
7. A Bloody Town

Sweating nervously Reaver got the best outcome imaginable. "To put it mildly I want control over this dimension but to do that I need you to remove my father" keeping his eyes locked on Lumi not wanting to lose his negotiating power.

"If you want me to kill him I can't with my deal with a resident of the city, at least not directly" tilting his head to the side resting on his hand.

"I already have a plan in mind I will contact you in 3 days just follow the instructions and your secret is safe do we have a deal?" Sticking his hand out shaking which was grabbed by a smaller hand.

"Deal just keep your end of the bargain lest you wish to be destroyed" Lumi opened the window flying out a gust of wind trailing behind.

"Master are you sure this is a good idea?" the fox man no longer feeling the oppressive air.

Sitting down breathing a sigh of relief he answered honestly for once "I'm not sure but I gave my word and so did he I know principles and he has them take the rest of the day off we both need the extra rest" trying to calm his beating heart.

(Secret Resistance Hideout 3 days later)

Gathered in the secret room beneath the book store there was a dissection on what to due.

"We delayed the transport of as long as possible so we have the toxic waste to show?" Sam asked wanting results.

"Negative there were to many mercenaries to grab even one" Al replied tensely.

"Great our time was wasted and we have nothing to show for it" Sam not satisfied with the results.

"We have other means to use just continue as required" Graul stopping the pointless argument.

"The people are getting fed up all of the Mirgo's credibility is at stake this our best chance to capitalize, but I get the feeling something will go wrong my gut tells me so" pacing back and forth between the desk and shelf.

"Your gut has been wrong before let's get these life suckers out of our dimension" Sam holding his hand out towards the center of the table.

Gradually the remaining members added their hand to the pile. "All together now till the end our last breath we fight" everyone threw their hands up. "Let's put an end to this" Graul said a smile on his face.

Moving to assigned locations protests were everywhere and not a peaceful one.

"What's going on here?" Sam halted his advance wondering if this was part or the plan.

Stands were being smashed to bits,the buildings were burning as the violence only seemed to escalate. The destroyed property had one thing in common it belonged to the Mirgos.

There were everyday tools used as weapons and torches scattered around the crowd.

"This is out of control!!!" Gel having hopped onto a building not effected by the chaos, the rest of the gang followed her example jumping on buildings in order to not get swept away by the crowd.

"What's THE PLAN BOSSMAN!!" Sam cupped his hands around his mouth to direct his voice in Graul's direction.

Scanning the scene his mind was made up "FIND The HEAD DON'T KILL HIM HE BELONGS TO ME!!!"Leaping from building to building leaving cracks on the various rooftops.

"LET'S GO WILD!!!" Sam pulling out his metallic balls throwing them at the mercenaries exploded on contact, revealing them to be grenades. Dave had a few in his arms as well.

"Do we just wait or get stuck in?" Al seeing a torch hit a cloth stand bursting into flames.

"I don't know and honestly don't care, but a little revenge won't hurt right?" Mark with a cynical grin on his face joined crowd.

"I couldn't have said it better myself" Al said to nobody hurling a misfired torch at a building watching it burn with glee.

"Many will die in this madness" Han looking at Gel who couldn't refute his claim "I know just hope it's not one of us if it can be helped" watching the mercenary group hired fend off any towns person coming too close to there benefactor.

The lizard like man had a finely pressed suit with a tie and dress shoes. What's the most was his face, his cold and uncaring face. Hands placed behind his back not even concerned about the chaos happening before him.

Looking down upon the townspeople with utter distain 'You are made to be ruled I am merely staking my claim and this how you repay me how ungrateful' as hand chopped off flew past his line of sight.

"Sir it is not safe let us return to the Villa" the jelly alien said attempting to preserve his master's life.

"There is no need my victory is inevitable the fools are only digging themselves into a hole they can't hope to het out of" a helmet caked in blood rolled to his feet dirtying his polished shoes.

(Mirgo's secret tunnel)

Hidden under the Villa a passage way was made of the home was ever raided the family could escape.

"My father awaits make sure he croaks and your secret shall never be revealed I put it on my name" Reaver had given Lumi the plan to kill his father.

Wordlessly Lumi searched for the man's life force getting a locked on.

Having only needed to use the move once he had to concentrate to pull it off opening two separate portals he rushed through the first delivering a kick to man though the second in less than two seconds.

The scenery was a wasteland bare of any life the sky was green with clouds that seemed abnormal.

"How dare you come between me and that which I desire" getting up with some difficulty as his side screamed in protest.

"Mr. Mirgo I personally welcome you to you permanent residence for the rest of your life" Lumi ascending into the air beyond the lizard man's jumping capability.

"Who put you up to this was it that traitorous bastard I call offspring?" Absolutely furious that he was betrayed in this manner.

"That is correct you see I'm in a bind your son knows something about me he shouldn't in exchange for sparring his life yours is payment" Lumi said with a emotionless face looking down upon the man losing his composure.


Opening a portal Lumi looked at the sad state of the man "You have nothing I need neither want" moving through the portal hearing the screams as it closed.