
A Loner's Summer Vacation

Kei just wants a peaceful and quiet summer vacation, but the laid back summer that he yearns for is bound to be disrupted by a certain classmate coupled with some unlikely encounters and events.

Kurt_Inocencio_2281 · Urban
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4 Chs


*ding dong

The doorbell suddenly rang on Kei's room apartment. This prompt him to get out of his comfy bed to answer the door.

"Who is it?" asked Kei, yawning still half asleep.

"Delivery." a voice of a girl was heard on the other side of his door.

'Oh, it must be the parcel I've ordered online' thought Kei as he opened the door.

When he opened the door, he saw quite the familiar face he didn't think he would see.

"Huh?" uttered Kei when he saw the face of the delivery girl. It was none other than a classmate of his at the University named Akane.

"Oh? if it isn't the loner of the class. Wassup man?" snickered the delivery girl.

"Uhm, good." replied Kei in awkwardness.

"It's really hard doing delivery work with my bike in this heat you know? But gotta do it anyway to rake up some money while we're in summer break." blabbered Akane.

'I didn't ask though, and I couldn't care less anyway.' thought Kei while looking at Akane with a blank face.

The delivery girl suddenly just simply barged inside of Kei's apartment and sat down on the floor in exhaustion.

"Whoo, so hot! I'm so tired dammit!" complained the delivery girl as she fanned her face with her hand.

"You know you can't just barge into someone's house without permission right? It's trespassing." says Kei.

"Come on dude, don't be so uptight. Instead of nagging on me can't you just get me a glass of water? I'm dying here." replied Akane.

'This bit**!' cursed Kei on his mind.

Kei just sighed as he took his parcel and went to the kitchen. He then filled a glass with cold water and gave it to Akane.

"Here's your water."

Akane immediately grabbed the glass and chugged all the water in one go.

"Haaah! that hits the spot. You're a lifesaver." thanked Akane.

"Now that that's done, can you leave now?" says Kei.

"Can't you just let me rest here for just a bit?" pleaded Akane looking at Kei with puppy eyes.

"No." Kei immediately answered without hesitation.

"Come on man, we're classmates right?"

"No." Kei answered again getting annoyed.

"Che, that's why you don't have any friends in school." commented Akane with a smug look on her face.

Kei then dragged Akane out of his apartment and thrown her outside and locked his door.

"You bastard! This is the reason why you'll forever be single!" yelled Akane outside his front door and kicked the door real hard hurting her toes in the process. "AAAAHHHH!!"

"Sigh, so noisy." muttered Kei as he went back to his bed to sleep even though it's already noon.

'Ha, finally some peace.' Kei slowly closed his eyes and went back to sleep