

An average height man walked into a bar, his long green mohawk peeking out from underneath his jacket hood. His eyes scanned the crowded bar through thick sunglasses for a face that looked sketchy enough to be buying from him. The pale man reached under the mask on his face to scratch away an itch that surfaced from a hair stuck to the inside of it. After finding and removing the problem he stood at the bar and ordered a beer. His pants hanging off of his hip bones threatening to slip. The empty barstool served as little cover from the apparently nosey patron next to him. The brief eye contact followed by the clearing of the tan man's throat threatened to cause Mohawk's eyebrow to twitch.

"So.." the larger tan man begins to speak. And he feels it, the muscle under his eyebrow quaking subtly. "Do you always look this sketchy?" he asks. The man with a mohawk takes a moment to glance over the man speaking to him. Taking in the shoulder length hair and goatee also noting that the man was nearly his height. Sitting.

"do you ever mind your own business?"

"Not really." the taller man responded. A hint of amusement in his tone. "So what you're saying is you always look like you're ready to rob a bank any second?"

"Who says I'm not comin from robbin one. Maybe you had yer head too far up other peoples business to notice it on the news?" the shorter replied blankly. Though he was kidding, his tone was straight to the point.

"Well either way it suits ya. plus if ya had money from robbin a bank you definitely wouldn't be comin here." The loud stranger said with some flirtation. "Whats got you in here on this fine night? you ain't even had a sip of your drink yet. names Ash by the way, whats yours?" he continued to question the shorter man. Obviously content with the serious and somewhat rude nature of him.

"maybe i haven't had a drink cause ya keep yapping?" he responds. The shorter man grabbed the long forgotten beer and brought the bottle to his lips his other hand swiftly pulling the mask down. He didn't feel comfortable talking to the man let alone giving him his name. "If you gotta know so much, im here to meet someone. I sell car parts." he answered blandly. Hoping that the response would bore the stranger into leaving him alone. he turned his attention to his phone to check on the status of said customer. who has yet to respond to any of his messages stating he was here, or even read them. he grumbled to himself, "fuckin gonk. hes thirty minutes late."

"I'm surprised you didn't say drugs. Id have had to see what you offered." the taller man, Ash, joked. "People in night city are pussies. probably got scared he was gonna get flatlined. if you ask me maybe try looking a little more normal before trying to get money from someone." he says with a playful smirk.

"good thing i didnt fuckin ask you then." the shorter man responded. shifting as he continued to stand in front of the bar instead of sitting.

"So you wear masks cause you're ugly or something? from the little i seen dont seem like ya are." the stranger continued to pry. "what do you do when you're not being mysterious?"

"Eat, sleep, drink. human shit." The green haired man responded.

"cause that don't totally sound like an alien trying to pretend to be human." Ash chuckled at his own joke if you could call it that.

"Its all i about do if i'm not selling car parts." the shorter responded with a bit of a chuckle himself. hating the amusement he felt from the comment. "Creed. you can call me creed i guess."

ash smiled a charming genuine smile. Proud he had finally cracked the shorter man. "well creed since you don't seem like you'll be seeing anyone else any time soon maybe i could keep pestering you." he says. saying it like a question but making it apparent he wasn't going to give creed a choice.

"like how?" creed asks nervously and almost regretful he gave his name.

"Well i can ask you things like, 'Are you gay?'. ' Where are you from?. and 'do you take drinks from men at bars?'" the last sentence was said with a tone so flirtatious it caused creed to scoff. He took a few seconds before answering. Was he gay? he guessed so. He didn't find himself thirsting over much of anything, man or woman. If he had to pick though it would be guys.

"Yeah I guess. Santo Domingo. No i don't. i try to limit my time in bars or in the city at all." he responded his tone still mono but less paranoid about sharing the information.

"well if you hate being in bars so much why don't you try being in my place?" ash proposed, making his intentions clear if they weren't before. In response creed shook his head in disbelief and scoffed once again and put his beer down to pat around the many pockets in his pants for the pack of cigarettes he can never keep track of. Ash quickly pulled his own pack out and offered one to the struggling man. Creed took one easily and nodded in thanks. Storing the cigarette behind one of his ears. "you on the run or something? that why you're so secretive?"

"Just don't want people seeing much of my face is all." creed kept it short. Choosing to ignore the invite to the mans house. "if i was on the run do you really think id tell some stranger at a bar? what if you were a cop?" he points out to the taller man with a shrug.

"Why? You gotta be ugly then. Ugly or crazy and I don't see many ugly guys dress like you, though i guess thats a personal opinion. if anything from what i see you're lean so." ash trailed off not having much else to say. there wasn't much to look at. ash only knew creeds hair was green because the hood pushed his mohawk into his eyes. otherwise the man was clothed with too many straps and pockets, all of it of which was hanging off of Creeds body. "pretty sleazy of a cop to immediately try to sleep with you to get a confession instead of just interrogating you."

"I don't really know if im wanted or not. I try to be fast coming in and out of the city." he reiterates. taking another moment to swiftly pull hus mask up enough to take a drink before replacing it.

"got something to do with your car parts business?" ash asked with a quirked eyebrow. he couldn't care less what the man actually did in his free time. legal or not, he just liked to know.

"yep." creed answered curtly. Almost beginning to get tired of the mans constant badgering.

"seems like you know a lot about cars, what about bikes?" ash asked. he himself was a bike lover but just for the aesthetics. He couldn't tell you a damn thing about how a bike works or why.

"I don't know too much about them but i could probably fix one up if i really wanted to. I've only taken one apart a handful of times. their parts go for a lot." he says making eye contact with ash, turning the statement almost into a threat.

"Should that make me anxious? Maybe ill have to go hide bertha." Ash responded with a laugh.

creed shoved his hands inside his pockets and smirked under his mask, amused with the joke he had made and the fact that it landed. "Is the bike the only thing you ride or do you got a car too?" he asked.

"I have a car but its completely trashed. i only use it when i don't use my bike." ash explains. "It used to be a nice car, if im being honest an ex gave it to me. I've absolutely demolished it, im surprised its drivable."

"So i assume that bike out there is bertha?" creed wanted to clarify, if he was going to scalp something hed consider maybe not scalping the mans bike. "Good thing you kept bothering me." he states.

"Well its nice to know that my charm and wit is worth something around here." ash says with a smile and a boisterous laugh. "saved my own ass and i aint even know it."

"Yeah most parts go for 200 to 500 eddies, maybe more depending on parts. unless its some after market shit then thats worth about 60. I could push 100 maybe if i fudge the brand and how new it is. " creed explained as he did the mental math, he could have made a good amount of eddies of of just one or two parts of Ash's bike.

ash butted in, "explains why car payments are fucking ass. do what you gotta do man im not here to judge you. but too bad you're right i'm a cop and your reign of terror ends tonight." he joked.

creed stifled a chuckle and looked ash up and down. "so wheres your badge then?" he asks, playing along.

"Why don't you pat me down and find out." Ash's flirtation persisted. His own eyes slowly trailing along creeds body.

Creed rolled his eyes and scoffed. "yeah no thanks." he says with the shake of his head.

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