
A Loner's Summer Vacation

Kei just wants a peaceful and quiet summer vacation, but the laid back summer that he yearns for is bound to be disrupted by a certain classmate coupled with some unlikely encounters and events.

Kurt_Inocencio_2281 · Urban
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4 Chs

Helping Hand

"Huh? Where is she?"

Kei looked around his apartment looking around trying to find Ruri, his pet cat.

With a look of confusion on his face, Kei frantically tries to find where his cat seems to be hiding. Ruri isn't usually a cat that roams around so it's unlikely that she left the apartment.

Then Kei noticed that the door was left open all this time.

"Maybe she went outside. What if she got abducted because she's so cute?!"says Kei panicking inside as he rushed outside to find his cat in the middle of the night.






When Kei rushed out, he forgot to wear a jacket to fight the cold. He didn't even bother to put on some slippers when he ran out in the empty streets of the neighborhood.

"Ruri, where are you." called out Kei while walking down the dim lighted street.

After a short while of walking and looking around, Kei heard meowing sounds.

Kei ran towards the source of that meowing as he new exactly that it was his cat.

When he arrived at the said alley where the sound came from, there Kei saw his cat but Ruri seems to be accompanying someone sitting under the streetlight.

Upon closer look, Kei recognized the the person his cat accompanies. It was Akane and besides her is a luggage bag and he won't pretend to not see the dried tears and Akane's reddened eyes.

Ruri noticed Kei and she immediately tiptoed towards him and jumped on his arms.

With this, Akane took notice of Kei and desperately wipes the tears left in her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" asked Akane trying to hide her face.

"I'm here to get my cat, she ran away from home." replied Kei while petting Ruri.


"So your cat did the same, haha." says Akane.

"You ran away from home, didn't you." said Kei.

"Pretty childish right? You can laugh at me if you want I don't care." answered Akane still trying to look tough.

"No I won't." Kei responded.

This has taken Akane aback. "What? You trying to look cool or something? haha."

Kei then walked towards Akane and crouched down to her eye level.

"You must have your own reason for leaving home like this so I won't judge you." said Kei.

With these words uttered by Kei, Akane finally couldn't contain it anymore as she bursted out crying as she leaned her head on the side of Kei's chest.

Kei didn't move an inch and just let Akane use his chest to cry unto.

After a short while, Akane finally stopped crying.

"Don't look at me, I'm ugly after I cry." says Akane as tilts her head down with her hair covering her face.

Kei just smiled sincerely. "You don't need to worry about that, you're ugly even when you don't cry."


Without considering his words properly, Kei received a devastating blow on the solar plexus by Akane which almost ended his life.