
A Love Worth Billions

Blurb/synopsis-When Layla discovered that her boyfriend and step-sister had deceived her by drugging her at a party they attended, she felt completely lost and alone which led her to sleep with a complete stranger. Yet, as she began to piece together the truth, a mysterious stranger appeared, offering help. Layla discovered that this stranger was no ordinary man. He was the boss, and he was willing to pay her mother's fees in exchange for her companionship. She struggled to reconcile her feelings for her ex and her affection for the boss, will she follow her heart and choose the boss despite his secret? or find love and a future she had never imagined?

Balogun_Jadesola · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

My condolences!

 "Layla, get ready right now!" Julie shouted from downstairs. To this, I responded by heading to the bathroom and stating, "Yes mom," in a sarcastic, joking manner. 

I proceeded to wash my hair with lavender shampoo, shave my legs to make it look leaner, brush my teeth, trim my eyebrows, and then entered the warm bathtub. After enjoying the water for a bit, I stepped out of the tub, wrapped a towel around my chest, and stepped out of the bathroom to continue getting ready, in line with Julie's requests.

As I took a seat at the vanity table, the door opened and Julie entered, carrying her makeup box. 'I don't need all of that make-up, Julie,' I said with a groan. 'I'd prefer to let my skin breathe. It's fine, I promise that I won't exaggerate,' Julie replied as she set the box down on the table. Julie took a brush and started brushing my hair.

'Be gentle, lady,' I said with a light chuckle while lightly holding my temple as I felt a slight headache. 'My bad,' Julie responded with a shrug of the shoulders.

Julie continued brushing my hair in silence. Suddenly, my phone rang, disrupting the silence. Without hesitating, Julie picked it up and said, "It's Zane." After a moment, she glanced at me through the mirror and commented, "Hmmm."

I, not in the mood for anything, decided not to respond to the call. Julie continued, "Just answer it," she pressed. "It's only fair."

"Fine, I'll answer," I finally spoke up, just as the call ended. "Oops, it was too late." I said,as I gave Julie puppy-dog eyes.

"Just style my hair, okay, Julie?" I requested. I didn't quite understand what Julie was up to with all the hair straightener and rollers and curlers, but Julie was the hairstyle expert, not me.

After Julie was done and had perfected the look, she stated proudly, "Your hair looks amazing thanks to me." "Oh, come on," I groaned, not wanting to admit that Julie had done a great job at styling my hair.

I turned toward the mirror in front of me and studied my reflection. Upon examining my hair and the style it was arranged in, I couldn't help but feel like a princess. The curls framed my face beautifully, accented by an elegant hairpiece that tied the whole look together. My hair was flawless, and I couldn't have asked for a more stunning hairdo.

It was a work of art.

"I love it. Thank you, Julie," I said, staring at my reflection in the mirror that Julie had made look stunning.

"Yeah, yeah," Julie replied in a teasing manner. "Time for your makeup," she said, beginning the process. After around 20 minutes, Julie completed my makeup, making me look even more beautiful.

My makeup look was subtle and clean. The makeup accentuated the natural beauty of my face, adding a touch of elegance without disrupting the harmony of the whole. The colors and textures used in my makeup were soft and muted, allowing my true complexion to shine

through. This makeup look allowed for a natural, yet elegant appearance, making me feel beautiful.

"Wow, you did a good job, Julie," I said after seeing how my makeup turned out. Julie promptly handed me a lip gloss, suggesting, "Here, apply this, but be careful not to smudge the lipstick."

After finishing my makeup look, I got up and grabbed the dress box. Julie opened the box, pulled out a long black gown that had gold sparkles and chains on it, and then left the room. As I was getting dressed, I couldn't really see all the details of the gown just yet, since it was quite long.

After putting on the dress, I stood in front of the mirror and studied my reflection. The black gown had gold sparkles and chains on it, and it fit my figure perfectly. The way the fabric clung to my curves highlighted the natural makeup look and added a touch of elegance. The gold sparkles and chain accents added a touch of sophistication and style. This dress was perfect for me, and it made me feel like a true star of the evening.

I grabbed a black purse and sprayed cologne before heading downstairs. As I entered the living room, I cleared my throat to get Julie's attention. 'Oh my goddess, you look like you walked out of a fantasy princess book,' Julie said, amazed. 'You look like a true goddess.' I smiled at the compliment, replying, 'Oh stop, Julie, you're being too much. But thank you.' 'No, it's not just great, it's absolutely perfect,' Julie chimed in, and continued, 'You look so picturesque, like a walking angel.'"

I settled down on the couch, awaiting the driver's arrival. Julie joined me and mentioned, "Mr. Romanov does have great fashion taste." "Yeah, he does," I agreed.

As we waited for nearly 6 minutes, I spoke up, admitting, "I feel a bit dizzy." Julie instantly got up, went into the kitchen, and returned a moment later with two pills in her hand. Offering them to me, she said, "Here, take these painkillers. They'll help with the dizziness."

"Thank you," I replied as I accepted the pills from Julie and washed them down with some water.

Shortly thereafter, we heard the sound of a car horn from outside, followed by a knock on the door from an average middle-aged man.

"Mr. Romanov sent me to come pick you up, ma'am," the man greeted politely with a bow. "Oh, I'm done," I replied cordially while hugging Julie and bidding her farewell. Moments later, I exited and entered the car, where the driver held the door open waiting for me.

"Thank you, sir," I greeted politely as he opened the door for me, to which he responded, "Call me Carlos."

"Okay, Carlos, I'm Layla," I replied. As he drove, Carlos complimented me, saying "You look beautiful. You remind me of my daughter."

"Thank you, I'd love to meet her," I acknowledged.

 After a beat of silence, Carlos replied sadly, "You can't. She was involved in a car accident last month and passed away on the spot." I felt awkward, saying, "My condolences." I added weakly as we continued in silence.