
Chapter 7: The Journey

So the three of them embarks on a long, and meaningful journey for the kingdom borders. Sarah started asking questions about this whole dimension that they were living in. Her first question was "What dimension are we in?" Ben answers "This dimension really doesn't have a official name but we call it. "The foreseen dimension" cause everyone here has some kind of ability to see the future." The main problem here was not being able to change the future at will. Everything here is controlled by Reznor he controls the outcome of everyone's future. And that is the main reason why we have to stop Reznor. And me and Barbara believe that once we get past the the kingdom borders we will have free will in our thoughts and Reznor won't be able to control us and our thoughts, and our futures. After a few hours and coming close to the border they entered a town where everything seemed to be normal with only exception is that there are no women there, which seemed to be weird to the three of them. The three of them decided to get a bite to eat. So they went into a tavern to get a bite to eat and some drinks before getting back on their path towards the border. Now entering the tavern they noticed that the tavern is very quite no televisions no loud rowdy people in it. Very quiet not much when it comes to noise, just the noise of people walking around the establishment. Another they noticed that theirs no money or any kind of currency be exchanged or being put into a machine. So they found a table to sit at. It took a few minutes for Sarah to realize to get anything that you want you have to speak to someone with your mind. If you spoke to someone it was like you were a foreigner in another country not being able to speak their language. People spoke only if you didn't understand them, which was very confusing to Sarah. So Barbara told Sarah "just read the menu and we will all pick what we want to eat and then me or Ben will order the food for us." Sarah agreed to this and picked what she wanted to eat. So Barbara decided to order their food, while this was going on. One of the other waiters got a message from one of Reznor's servants saying that the three had escaped the castle so now with no real warning things started to escalate within the restaurant. And Barbara started to scream but enough for Ben and Sarah to only hear her. So the instant that Ben and Sarah heard the scream they got up very quickly and were out the door running cause they all knew what was coming next. So they hit the ground running out the door, and just seconds later after they left came five guys immediately after them. So after the three get out of the restaurant Barbara stands and waits a for seconds she uses her powers to slightly lock the door which didn't last long, maybe about 10 seconds while those men were messing with the door, Barbara made a few traps in the process and it slowed them down for another 10 seconds and Ben used his powers to make Barb, Sarah, and himself invisible. The men couldn't find the three of them anywhere. Now Ben, Sarah, Barbara were just standing there waiting to see what the men were going to do. One of the men contacted Reznor and told him that they had lost the escapees. From the sounds of it Reznor was not happy with them. And the men went back into the restaurant to continue working as if nothing had happened. After the man went through the door back into the restaurant, the three of them had reappeared. So now they all had to run like hell to get out of there cause they knew that if stuck around anyone that see them near the restaurant or that town would alert Reznor. After all that excitement for one day they kept on going but had to make some kind of detour to stay out of Reznor's range of sight which meant staying on path with really no pits tops in between. After about an hour or two they realized they had made it to the border. Cause there was a lot of soldiers standing and guarding the border. They must have gotten a warning from Reznor to be on there guard for all three of them. So they stopped in their tracks and discussed a plan to get past the guards at the border. After a few minutes of brainstorming they came up with a plan. To individually sneak past the guards being using invisibility. So the plan was for Barbara to go first so she could alert Ben if anything would go wrong or change up the plans if she see anything. Then Sarah safety, and finally Ben. So putting the plan into action right now. Ben made Barbara invisible and she sneaks around and right past the guards over the border Barb didn't see anything different or anything out of sort so the plan went well without a hitch. Barb had to race to their hidden spot away from the border five feet away. Now was Sarah's turn and pretty much the same thing happened the only difference was that the last guard had turned right toward Sarah. Ben had to remind Sarah that he can't see her, and Sarah remains calm and continues to move forward past the guard and past the border and over to Barb in the hidden spot. Now it's Ben's turn the main problem with Ben being invisible is that when he made Sarah, and Barbara invisible they had about 3 minutes to move and get past the guards and the border right into the hidden spot. But for Ben he had only two minutes to make all this happen with no problems. So with one big breath Ben turns himself invisible and went for it, he had to move quickly and quietly. When moving one of the guards had heard something Ben has to stop for a second or two to make sure that the guards didn't notice anything luckily they didn't notice and he proceeded on with no problems Ben makes it to Barbara and Sarah in the nick of time right when Ben got to the hidden spot his invisible power had turned off right when he got there.