
A Little More Of Me

Run. All I have to do is run and hide. Kahit gaano na ako kapagod ay pinilit ko pa rin itulak ang mga paa ko palayo sa bahay na iyon. "Desiree! bumalik ka rito!" I didn't listen. I just kept on running and running. Dried leaves are everywhere. Falling dried leaves. Trees and darkness are the only things that's surrounds me. Mahina akong napadaing nang madapa ako. Hinihingal na nanlalaki ang matang napatigil ako. I tripped. "There you are" Fear and Worry consumed my whole being. He found me! Dali-dali akong gumapang palayo sa pinanggalingan ng boses niya. Tears are running down my cheeks. I kept on crawling. Desperately wanting to get away from him. "Ahh!!" All my hopes are crushed when he grabbed my feet dragged me on where he's standing. "N-no! Let go!" Pilit niya akong tinitihaya. "Where do you think you're going, huh?! You think you could get away from me after what you did? You slut!" After he said that, he slapped me. Hard Hindi pa siya nakuntento at sinuntok pa niya ako sa tiyan. Namilipit ako at ininda ang sakit na dulot ng malakas niyang pagkakasuntok sa tiyan ko. Nawala sa isip ko ang kalagayan ko nang dahil sa sakit. Wala akong nagawa nang buhatin niya ako't dalhin kung saan. Probably back in that hell he call house. Hindi ko alam ang gagawin ko nang ibalibag niya ako sa sahig. Tumama ang ulo ko sa sahig ng pagkalakas-lakas. Napahawak ako sa ulo ko habang sinusubukang bumangon but he kicked my head. Napapikit ako nang umikot ang paningin ko and the last thing I know are sirens are everywhere and people are noisy and someone is lifting me up.

CoffeeSeason · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter Three

Days passed and school days finally came.

The talk with mom didn't go well. I asked her the next morning and she just answered me with 'you'll remember soon. I don't think she'll tell me so I just dropped the topic.

After that, she started talking about business with me, which I don't really understand why's she discussing those matters with me. She also mentioned meeting her business partner 2 days from now however, I just shrugged that off.

"The rules Dessy, remember them. " she held my hand, getting my attention "Someone will get you inside to tour you around the campus. Make sure to call me when something happens, I'm at your speed so you won't get a hard time reaching me if something goes wrong."

"Yes, mom. Take care." with that, I got off of my mom's car.

A lot of kids are already scurrying inside, there are some my age too, I think. A guard asked for my pass, I quickly gave him my permission note to enter but he's so good with his job.

"Where's your pass? I haven't seen you here before."

Just as i was about to explain to him my side, a man caught the guard’s attention.

“Sir, I'm her backer. She’s a transfer student and today’s her first day so she doesn't have any pass yet.” this guy..

“Oh is that so? Okay then” He nodded at me and smiled a bit for pleasantries, I did the same.

“Let’s go” this guy is the guy that helped me at my grandparents’ party.

He smiled at me and motioned his arm in front of me, welcoming me and motioning that I’ll go first. I nodded and started to walk, with him beside me.

"I'm Nikkolai Samuel Santiago, you can call me whatever you want but everyone calls me Samuel." I glanced at him for a short time, I caught him looking at me with a smile. I don't know what to say so I just nod.

"Your mother is a family friend. Auntie Eri told me about your condition, don't worry, I won't take advantage of you. You can count on me with that." he explained.

So mom told him about my condition. Well, that's weird. And also, I can count on him for him not taking advantage of my condition? How so? Do I know him before?

"Oh, we're going to the principal's office first. We need to get you your schedule, pass, and a few things that you'll need for the whole semester. " he seems a nice guy, you can't be so sure.

He'll sometimes name and explain the places we're in. This school is huge indeed. The principal is nice too. The principal gave me a few things. Santiago insisted on carrying them though, fine with me.

"What's this 'majoring'?" I pointed at the unfamiliar subject that's on my schedule. He leaned in a little bit making me smell his scent.

"Your perfume is too strong." I absentmindedly blurted out.

He's shocked alright. He's just staring at me dumbfounded and gaping.

What? his perfume is too strong and I found it unpleasing to my senses.

Not long after, he got his soul back. He laughed at the awkward atmosphere that I probably created.

"I didn't know you're this straight forward" He laughed again before we continued walking. He sniffed his uniform and laughed again. “Is it? I don't think so”

I frowned at him.

"Yes, you do. Your perfume is strong enough to mess up my senses." I said as I scrunch my nose a little, showing him that I'm a little disgusted.

"Ahh hahaha anyways, the majoring is like Technology and Livelihood Education. Thus it has 5 categories, It's up to you. There's Drafting, Garments, Entrepreneurship, IT and Culinary." he explained.

I nod. So there's something I could decide on...or should I ask mom?

we arrived at a building that has 5 floors, I think.

"This is our building." h guided me as we climbed the stairs until we're on the last floor--the 5th floor.

He talked and talked while we walk. we passed some of the classrooms. The students inside are in chaos. where are the teachers?

"This will be your classroom." we stopped in front of a classroom. i was about to ask something but the door suddenly opened.

"Samuel!" a girl's figure suddenly appeared making me flinch.

"Anna!" Santiago greets.

Then the girl's eyes landed on me, with confusion in her eyes she looked at Santiago's--asking.

"Oh, Anna this is Desiree, a family friend, and the new student. Desiree this is Anna my friend since gradeschool."

"Ahh," she smiled at me and offered her hand "Anna Ramirez, President of Section 1-3. Nice to meet you" I accepted her hand and spared her a small smile.

"Desiree Fairchild"

"Anyways, do you know what classroom you are assigned to?" I was about to tell here that this is the classroom that I am assigned to but Santiago answered her for me.

"She's assigned to our room, Anna. I'm showing her around the campus, this is our last stop." he explains.

"AhIs that so? do you want me to introduce you to the whole class? The teachers are having a meeting and It'll probably last 'till afternoon." she widened the door, I can hear the noises that's coming inside.

Just as when I was about to step inside, a hard pang of pain enveloped my head, making me shut my eyes tight and slightly put pressure on my head with my hands.

He's pointing a knife under my chin while hugging me from the back.

"Know what? Why don't we have a little fun?" My breathing is shaky, I can barely breathe.

"Dad...--" I felt the tip of the knife slides onto my skin and the immediate blood rush through my neck to my collarbone.

"Desiree? Shit!" I suddenly felt like I'm floating, my surroundings sounds blury and all I can hear is a buzzing echo. "Clear the table!" I felt a hard surface on my back.

"Can you...speed dial my mom, #1.." the pain is a bit bearable but there are times that my head will throb.

I can hear Santiago, probably talking to my mom. a cloth is slighting damping my forehead, wiping away some sweats that were formed even though this whole classroom is freezing due to the AC

It's quiet...

I opened my eyes, slightly, and there, I saw the other students curiously looking at me.

I look around.

I stilled.

The kids are staring at me. Confusion is mostly on their faces. I am currently on the desk while my legs are hanging.

My face suddenly turns red. I bet I look like a tomato.


So much for the Introduction...