
A Little More Of Me

Run. All I have to do is run and hide. Kahit gaano na ako kapagod ay pinilit ko pa rin itulak ang mga paa ko palayo sa bahay na iyon. "Desiree! bumalik ka rito!" I didn't listen. I just kept on running and running. Dried leaves are everywhere. Falling dried leaves. Trees and darkness are the only things that's surrounds me. Mahina akong napadaing nang madapa ako. Hinihingal na nanlalaki ang matang napatigil ako. I tripped. "There you are" Fear and Worry consumed my whole being. He found me! Dali-dali akong gumapang palayo sa pinanggalingan ng boses niya. Tears are running down my cheeks. I kept on crawling. Desperately wanting to get away from him. "Ahh!!" All my hopes are crushed when he grabbed my feet dragged me on where he's standing. "N-no! Let go!" Pilit niya akong tinitihaya. "Where do you think you're going, huh?! You think you could get away from me after what you did? You slut!" After he said that, he slapped me. Hard Hindi pa siya nakuntento at sinuntok pa niya ako sa tiyan. Namilipit ako at ininda ang sakit na dulot ng malakas niyang pagkakasuntok sa tiyan ko. Nawala sa isip ko ang kalagayan ko nang dahil sa sakit. Wala akong nagawa nang buhatin niya ako't dalhin kung saan. Probably back in that hell he call house. Hindi ko alam ang gagawin ko nang ibalibag niya ako sa sahig. Tumama ang ulo ko sa sahig ng pagkalakas-lakas. Napahawak ako sa ulo ko habang sinusubukang bumangon but he kicked my head. Napapikit ako nang umikot ang paningin ko and the last thing I know are sirens are everywhere and people are noisy and someone is lifting me up.

CoffeeSeason · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter Five.

As soon as I went down, the Santiagos asked me questions about my health that were answered by my mom. Meanwhile, the young Santiago, Samuel, is just watching me keep up with the concerns that his parents are giving me.

Not that long, mom’s hospitality strikes and then she led the visitors to the dining area for dinner. Mom is sitting in the host spot of the dining table while the Santiago couple is on her right side while I and Samuel are on her left side.

The food is already served so as soon as we are settled, we start eating.

“Sorry, binulabog pa namin kayo ng ganitong oras imbis na nagpapahinga na kayo. Si mama kasi nagalala nung nakwento kong muntik ka nang mahimatay at nagkulit na bisitahin ka dito.” may pagaalin-langan niyang paumanhin.

It's fine though, I quite like that his mom is this worried of me even though Im just a family friend.

“Ayos lang, i appreciate your mom’s kindness.” I smiled at him and continued at what’s in front of me.

He made small talks after that and we exchanged questions. After the dinner, we decided to hang out in the garden while the adults are talking about business.

I got a little comfortable with Samuel and before I knew it, I was laughing at his silly remarks and jokes. He told me about his childhood and how annoying he was when he was a child. He also remarked that, “it’s a blessing that I have grown up and matured a bit”. I laughed at his stories and our topic was all about him.

And I'm thankful for him.

I don't think I can talk about myself with anyone and besides, there’ll be no interest in me since most of my memories are from 2 years ago.

After that fun talk with Samuel, the Santiago couple decided to call it a night. They wished for my safety and once again, showed their concern and kindness towards me. They bid their goodbyes and left, as well as Samuel.

Mom decided to walk me to my room even though there’s no need doing that. I got confused but who knows what’s going on in my mother’s mind?

Just as I was about to enter my room, my mom reached out for my hand.

“Desiree, I have a lot of shortcomings and I'm not the very best mother anyone could have. I left you and the years that were eaten by horrible times. About what you have said yesterday, you are my child. I am very very sorry.” she suddenly said.

Her eyes are teary and I feel weird. “I'm sorry that i left you. i ' m sorry that you have to go through the worst things. There are no valid excuses or reasons for what i have done but i want you to know that I will be here for you. I will do better. I will make everything better for you. I will--” i cut her off when her tears started to fall.

“Mom? “ i smiled at her surprised and confused face. “Will you be with me and replace the memories I lost?” my chest felt heavy and my tears suddenly fell like waterfalls.

She seized me for a tight hug and I did the same.

I did feel betrayed. Maybe because she left me. I have a lot to say to her. I have so many questions and banters and words that I want to throw to her. I want her to realize that leaving me made a huge impact and damage to my life.

If I could show her what I'm feeling for the past 2 years of her taking care of me in that hospital after being comatosed for another 2 years. If only i know how...i would.

But the moment she started speaking, and when i saw the different expressions and emotions on her face--in her eyes, all of it disappeared.

She knew. She knew how wrong she was.

She’s aware, and I realized that that’s all I ever wanted. For her to notice what I have been through and her apologize.

I can see the sincerity in her eyes.

After her tight hug, she made me rest since it’s late and we can talk more tomorrow. She kissed my cheek and went to her room that is just at the other side of the hallway. I got inside and went inside of the bathroom to prepare for bed. The darkness pulled my consciousness as soon as I lay down.

I woke up and my eyes were a bit puffy from crying last night. I massaged it before getting up then I prepared for school. Today is my second day at school. Yesterday was a disaster and there is no teacher to “introduce” me to the class so suppose...this is my official first day?

“Good morning Dessy. Come here and have breakfast before school.” mom, who is reading a newspaper while drinking her tea.

“Morning.” she just smiled and nodded.

After breakfast, mom drove me to school, which made 10 to 20 minutes of awkward silence. I think we are both too embarrassed? To talk about what happened last night. Nevertheless, last night was memorable.

Actually, I will put it to my core memories and label it as ‘Cringe moments’. Great idea? No? Ok.

The car stopped just in front of Samuel, who’s currently leaning on the gate. Umayos siya ng tayo nang tuluyan nang huminto ang makina ng sasakyan sa harap nya.

As you should.



“Take care there. Call me if anything happens. Let Samuel take care of you.” she smiled.

“I can take care of myself mom, I can't depend on Santiago every time. He’s not my babysitter.” I smiled at her before opening the car door and stepping out of the car. Her confused face when she heard I called him Santiago is still printed in my memory core.

“Hey there, good morning.”

“Morning.” I smiled as I greeted him back.

“Ready for your official day?” he motioned his hand for me to walk first so i did.

“Yep. I hope this would not turn into another disaster.'' I answered as I started to climb these freaking long stairs.

Yep. Our classroom is on the 5th floor...i can do this, please.