
A Loner's Summer Vacation

Kei just wants a peaceful and quiet summer vacation, but the laid back summer that he yearns for is bound to be disrupted by a certain classmate coupled with some unlikely encounters and events.

Kurt_Inocencio_2281 · Urban
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4 Chs

Helping Hand II

"So, where are you going to stay now that you've ran away from home." asked Kei.

"I-I don't know. I only have a little money left so staying at an inn for the night is out of the question." replied Akane quite troubled.

"You really didn't think this through did you." added Kei.

"If you're just going to reprimand me then get lost already, I can handle myself." growled Akane.

"Okay." answered Kei as he turned his back on Akane and began walking away.

As she gazed at Kei slowly walking away from her sight, Akane curled up due to the cold.

A few minutes later, a seemingly drunk middle aged man in a suit holding a briefcase and a can of beer passed by Akane.

The drunk man noticed her and walked towards Akane who is beginning to get uncomfortable.

"What are you doing here in the middle of the night little girl? *hiccup*" asked the drunk man.

"P-please don't mind me mister, you can go on your way now." stuttered Akane, getting anxious.

"Do you mind accompanying this uncle on a few drinks on my house. You can sleep there if you want to as well." suggested the man with a lustrous look on his face.

"I would respectfully decline." replied Akane almost immediately.

"Come on don't be like that." says the drunk man as he grabbed Akane by the wrist trying to pull her in.

"Please mister don't touch me." pleaded Akane.

Then a small growl was heard.


It was Ruri who is growling at the drunk old man.

"What the hell is with this cat? Get lost!" the drunk man said groggily as he tried to kick the cat.

Akane quickly grabbed Ruri before she can get hit by the kick.

"Don't hit a helpless animal sir, and don't bother me any longer or I'll call the police." said Akane firmly while holding Ruri.

"Haishh, kids these days don't know any respect at all." said the drunk man getting pissed off as he raised his hand wanting to hit Akane.

Akane's body stiffened up as she just closed her eyes waiting to get hit but she didn't. Instead when she opened her eyes, she saw Kei in between her and the drunk man.

"W-what's this another brat? Let go of my hand kid!" exclaimed the man.

"You seem like a proper person mister with that fancy suit of yours but to think that you're this much of a scum." answered Kei, still grasping the drunk mans wrists that was supposed to hit Akane.

'Like you're any better.' thought Akane while listening to what Kei said.

"Arrgh!" winced the drunk man, in pain as Kei grips his wrist even tighter.

"I can let you go but you have to be on your way, okay?" says Kei.

"Okay, okay! Just let my hand go." replied the drunk man.

Kei slowly let got of the drunk man. As soon as Kei released his grip, the drunk man immediately strutted away.

"Why did you come back?" asked Akane.

"Ruri ran towards here again so I chased after her. I saw you're in quite a bit of trouble so I helped." replied Kei as he picked up Ruri from Akane.

"T-thank you." says Akane in a low voice.

"Come again?" asked Kei.

"I-I said thank you! don't make me repeat myself dummy." repeated Akane blushing.

"Hhe" Kei just had a smug look on his face.

"You can just forget I ever thanked you." muttered Akane looking at Kei in dismay.

"I'll be going now." said Kei as he was just about to leave again but Akane grabbed unto his shirt.

"What is it?" asked Kei, thinking it might be something troublesome again.

"You're right, I can't handle my situation right now. Help me." requested Akane.

"Don't wanna." said Kei with a straight face.

"Pretty please?!" pleaded Akane while holding Kei in a rear choke hold.

"T-this is not how you ask for a favor!" stutters Kei tapping out while gasping for air.





A few moments later.

"Sigh, you can stay in my apartment for the night if you want to." suggested Kei.

"Really? But don't get any weird ideas." replied Akane.

Kei just looked at Akane with a disgusted face.

"You want to get hit again?" questioned Akane holding her fist up.

"You want me to leave you here?" replied Kei almost immediately.

"Please don't!" Akane bowed down.

Akane then took her luggage bag getting ready to go.

"Let's go." says Akane as she began to walk but notice Kei didn't move at all.

"What's wrong? Let's go." utters Akane while looking at him.

"Carry me on your back." says Kei.

"Huh?! And why would I do that?"

"I forgot to put on some slippers when I rushed out earlier and now my feet is all bruised up. I can't take another step." answered Kei.

Akane looked at Kei's feet and indeed, it had a bruises everywhere and a few cuts as well.

Without any other choice left, Akane carried Kei on her back until they reached his apartment.