
A Little Grudge

After a mugging in Brooklyn, a young man is brought to the Naruto World as Kakuzu, just before the age of the hidden villages. He is enthralled to meet a new family, but when that all goes to hell, he has few options left. The one he takes? It won't end well for his enemies. Somewhat AU. Taking liberties with the timeline, as, to be fair, there really isn't a good one before the third war.

King_Rattata · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Is Genocide Wrong If it's My Revenge?

The next day, early in the morning, Kakuzu went to a hidden area underwater where the important meetings were held. As he walked in, everyone turned to him, many in shock, and the leader of the rank 2 ninja turned to the clan head.

"Village leader? I know he is the strongest of our next generation, but he is… ahem, well you know an out-"

He was quickly interrupted by the village chief. "He hasn't been an outsider for years now. He is also the one who knows the most about the Noibaro outside of some of the clan scholars." The Rank 2 Commander bowed his head and nodded once. "Understood."

Kakuzu took his place next to the principal, then the chief motioned for him to speak.

"Oh. Hello. The name's Kakuzu, but I'm sure at least most of you know me. Uh, not sure if Chief told you why we're having a war or not, so I guess I'll just jump right in. I went to the Noibaro Clan while their ninja were gone and destroyed their entire village. So now they'll probably want revenge or something like that. I don't have any skill at tailing people, so if we want to make sure, we'll have to send out a specialist, but we all know what those jackoffs are gonna do."

The rank 1 commander stood up, slamming his hands into the table. "Is this supposed to be a joke? This child has no right to speak in front of the war council in this...goofy manner! Be serious here!"

Kakuzu stood up straight, looked down a bit toward the weakest and most xenophobic commander and glared. "Fine. I will be serious and speak properly if I must. We will all die at this rate, and there are few ways to prevent such a thing from happening. If not from this war, then the threats that come afterward. I am here mostly to give information, but to address this as well."

A shiver went down everyone's spine hearing his grave, powerful voice, leaving little room for doubt, except his present adversary. "How do we know that? We cannot simply blindly trust an outsider to manage the future of the clan!"

Kakuzu growled a bit. "Hey. Shut the hell up, would you? Or you won't like what comes next, weakest of the commanders."

That touched a nerve. Or two. "Weakest? How dare you? Everyone, do you see how violent and out of line this mere rank 2 outsider is?"

"He's a rank 3 now, actually. Now, can we continue with the meeting without any more interruptions? Lest I be required to act."

A man with a red mask on the side of his face was suddenly on the ceiling, with twelve red bo on his back. One of the clan's eight rank 5 shinobi, known as Sun Staff, who was also serving as the rank 5 commander.

Immediately, the rank four shinobi acting as the commander for rank 1 bowed. "I apologize for my insolence. The...outsider may proceed with his introduction and information."

Everyone in the room had the exact same thought pop into their head at the same time. "Idiot."


Sun Staff looked at his now bloody bo with a star shaped end. "Oops. I hit too hard. I only wanted him to not be able to speak again."

The man looked down in confusion, only having seen a red blur, but upon trying to move his head, head realized he couldn't. Everyone else was looking at the star shaped hole in his spine as the now deceased commander fell to the ground, his last moments spent cursing his larynx.

"Well, anyway, now that the distraction is gone, we can continue." All of the people in the room under rank 5 shivered at the ease at which Sun Staff killed a rank 4 shinobi, one of the top 10%, who was in charge of all the rank 1s.

Kakuzu was not one of them, instead yawning a bit and becoming less serious. "Good idea, nice assist. So like I said, we could end up dead if we handle this badly, so we need some semblance of strategy. The Noibaro will find our location soon enough and I sincerely believe that they will reveal it to others before attacking."

Once more, everyone shivered at the thought of the place they hid for decades being discovered, and the rank 3 commander spoke for the first time since his arrival.

"We won't be able to move. If we do we will look weak and likely be attacked more often than we are now. We would also have to find a good new place to hide, and that would be difficult. So what is it you are suggesting, Kakuzu?"

"Correct on everything. We need to do two things. I know nobody here likes taking strategy from an outsider let alone a kid, but I sincerely suggest what I am for the good of the clan. That being said, everyone stay quiet until I finish."

He looked up at Sun Staff who was back up on the roof for some reason. The latter nodded.

