
A Loner's Summer Vacation

Kei just wants a peaceful and quiet summer vacation, but the laid back summer that he yearns for is bound to be disrupted by a certain classmate coupled with some unlikely encounters and events.

Kurt_Inocencio_2281 · Urban
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4 Chs

Inconvenience Store

The cold winds of a chilly night trickled on Kei's cheeks as he walks down the dim lighted road.

"So cold." said Kei as he pushed up the scarf he's wearing.

After a short while, Kei arrived at a nearby convenience store just a few blocks from his apartment.

He then went inside and picked up some stuff like instant ramen and several canned foods.

Kei walked to the cashier to pay for the things he took.

"Would this be all that you want to by sir?" asked the cashier.


The cashier looked at the things Kei bought and couldn't help but think. 'Ugh, look at all this unhealthy stuff.'

While scanning, the cashier gazed at Kei and got surprised.

"It's you again!" exclaimed the cashier which caught Kei by surprise.

Kei then also took a closer look at the cashier and it's her again.

"Akane." uttered Kei with a look of displeasure on his face.

"W-why are you looking at me like that?! This bastard really." Akane exclaims.

"Nothing, just get on with my purchase as I'm in a rush." replied Kei averting eye contact.

'This bastard really! Aahhh I want to punch him in the face right now!' thought Akane as she continued to scan angrily.

"It'll be 923 yen in total." informed Akane.

Kei opened his wallet and gasped.

"I seem to have forgotten to bring any money." whispered Kei to himself.

Akane happened overheard what he said and an evil grin was plastered on her mouth.

"Oh my, what's this? You didn't bring any money with you? How are you supposed to pay for all of this?". asks Akane planning on using this opportunity to make fun of Kei to get revenge.

"U-uhm." stuttered Kei.

This just made Akane's grin even more devilish.

"If you didn't bring any money then why did you even picked up all this stuff? With this you're just being an inconvenience to the business. Don't you feel embarrassed? Hm? Hmmm?" says Akane enjoying this moment as she leans her head closer to Kei wanting to see the pitiful expression he's making.

Kei suddenly takes out something from his wallet and slaps it directly on Akane's forehead.

"Owww! What was that for?!" cried Akane.

"This stores accepts credit payment right?" questioned Kei.

Akane took out a piece of card that got stuck at her forehead. It was a credit card.

Akane went silent and continues to process Kei's payment without saying another word.

Kei finally has his stuff in a plastic bag. Just when he was about to get out of the store, Kei stopped and looked back at Akane.

"What is it?" questions Akane with her eyebrows colliding.

Kei didn't say anything and just gave Akane a smug look before walking out of the convenience store.

"I'm going to kill that guy!!! Aaarrgh!" yelled Akane with fire already spewing out of her mouth with anger as the Manager struggles to hold her off from killing Kei.

While walking back home, Kei gazed up at the dark sky illuminated by stars.

'First a delivery girl, now a convenience store employee. She sure is hardworking.' thought Kei to himself as a subtle smile came across his face.

And there's Akane, still throwing tantrums inside the store while the Manager tries to calm her down.