Kevin wanted to go back out and help Henry but he couldn't move as tears streamed down his face, he looked out the boarded up window to see only darkness outside the cabin. Kathryn laughed a bit as she said to Kevin "Remember when we went to the park as kids and someone bullied us, we thought we were going to get beaten up but Henry stepped in and helped. After that, we all had lunch at his house because his dad had a barbecue going" Kevin chuckled a little as that memory flooded his mind, it was the best day ever. Brittany groaned a bit as Kathryn got up and searched the house for a medkit, Kevin folded a blanket and got a pillow for her to rest on as Kathryn was in the other room. Kathryn came back with some bandages and began to wrap them around Brittany's leg despite her groans of pain, she looked over to Kevin "There's food, water and I found something else" She stopped and sat down "What?" Kevin asked as Kathryn then said "I found a double barrel shotgun but the barrel had been sawed off and I found a chainsaw" Kevin laughed as turned to face Kathryn "Was the owner into Evil Dead or some shit? Next you're gonna find the Necronomicon" he chuckled more.

Kathryn laid down and said "We should get some sleep" Kevin nodded and walked past her "I'll keep watch for a bit" He then walked into the other room and opened a closet, he smiled as he took out the shotgun, opened it and put two shells into the gun then closed it and smirked.