"Great. Our first move will be letting them attack first." Kakuzu waited a moment for everyone to process what he stated. The rank 2 commander was about to stand up when Sun Staff hit the roof with one of his bo, causing a loud thump. He then looked back to Kakuzu.

"As expected, that didn't go over so well. Like I said. Let them discover and report our location to others before we attack, but we also need to do so before they enter the cave system, to ensure the survival of the civilians. The second thing is, after we defeat them, we need to engage in talks with the daimyo. After everyone knows where we are, we will need to either create or join a hidden village. Our clan would be most prosperous if we established one right here. I already drew up blueprints for it, in fact. Now, questions. One at a time."

Under Sun Staff, nobody outraged. Insteaed, the rank 3 commander nodded. "I'll go first. I must say, I agree. We may have been secretive and hidden for a while, and I admit there are dangers to allowing other clans to come near, but we will not be able to stand up to large coalitions of other clans. I agree with everything the boy has said."

Kakuzu stood frozen at the revelation that another higher up was actually trusting of him apart from Sun Staff, the chief, and Hisaru.

The rank 2 commander slumped in his chair. "I admit that I see the merits of what you are suggesting, but I believe right now we should focus on how we might win this war. The Noibaro are much stronger than us as a whole. Even if their individual troops are weaker, how could we beat their numbers, over 2,000, with our much lesser ones?"

Kakuzu grinned under his mask. "I was hoping someone might ask that."

Eight days later, two forces were standing on a field. One in blind fury, the other in hope. The Noibaro forces had been thinned down to 700 troops by an unbelievable number of effective traps, while the Takira had all of their rank 3 and above shinobi, amounting to only about 250. However, these were some of the best, the weakest of them equal to a typical jonin.

In front of the Takira were Hisaru, Sun Staff, Kakuzu, and in front of them, the chief: Brock the Angelic Slayer. In front of the Noibaro stood the chief, behind him three others. Kakuzu recognized only one of them: Bart.

He was the father of the boy who raped and killed Kakuzu's mother. Kakuzu knew who he was because a message was left written in blood near the boy's body when the Kawakami Clan's sole survivor was leaving.

[To the boy who I watched kill my son. You are dead]

Kakuzu tore off his mask as he howled in both happiness at this battle for vengeance and anger at the vile clan that tore his own apart.

That signaled the start of the battle. Each of the Takira were forced to take on two or three of the Noibaro, but this was not unreasonable for the top forces of the Takira. In fact, winning with only a few casualties was not necessarily a pipe dream.

Kakuzu stood back, readying Targeted Sandwich Jutsu toward the enemy chief when Bart came sliding by, the ground turning to mush just in front of his feet to boost his speed to its highest degree.

The ground turned into a sticky and unbearably nauseating marsh for ten feet in each direction around Kakuzu, who blocked his sense of smell with chakra. Luckily, it wasn't poisonous.

Kakuzu merely changed his aim to Bart, causing two thick semicircles to rise diagonally from the ground, as if the earth wanted to take a bite out of him.

The last Kawakami wasn't expecting the earth to turn to mush and splash harmlessly around his adversary, however, allowing Bart to land a solid hit to the chest.

Kakuzu spat a bit as he skidded along the ground. The hit did a fair bit of damage to him as his defense was fairly low, still being a child. However, ninjutsu was not all Kakuzu worked on over the past few years with the Takira.


Bart went flying back, his entire front side mangled by the explosion. Kakuzu in an instant wrote the formula for an explosive tag entirely out of his chakra.

'I hate doing that. Minato makes it look easy, but that took nearly a quarter of my chakra. Much less efficient than even a fireball jutsu. Lucky Uzumaki bastards, with their talent in fuinjutsu and chakra!'

Bart growled, standing back up despite the hideous burns scarring his form. "You took the hit on purpose? I should have expected this kind of move from the piece of shit who killed my son!"

Kakuzu shivered. "Do... Do you know what your son did? If you watched him die, how did you not see my mother on the ground in front of him, brutalized?" Kakuzu raised one hand toward Bart, an unbelievable bloodlust spilling from him.

"Earth Style: Stone Machine Gun."

This was the format of the Rock Gun Jutsu Kakuzu had been practicing after completing the Rasengan, four days prior, easily engineered, but only reasonably usable for those with inordinate amount amounts of chakra.

