
A Love Worth Billions

Blurb/synopsis-When Layla discovered that her boyfriend and step-sister had deceived her by drugging her at a party they attended, she felt completely lost and alone which led her to sleep with a complete stranger. Yet, as she began to piece together the truth, a mysterious stranger appeared, offering help. Layla discovered that this stranger was no ordinary man. He was the boss, and he was willing to pay her mother's fees in exchange for her companionship. She struggled to reconcile her feelings for her ex and her affection for the boss, will she follow her heart and choose the boss despite his secret? or find love and a future she had never imagined?

Balogun_Jadesola · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

New life

She did what?", Julie shouted flushing red with anger. " And you didn't fight back? That house is yours as much as it's theirs". I sat silently sipping a cup of coffee. I was too tired to say anything.

" Julie,can you please calm down? I have other things to worry about like my mom's hospital bills, getting a job and a new place to stay." I started. " I can't even ask my dad for help,he doesn't even regard me as his daughter after that witch Taylor came into our life.So I would like you to let this slide...I'm tired, Julie. I really am" I said softly.

Julie looked like she wanted to refute my pleas but decided against it. "We'll continue this discussion tomorrow morning young lady" she said walking into the kitchen.

" I have leftover pizza from this morning,Do you want some?" She asked from the kitchen. " No, I don't have an appetite"

She came into the living room with a box of half eaten pizza. " Your loss" she said shrugging.

"You don't have to leave...you can stay with me till you bounce back" Julie started. I turned towards her keeping the empty mug on the round table. "Thank you Julie but I don't want to be a burden"

"Oh please Layla, I know you'd help me out if I was in your place" She said leaving no room for arguments.

"I re..." I started but was cut off my Julie. "I'm not listening Layla,...now go to bed, you have a long day ahead tomorrow. You go job hunting tomorrow"

She headed towards the stairs throwing the empty pizza box on her way. I sighed, " well, I better go to sleep" I mummered to myself, I said a short prayer before heading to an empty guest room to sleep.

The next morning

I've been staring at the ceiling for the past 30 minutes, I didn't have the motivation to start this day. I wish I could just lay down here forever. I could sleep so well last night.

I was about to shut my eyes when Julie came banging on the door.

"Layla,wake up...wake up girl. I have good news" she said banging harder on the door. I groaned loudly making sure she could hear my clearly before rolling over the bed to get to the door.

"Good morning to you too" she said sarcastically while rolling her eyes. "You look horrible,go wash your face" she said while going to sit on the only armchair in the room. "You know just the right thing to say to make someone feel better" I said,my voice dripping with sarcasm.

I came into the room two minutes later after brushing my teeth and doing my morning business. "It took you long enough" Julie said. I noticed she was holding a piece of paper in her hands since she walked in.

"So what news do you have for me?" I said settling down on the bed.

 " I saw a Job application notice last week. I don't know if the spot is still open but there's no harm in trying, right?" Julie said handing over the paper to me. Written boldly on it was A.R steels co.,it was a an application for a accountant. " Seriously Julie" I said looking at her. "What?"

"You know I have zero accountancy skill,I can't get the job even if I tried" I said. She walked over to the bed, placing her hands on mine,she started "you'd totally get the job. They'd be stupid not to give you the job,and remember you worked on the registrar last year in that floral shop"

I laughed,"it's a small floral shop not a billion dollars company Julie"

"There's no harm in trying, and by the way you have an appointment already" she said looking away from me.

"What did you do Julie?" I asked

"I booked an appointment for you" I was about to ask her she did that before she continued "I have my ways" she said smirking slightly.

"So just give this a try,for me" she said giving me one of her infamous puppy look.

"Fine, I'll do it but not because you told me to. I'm just desperate" I said before going to the bathroom to get ready.

"I'll be heading to work,see you in the evening" she said while leaving the room.

20 minutes later

I stepped out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror, feeling refreshed and clean. I had washed my hair with my favorite lavender shampoo, shaved my legs, washed my body, and applied moisturizers all over. I looked clean and refreshed, ready to take on the day.

I went through my bags since I was yet to pack my clothes into the closet, picking out my clothes for the day. I decided on a cute, yet simple black knee length gown that would be perfect for any occasion. I finished off the look with some jewelry, a few accessories, and a touch of mascara. I was ready for the day ahead.

I put on my deodorant, took my bag containing her CV and resumes and grabbed an apple before leaving the house. As I locked the door and hid the key behind the vase, I made sure it was well-hid and headed out of the house. I walked towards the subway, determined to make sure I get this job and put my life back on track. I took a bite of my apple, feeling optimistic and confident. I have been through a lot, but now it was time for a new start.

It took me thirty minutes to reach the main city, where I then boarded a taxi to arrive at my destination – the headquarters of A.R Steele, a multinational corporation. The building was large and impressive, boasting a prominent location in the heart of the city. With a modern and sleek exterior, the building boasted a high-tech and up-to-date interior and was a sign of the company's success and power. As I stepped out of the taxi and approached the building's entrance, I couldn't help but feel in awe of its stature and importance.

I approached the receptionist who was a beautiful lady with blonde luscious hair.

"Hello, my name is Layla, and I'm here for an interview," I said softly, feeling somewhat anxious and uncertain. The receptionist seemed to be in a hurry and her tone was somewhat rude. "One moment," the receptionist said dismissively, "just go and sit in the waiting room and someone will be with you soon."

 I nodded and went to the waiting room, feeling nervous as I sat down. Here I was, about to start an interview and potentially get my life back on track. I really hope the position is still open.