
A loli with a lolis system.

A girl named Aika was reincarnated as princess of the Kingdom of Derlís, however she is a loli and has a system that allows to summon lolis and equipment.

patinhoDEUSVULT · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
18 Chs

Monster hunting.

After getting to know Sophia better, Aika bought complete equipment for the entire group.

She bought a round loli edition shield for Suyen along with a black knight armor when she wore the whole outfit she looked like a heavy mini knight, Aika bought a pink samurai armor with rainbow edges and a modern hunting bow along with a quiver of loli edition arrows too, for Sophia she took a semi automatic CO2 rifle MPX Sig Sauer, a hunting knife, a complete loli edition military armor and a camouflage cape.

- Yay, our team is complete now!

They clapped their hands together, all that was left now was permission from Uncle Orlos to hunt knowing that they quickly went to his office.

- Not!

- Why?

The 3 of them made puppy looks at Orlos, however their response remained firm, after the problems that Aika has caused he cannot just take her out hunting.

- You are not ready for this yet, and when did you get another mate?

- This is Sophia, she is super strong and will take care of us!

Sophia nodded in agreement, Orlos once again let out a breath.

- No, it is not!


He slammed the bedroom door leaving the girls alone, they waited a while to see if his heart hurt but he didn't come back so they left.

But Aika, who spent all her savings on equipment, would not abandon her hunting mission for nothing.

- Let's sneak out tonight!

Aika said confidently while the other two agreed.


At night.


-Hmm, what was that noise?

The guard said while he was going to look at the bush, then 3 girls ran after him, further ahead there was another guard Sophia threw a stone stealthily in the bush and that guard also went to look.

For the plan to work, Aika bought a divine stealth action skill for Sophia.

(distraction - sneaking a small object will attract the attention of the person closest to the location and will check it out)

With that, their plan was working perfectly and even those guards who could catch a master-level assassin did not notice their escapes.

Soon they left the property and after the city, leaving outside they went to a forest to the south that was home to low level monsters like goblins and horned rabbits.

They entered carefully, since it was dark at night and full of strange noises but Sophia was playing the scout allowing an easy crossing.

- A group of Goblins ahead!

They looked at what appeared to be a patrol of 6 goblins, usually this type of patrol only exists when a camp is nearby but the girls had no way of knowing that.

Suyen sneaked up to the patrol, thanks to her black armor she could hardly be seen.

A goblin felt the leaves moving and turned his head towards her, he started to focus trying to find something but what he saw was a hammer going towards her.

- Huh?


His head was hit by the hammer making the sound of bones being crushed, the goblins will immediately turn to Suyen and swing their clubs towards her.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

3 shots had hit the goblins in front, the other two tried to retreat!


A small glow went through the two goblins and they were cut in half, Aika sheathed her sword and looked at the 6 tickets she won.

- This is much more efficient than I thought!

Having said that, the group continued to advance through the forest, they found a few more patrols on the way but they were all eliminated in the same way and they were approaching the base of the goblins.


Aika's bow released an arrow that stuck in the goblin's neck in the watchtower, they reached that base a few minutes ago and after having a general idea of ​​the place they decided to attack.

Using their archery shot all the guards were killed and the girls entered the camp, in the tents there were several sleeping goblins who were stabbed by Sophia and died on the spot.

(Stabbing sounds)

The goblin who was stabbed opened his eyes immediately and started to squirm but Sophia's hands were holding him and they didn't let him move, however in the middle of his fight he bumped into a pile of embers and set his tent on fire.

Soon the alarm began to sound for the scouts alive, and what was left of the camp woke up and ran to put out the fire.

But the girls, seeing that their sneak attack plan would end the moment they saw the bodies, will resolve to eliminate as much as they can.



An arrow was recorded on a goblin running with a bucket, another goblin who saw it and was about to scream was pulled into a tent.


Suyen's hammer hit the head of another goblin and she quickly pulled him into a tent, but she ended up hitting the mast and the tent fell.

The goblins looked at the small figure with one of their dead companions with their heads in a horrible state.


- Sharrrr!

The Goblins started shouting and pointing towards Suyen, but they didn't have to say much when Aika and Sophia attacked them from the side.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

- Aaaaa!


The goblins that were numbered 20 had their number cut in half in the surprise attack, Suyen soon joined the battle as well and they eliminated the remaining goblins.

But it couldn't be that easy.


The ground shook with the sound of footsteps, the girls turned to look at the biggest tent in the center she started to shake.


A goblin twice the height of a normal human came out, he was carrying a big club and his eyes went red when he saw his subordinates dead.


He roared towards the girls and attacked Aika quickly.



Suyen stepped in front and blocked the attack with his shield, but the ground at her feet cracked however she was fine despite shaking slightly.


Sophia fired a round of shots at the giant but her shots failed to penetrate deeply to cause serious damage.


Aika stepped forward quickly and cut his ankle but the cut was shallow and only took her balance for a moment.

The giant goblin spun his fist at Aika.


She made a block with the sword but was thrown back a few meters, however the giant goblin cannot continue its attack on her.


Suyen's hammer hit her head and knocked him back, and more shots were fired by Sophia.

Aika soon got up and went back to the battle, the girls faced the giant like a certain boy named David faced Goliath, the only difference is that they fought an epic battle instead of throwing a stone.


Bang! Bang! Bang!




The giant goblin fell to the ground, letting out its last roar before dying, the girls soon lay down on the ground, the day was already dawning and the air was smelling of thick, burning blood.

- We finally knocked him down, good job girls!

- Yay!

- Yay!

They gave a celebration with their tired voices, however they were very happy to have won this challenge and Aika was even more happy to have won 97 tickets apparently the Giant was worth 30 tickets.


A man in armor fell to the ground in front of them, Orlos had a face divided with concern and anger.

- Uncle Orlos, see we managed to defeat them all!

- Huh?

Orlos only now turned his head to look around, had bodies of goblins scattered everywhere and a variant Hobgoblin dead.

- Did you do all that?

- Yes, incredible isn't it!

- And how did you feel?

- Did you feel like?

Orlos gave them a small look and rephrased the question.

- What was the feeling of taking life from something for the first time?

Aika put her hands on her chin and thought about it.

- I think indifferent, I did not feel anything at the time and I still do not feel anything more as if it were natural!

- I see, right now it's time for you to receive a long sermon and be grounded for disobeying me!


The girls said with difficulty but Orlos just laughed and put them on his back and brought him back to the city.

But inside he was thinking of something else.

Thoughts - Even though they are monsters and weak, many human beings feel discomfort when they see blood, or get very excited because of the adrenaline. This is a problem that gets worse or corrects itself when you spend a lot of time in a death row.

But Aika didn't feel anything, of course I can't be sure of that but if she is indifferent to the fact of taking lives then she is a born warrior!