
A luxurious father-in-law comes to the door

In the fourth year of bringing up the pups alone, the child's own father came to the door. The well-dressed man stood by the door and asked her. "Are you Sanghee?" "Yes." "I am the cub's father." The man was domineering and strong: "Come with me, don't think about rejecting or resisting things that don't make sense." Shanshi stared at his face that looked so much like his son's, and gave a slow, oh-so-slow cry. In fact, she didn't even think about refusing or resisting. Koo Wen, ostensibly the head of the powerful Koo family and secretly the head of a werewolf clan, has sex with a purely human woman who walks into the wrong room three days early in one of his rutting sessions. Lycans only have one mate in a lifetime, but he hates trifling unfaithful pure humans and refuses to go to her. One day, he heard the cubs calling. He realized that the pure human had given birth to cubs, and that the werewolf pups were going through a difficult period of skeletal development. For the sake of the cubs, he took the mother and child home to live. At first, he said coldly, "I'm not interested in you, we're just the parents of a child." "I only care about my cubs." Both of them transport their children to and from kindergarten every day. Join together in a parent-child activity held by the school brigade. Attend parent-teacher conferences together. One day, Sang-Hee went on a date. It took a man's shocked fury to realize what he had in mind. He cuts her off from all her dates on the pretext of taking the cubs out to play. He searches frequently: how to woo human women. He sends buildings, cars, bags, airplanes... -all useless. The appointment arrives and the woman leaves with the cubs. The arrogant wolf master of the house, the head of the Koo family, has broken his guard.

Daoist3lhgbj · Urban
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144 Chs

Chapter 99 Back then

 That incident has happened many years ago.


As she grows older, Shang Xi has forgotten many things, but somehow she still remembers that encounter very clearly.


At that time, the chubby black dog was motionless and lying in the weeds with its eyes closed. She held it in her arms and reached out to touch its head: "Dog, are you sleeping here?"


 Unexpectedly, when I touched it, my hands were covered with blood.


 It turns out that the dog is dead!


The tears she finally held back flowed out again, "Dog, why are you injured? Are you gone too?"


After crying for a while, the fat black dog she was holding woke up. Its eyes were very dark and looked a bit fierce. He broke free and jumped on the edge, facing her, staring at her fiercely. There was a sound.


She just felt happy at the time: "You're still here! That's great! Little puppy, I thought you were gone."


 The little girl hugged the black dog again and refused to let go.


 "I like dogs the most. You are so cute and you smell so good!"


 "You won't bite me, right? Don't be cruel. Stop scaring me."


 The sun sets and the sky gradually becomes dark.


"Dog, do you have no home? Stay with me. Come with me. I don't have a home either."


"Dog, are you hungry? I only have two biscuits here, give one to you."


"Woooooooooo dog, it's dark, are you afraid? I'm not afraid, I'm not afraid."


"When I get rich and have my own home in the future, you can come to my house and I will raise you and give you delicious food."


After that, she would run out to play with the dog every day. She would not even eat snacks, so she would bring them out for him to eat.


 She didn't know that her frequent running out made adults very tired.


"She ran out again? I said if something happened to her, wouldn't it be entirely our family's fault?"


"This child's hands and feet are not clean, and our daughter can't play with her. We thought she would have more than one companion."


"Don't she have a second uncle who lives quite well? There is only one boy in the family. Husband, I have been worried all day. I don't care, you can do whatever you want."


 When Shang Xi came back, her little clothes and toys were all packed.


 She knew she was going to the next one.


 It's just that dog...she still wants to keep him in the future.


According to the play time these days, we won't be able to see the dog until tomorrow afternoon.


 "Second uncle, can I leave the day after tomorrow?"


 The second aunt frowned: "Your uncle has come to pick you up, how can you wait any longer."


 The cousin stood behind the sofa and smiled triumphantly at her.


Little Shangxi got into the car with a heavy heart. When the car passed by the park, she quickly threw away the pink headband on her head.


There is nothing left, nothing that can be done, and finally give a small gift to her little friend.


She felt that the black dog was smarter than her cousin's Mosaya. It seemed that it could understand everything she said and she was so happy to be with it. The dog would not dislike her or dislike her. Bully her.


Occasionally, he would bring snacks to her from nowhere without unpacking them. She suspected that the puppy had stolen them from the canteen.


 Finally she broke her promise.


 She said she would take care of it.


Later, she met a black puppy. It was much smaller and its hair was dirty, neither smooth nor fragrant.


 But this time, she decided to take it back and raise it secretly.


 The one in the second uncle's park will probably never be encountered again.


Before meeting her grandma, spending time with the dog in the park was one of the few happy times she had.


That's why I remember that short memory so clearly at such a young age.


 The time is already pointing to ten o'clock.


 It was quiet in Nanfeng Garden, as if they didn't want to disturb their sleep.


 When the mother and son went downstairs, Nanfeng Yuan had returned to its usual appearance.


 It seemed like everything that happened last night was a dream.


Kuroo and Aowei were mopping the floor again, they didn't want to leave any smell of fallen werewolves.


When they saw Shang Xi coming downstairs, the two young male werewolves turned around suddenly, feeling very uncomfortable. The two wolves looked at each other and blushed.