Loud booms resounded as twelve bullets smashed into Bart, each sending him at least five feet back, growing in size the further from Kakuzu they went.

"I'm not done yet! Katsu!"

Bart didn't even have a chance to turn them to muddy water because of their density, speed, and the sheer amount of chakra input into each, then, the last one exploded on contact, knocking Kakuzu to 45% of his chakra, this bomb using less chakra than the earlier as he wrapped a fair bit of ink around the boulder, instead of using chakra as the base.

As the middle aged man bounced away, pieces of his ribs and massive blobs of blood flew around, denoting his gory death. This, however, didn't distract Kakuzu, who went on to attack the chief, who was still standing still.

The chief, a fairly young man around 30, cackled. "You're courting death attacking me! Swamp Circling Predator!"

The entire field around Kakuzu and the chief, as well as the ninja within twenty feet, turned into a marsh, and a dragon half-in and half-out of the ground began circling Kakuzu.

The chief held the sign, unmoving even as Kakuzu charged him, then suddenly roundhouse kicked when Kakuzu neared him. Kakuzu's eyes widened. Their clan jutsu was known to not allow users to move, after all!

Kakuzu coughed blood from this one hit, almost flying out of the encirclement when the swamp dragon flew up from the ground, catching Kakuzu.

Numerous stones and grime, including poisons, created and infected wounds all over Kakuzu's body, sending him flying into the sky to finish as the dragon dispersed, falling to the ground. A shinobi from the Noibaro called out. "That was chief's signal! NOW!"

All of the Noibaro jumped back onto a platform raised by the chief as Kakuzu slammed into the ground, nearly passed out.

Around 350 remained of them, and around 180 were alive of the Takira. When most were on the landing, they all began making hand signs in conjunction. Hisaru and Brock leapt forward as the rest of the shinobi moved back a bit. However, the Noibaro chief created large, slick walls to encircle everyone, without using hand signs.

Brock grew two stone wings and a crown of a purple liquid, as Hisaru put one hand on each wing, turning them into a deep purple crystal. ""Ancient Combination Style: Violet Crystal Angel!""

The wings creaked before flapping, as Brock flew up, levitating due to violet crystal angelic slippers. The power of Toxic Release mixed with Earth Release gave rise to the mysterious violet crystals, though it could only be achieved through cooperation ninjutsu.

In the old days, the two often used this move as it required Brock and Hisaru to be together as they were, but Hisaru could no longer stand by Brock, choosing to focus more on the next generations than increasing his own power, especially helping Kakuzu, so they hadn't used it together in a while.

Just as Brock's wings began to beat quickly, creating purple winds directed at the Noibaro, the chief clapped his hands three times as each of the Noibaro struck their chests with their right hands once and their bellies with their left twice.

The chief announced the name of the three hundred strong cooperation ninjutsu, the pride of the Noibaro Clan. "Noibaro Style: War of the Swamp Army!"

If the feral grin across the Noibaro clan head's face was anything to go by, this would be bad.

Kakuzu and the Takira watched helplessly as the earth below them turned into mush ten feet downward and began sucking with a powerful force. If that wasn't enough, the walls began spitting swamp clones: five for each person who cast the jutsu.

These numbers already made many Takira feel faint, even Brock, but he kept pumping his wings, despite his chakra falling fast, along with his body. Finally, when he felt he was ready, he made a tiger then boar sign, losing his wigs even as he signed.

"Toxic Release: Winds of the Damned."

Everyone touching the winds at the time just fell down dead, except a limited few who had trained their resistance to poison to the limit, and even they were feeling pained as their chakra levels fell permanently, although the amount was very little, only enough to turn it into a permanent disease.

However, this was not without a price, as Brock aged visibly near 20 years, his hair turning grey and his wrinkles more prominent. He also became extremely skinny, falling unconscious onto his back. Lastly, his chakra network narrowed quickly and his tenketsu closed, preventing him from ever using jutsu again, as it was too dangerous to open tenketsu at his age.

It was more effective than the reaper death seal since it didn't cost a life, though it had a greater cost in chakra, even ennough to destroy a chakra system by closing the tenketsu with its backlash. His comrades who had seen him use the jutsu once before, around thirty years prior, nodded respectfully, as Hisaru even shed a tear, despite his emotional conditioning.

