
9. Delving deeper

The forest in its natural state birds chirping, insects buzzing about and predators prowling was interrupted by a booming sound in the distance.

Their instinct said run so they did having no concern for food just their will to live.

A object flying at deadly speed smashed through several trees narrowly avoiding the cluster of fleeing species.

Rising from the dust was Lumi worse for ware. Clothes torn in multiple places most noticeable was a large gash on his left thigh. Many internal and external injuries were present causing him to hack up blood.

'Such power if this was reality death would be my next destination' taking a breather leaning on on a half bent tree.

'That construct has to be psychic it knows everything I do before I even do it. How do you fight against that?' Pushing his arm back into place with a painful grunt.

'No more I'll come back another time the result may be the same but there has to something in that cave.' Looking in the direction he was launched with frustration.

A quiet gasp could be heard, a pool of sweat present. Vision blurring for moment he got out of the bed to use the bathroom.

Observing his reflection he touched his maroon colored marks 'What is the purpose of these all they seem to do is draw attention it's why I hide them?' with his fingers.

"That lizard man knew something about these marks I killed him without thinking. The answers can wait another day no need to cause a bigger mess" concluding his business.

Keeping a low profile is his best bet this dimension called Oceana is the worst place to start fights as trouble makers are persecuted with extreme prejudice.

Carful not too bump anyone he noted there is no sun 'How do I tell the time with no giant ball of gas in the void(He has not been to earth so the term space will not apply here)

Buying essential supplies only a tell could be heard. "Their not real I say say their not real!!" He heard over and over a furry man yelled clawing his body with locals standing a reasonable distance away not knowing what to do besides wait.

'What are you doing if they come everyone is going on lockdown' some people started to flee thinking of themselves,family, or their establishments wellbeing. A clacking of metal making contact the pavement below was his sign to go.

'They already here no reason to stick around I might be a criminal in these parts' using his small stature weaving into the nearest alley as men in metal suits arrive restraining the crazy man in chains dragging him to god knows where.

Something about those enforcers really scares him most beings have defined aura but not them it's almost like they have no mind no soul.

The alley was dirty filled with trash of all kinds a pungent smell filling the narrow space. Seems no matter where you go there are slums some worse than others this one was far from the worst.

Avoiding debris and life forms eyes periodically moving left to right wary of the eyes observing him. Passing a prone body the eyes rolled in the opposite direction confirmed he or she(can't tell due to most features being covered) is dead and not to long ago.

With some decency he closed the persons eyes bowing his head wishing them peace turning onto a road with many signs he could not read.

Paying attention to body language found a tavern. Naturally he would looked out of place entering an establishment for adults. Spotting a empty table near the back made a beeline only for a big belly to block him.

"Is there a reason you impede me mister?" Lumi not wanting to deal with a drunk. "What is a runt doing here don't you know what can happen?" His face eyes unfocused and slight sway standing up. "I can look after myself just fine now if you would kindly step aside" moving to go around the man for a hairy arm to block him for the second time.

"No respect for your elders huh boy?" The man breaking the table of the already silent tavern. "No disrespect was intended simply a statement" Lumi maintained eyes contact shifted his body leaning forward.

"I'll give you one chance sit down or be carted away broken" a smile that was anything but friendly stretch across his face his eyes dimly glowing. The man did initially take a step back, his anger getting the better of him took a swing with his massive hand.

Faster than anyone could see or hear "I gave you a chance fatso" stepping into the fist and rotating left raising his leg into a roundhouse kick to the man's neck.

The man fell sideways blood leaking out on the floor moaning in pain. "Moron" with a neutral tone. Shuffling of feet and scraping of wood made his move his eyes left. "Anyone else?" daring the males to come at him.

Two slowly approached grabbing their semi conscious friend shooting him a look 'This isn't over' retreating wherever.

"Best you be on your way stranger I would not want them coming here." A orc looking man with curved eyes stated towering over everyone. Cutting his loses Lumi turned on his placing a few coins on the nearest table "For the damage" pushing the swing doors.

'Well that could have gone better I have no doubt the news will spread camping in fields it is' making way into the night.