
A Love Worth Billions

Blurb/synopsis-When Layla discovered that her boyfriend and step-sister had deceived her by drugging her at a party they attended, she felt completely lost and alone which led her to sleep with a complete stranger. Yet, as she began to piece together the truth, a mysterious stranger appeared, offering help. Layla discovered that this stranger was no ordinary man. He was the boss, and he was willing to pay her mother's fees in exchange for her companionship. She struggled to reconcile her feelings for her ex and her affection for the boss, will she follow her heart and choose the boss despite his secret? or find love and a future she had never imagined?

Balogun_Jadesola · Urban
Not enough ratings
18 Chs


Layla's POV

The next morning, I woke up feeling sore from sleeping on the floor. "I'm never sleeping on the floor again",I muttered to myself. I groaned as I got up from my sleeping position and turned, only to see Julie sprawled out on the floor still. I stood up to go open the window causing Julie to complain about the light reflecting on her face. "It's too early to open the window," she moaned, covering her eyes with her arm as she tried to shield herself from the glare of the sunlight coming in from the window.

I asked, "Don't you have to go to work early today?"

Julie groaned louder, apparently having forgotten that she needed to leave for work soon and the fact that she couldn't simply sleep in as she wanted. She sat up, rubbing her eyes as she tried to wake herself up. "What time is it?" Julie grumbled, a little disoriented,her hair looking like she just walked out from a science lab explosion.

I checked my phone and reported, "It's 9:15."

On hearing that, Julie jumped up swiftly, causing her to hit her head on the wall. "Ouch," she muttered, rubbing her head where the collision occurred as she cursed under her breath.

"I'm gonna need some coffee before work," she said, a little sheepish about hitting her head. "And maybe an ice pack."I laughed a little before saying,"just be careful".

After Julie left the room, I was about to enter the bathroom when my phone rang. I checked the caller ID and saw it was Alex. My heart skipped a bit which was weird because I had no reason to be nervous. I took a deep breath and answered the call, speaking softly yet nervously as I greeted him. "Hello, Mr. Romanov...Good morning"

Alex replied, "Good morning, I understand that you have received the contract. I would like for us to meet up and discuss it in person."

I took a deep breath and agreed, "Oh...yes, I did receive the contract. We can definitely meet up," I replied, my voice shaking slightly due to how nervous I was feeling. He hummed in his deep, seductive voice which made me feel fluttered. He said, "I'll send a driver in about an hour to pick you up."

"That should work," I said, trying to sound as professional as I can.

After hanging up with Alex, I quickly made my way to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth, washed my hair, took a bath, applied body lotion, and dried my hair. I emerged from the bathroom wrapped in my towels, and walked to the closet to look for a presentable outfit to wear. After a brief search, I ended up choosing a pair of nice jeans and a blouse that was both stylish and simple yet still appropriate to wear to a professional meeting.

"Perfect," I said to myself as I turned to look at myself in the mirror.

I walked up to the vanity table to apply a little makeup. I took a moment to apply mascara to my lashes, lining my lips with a lip pencil and applying a nice eyeliner and lip gloss to complete my look. I studied my reflection carefully to check if I looked okay. After ensuring that I looked presentable, I headed towards the living room to wait for the driver.

After three minutes, I heard a car horn from the front of the house and went to take a look through the window. I saw a flashy car outside and couldn't help but wonder what the nosy neighbors would have to say about it. "I'm sure the nosy neighbors are peeping too," I said to myself, as I took a moment to appreciate the grand display.

I watched the driver approach the door, he knocked on the door which I opened immediately, "Mr. Romanov sent me to pick you up, Are you ready ma'am? "

"Yes, I'm ready," I replied with a polite smile while walking behind him to the car. On getting close to the car, he opened the car for me like a gentleman." Thank you " I muttered as I sat in the car.

I looked around the inside of the car with a sense of awe as if I were a child seeing a new and exciting toy. It had been a long time since I had been in a luxury car, and I couldn't help but feel myself being transported back to those childhood memories of sitting in my father's car and enjoying the ride. All the good memories made me feel overwhelmed with excitement and sad at the same time.

I tried to start a conversation with the driver, saying, "My name is Layla," but he ignored me, just driving silently. Irritated by his lack of response, I thought to myself, "What a nice guy you are."

I wasn't impressed by his lack of courtesy, but I didn't think much of it. The car trip felt like it was taking forever as I anxiously waited to arrive at our destination.

After 15 minutes, the car finally came to a stop in front of a fancy restaurant. I quickly exited the car and took a look at the building in front of me. It was a stately and elegant restaurant with tall doors and glass windows that reflected the sun's rays. The exterior was made of stones and marble, and there was a sense of opulence that couldn't be denied. I couldn't help but feel a little nervous as she took in the sight of the building, I felt like I didn't belong here.

I looked around and immediately noticed all of the women there wearing stylish and well-fitting outfits. Compared to them, I felt a bit out of place and plain, which quickly dampened my excitement.

I was soon jolted out of my train of thoughts when the driver interrupted me and told me to "follow me." I did so with trepidation. The surroundings around me were nothing like I was expecting. They were much nicer and flashier, and I suddenly felt underdressed and overwhelmed.

As we walked through the door, I immediately noticed a few people staring at me. They must be wondering why someone of my caliber was in a place like this. Their stares made me feel small and out of place.

We eventually arrived at a more secluded area, with curtains, a couch, and some chairs. It felt more like a private hangout spot for those who wanted to dine in solitude. I looked around and there he was, sitting majestically on one of the soft and comfortable chairs. He was wearing an expensive Armani suit which perfectly accentuated his lean and muscular physique. He looked so handsome and hot that I had to stop myself from staring. He was striking and charismatic in his outfit, and he exuded power and success. I felt a bit intimidated by his presence, and I was glad that his back was turned to me . I took a deep breath to calm my nerves, waiting for Alex to acknowledge my presence.