The next in command would be Sun Staff, who took out and assembled ten of his bo into two, each being the kanji for sunshine and put the two others into the center of the middle line on each kanji staff.

He pointed one at the sun as it began spinning, then spun the other at the Noibaro chief, who had completely evaded the winds by encasing himself and fifty or so others in earth, and had since receded them.

"Sun Smite!"

Both odd kanji shaped staves grew bright, but the chief shivered as two masses of black threads, each with a mask, crawled out of his back, blocking the fuinjutsu blasts of light. Despite there only being 62 people and 110 clones left of the Noibaro, the Takira were at an all time low in morale.

Not as though one could blame them after all. The Earth Grudge Fear was a mysterious technique few could use in the entire history of the shinobi world, and wherever it showed up, users would be considered kings, four times for the Noibaro and seven times for an extinct clan who could control up to seven hearts instead of the three which the typical Noibaro used.

However, Kakuzu, who was now awake once more, grinned. Kenjutsu, small bits of genjutsu, ninjutsu, taijutsu, and fuinjutsu. These were his focuses among jutsu. But his main focus outside of ninjutsu was not clan laws, history, or anything like that. Rather, he trained hardest his pain tolerance and scientific knowledge. His genius was about to appear!

He leapt toward one of the beasts, but chose to use taijutsu. The only one among the taijutsu moves he could use without tearing apart his body. "Dragon Fangs!"

His jaw broke apart as teeth made of chakra appeared, rending the arm off what was revealed to be the fire mask as Intelligent Hard Work was released at Kakuzu. Instead of letting the arm fall, however, he hinged his jaw back, catching the writing mass in his mouth, then swallowed.

Everyone froze, a bit dumbfounded at this development, just as a man with long brown hair and fair skin rose on a wooden platform. "Haha, guess I'm a bit late!"

Meanwhile, another jumped off the wall. Shoulder length black hair and a fairly young appearance: Hashirama and Izuna!

Kakuzu looked up, then, ignoring them, popped a white chakra pill, followed by a red one. Both were stolen from the Akimichi by Kakuzu himself in secret. The former contains a ton of calories and sugars, while the latter is meant to burn them and turn them into chakra, the combination of which usually results in death. However, he gathered all of it into an orb in front of him, which slowly formed into a mirror silhouette of Kakuzu.

The enemy chief looked on in shock as Kakuzu exhaled powerfully, breathing out or vomiting all of his inner organs, from his brain to his gallbladder, leaving only his heart, not even his bloodstream. The silhouette turned into a chakra system, surrounded by the black tentacles Kakuzu had swallowed moments before, which tore into Kakuzu's skin, shredding him to bits.

Finally, he stood back up, grinning wildly with his mask removed, made creepier by his torn cheeks, which were being sown back at that moment. He already had sown up his body. He knew of the ritual from the sixth installment of Naruto, known as Mission:Shinobi, in which the GOD of Otsutsuki fought against Naruto, who used Takigakure's ritual to gain the Earth Grudge Fear as a replacement for Kurama, who died against Isshiki. Yeah, Naruto in the 2100s was weird and gory.

Kakuzu chakra amount was decreased by 3/4ths permanently, but he knew he could gain more by taking hearts, though he wasn't quite sure how many hearts he could use. He assumed 5, as the old Kakuzu could, but it had ranged from 3-7 in this AU's history.

He created a Rasenkiri, pointing his hand toward the third in charge, the only of the three who were standing behind the chief in the beginning still alive, and released his bloodlust, focusing it on him and preventing him from moving, his dwarfing that of Orochimaru in the Chunin Exams.

He then detatched his hand from his body, sending it toward the third in command, who soon had a drill shaped hole through his chest. Kakuzu pulled his hand back with the one tentacle he left attached, and then sowed his hand back on. "I win!"

The Noibaro chief fell to one knee and grimaced as his Jiongu began melting, including that which was inside his body. Only one could hold the power of Jiongu at once. "NO! I reject this outcome! How could you know the secret method to pass down Jiongu? I! Will! Liiiiiveee-"

And with that, the war was over before it could even begin.

War arc? Ha, you thought! Anyway, I'll try and release more often, I've just had trouble making myself sit down and actually write. It isn't like writer's block, just some ADHD kinda shit. Well, there'll be another probably Monday, maybe tomorrow if I havve time and the will to write.

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