
A List of Novel Settings

Author: Daoist_AmaK
Ongoing · 3.4K Views
  • 4 Chs
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What is A List of Novel Settings

Read A List of Novel Settings novel written by the author Daoist_AmaK on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is History stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


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On the way home, Kazuya Eiyuu bought food to eat for tonight in the nearest grocery store, and after he bought it, he exited the grocery store. Like a red thread connected by fate, he passed a mysterious girl, shoulder by shoulder, and at the same time, the door opens. He doesn't think that much when passes her, it was like an ordinary thing that happened in a grocery store, you think there's a person pass a girl and turn around, shouting, “You! Have we ever met before?” In a romance novel, yup, in real life, probably. Back to topic, after passes her. He stands in front of a vending machine besides the grocery store's door. He chose the brand and insert the money, but the vending machine somehow doesn't accept his money, instead. 'Please enter different one.' 'Please enter different one your mother, this is the last money I have!' He thought to himself. He grabs his money, and fix any curves on the money so it looked like a new one, he put the money back, and then the vending machine accepts it. The brand he chose fell down and he crouch down to grab it, then the mysterious girl come out from the grocery store. He instintively looked at her and wondering why a girl that cute walking alone in the middle of the night. As a man he wanted to help her but she came here on her own accordance and should prepare the risk, she must have tricks up to her sleeve, so he ignored her. He waits until her figure disappeared to the street walls. Grabs the coffee can and walked away from the grocery store, he opened the seal and drink it. A few minutes later, there's a left turn infront of him, he keep walking forward without turning his head, meanwhile on his left, the mysterious girl, the one he saw from the grocery store, is approached by six adults. After passed it, he realized what just happened, he quickly saves her and after that, his consciousness slowly fade away and the next thing he knew, he is in a different world, place, and even time! Look at the good side, you don't have to meet Truck-kun!

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The Irregular Wizard

I was once known as a hero of sorts, in my world, I fought many, defeated entire armies, and killed demons whose only goal was to devour all the light across the lands. But that was only because I was blind by vengeance, through the beginning till the end, I sought the one who took away the lives of my family, and although I managed to defeat him, I finally noticed a few days later when I was about to die that my life was too shallow, too lacking. I regretted living solely for that purpose, I failed to let descendants behind fail to discover the warm touch of love, and there would be no friends to remember me for who I am, there would only be mentions of myself in books and I would only be known for what I did in my revenge. In my last few moments of consciousness, my magic went a step further, the chaos from which I fed to gain power, a source of pure destruction, allowed me for the briefest of the moments, to see and grasp a strand of fate, it was my own strand, it was about to be cut and tossed away by the hands of the three who oversee birth, life, and death. The one with the scissor looked at me with eyes full of surprise, her face covered by oily dirty white hair was hideous, old, and decrepit, with grey lifeless eyes, a scar running down from her left eyebrow to the edge on the back of her jaw. She put down the scissor, probably in a pocket of her black-furred coat, hidden away from eyes for an unknown purpose. "Ah, a mortal who can see past the veil, truly unexpected." Her hoarse voice caught the attention of her sisters. When they looked over, I thought that maybe their appearance was related to their functions, the youngest, a small kid weaved the thread that I held, the one in the middle, a middle-aged beautiful woman, held it with a strange tool which she used to handle the thread. "An irregular." The youngest said. "No, an anomaly. The age of mortals has long passed, no human vessel should have been able to do what this one did." The middle-aged one corrected. The old one, however, laughed at their words. "Foolish!" She shouted and shook her head. "To think that after so many years, fate has blinded your eyes, fufufu!" The younger sisters frowned but didn't say anything, the elder was more experienced, she knew things that they didn't. "You, child of Cain, your heart is similar to that of Samael, it's corrupted with the source of the void that the Elder One of Light had tried to keep away from his child, it reeks of chaos, something that... Fufufu! I have a particular interest in!" I wanted to frown, even grunt in anger, but I couldn't, instead, I gathered my strength and uttered the words that my weak soul allowed. "What do you want... witch?" "Nothing much... nothing much." Her eyes glowed as she stood up with some difficulty from her chair and forcefully brought the wheel which gave birth to threads towards me. The younger one didn't seem to mind, in fact, there was some sort of eagerness in her eyes. "I want the chaos you cultivated in your soul, I'll harvest it and make it my own, in exchange, I'll give you a new chance, I won't cut your thread, I'll instead mend the thread into a new one, what happens after will solely depend on you, but we can guarantee at least that the fate you'll bring with you will be safe at the beginning, but your destiny, as you know, depends only on you." "How can I trust you?" My words must have sounded like a joke in their ears, for the trio laughed after I finished speaking. "Tis a strange world, human! Is there anything certain in life? Can you even trust your own words? There is no trust, there is only 'choice', what is yours?" "I... I agree..."

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Kisahku di Dunia Lain

Mungkin ini hanya hipotesis....tapi bukan berarti ini tidak mungkin bahwa sebenarnya Dunia ini hanhalah permainan di atas papan catur. Mungkin saja.....Dunia ini hanyalah sebuah buku di salah satu ratusan rak buku dari sebuah keberadaan di luar eksistensi yang sebenarnya melihat realita dunia ini sebagai tulisan cerita? Misalnya, bagaimana jika dunia ini sebenarnya hanyalah sebuah mimpi dari keberadaan tak terduga yang sewaktu-waktu bisa hancur ketika dia terbangun? Misalnya, bagaimana jika Dunia ini sebenarnya adalah sebuah papan simulasi dari jutaan perkiraan simulasi sebelumnya dari sebuah komputer super canggih yang sudah mencapai tingkat Mahatahu dan Mahakuasa? Bagaimana jika Dunia ini sebenarnya hanyalah bagian tubuh dari sesosok makhluk kosmik yang luar biasa besar? Terakhir, bagaimana jika dunia ini sebenarnya hanyalah satu dari banyaknya dunia yang keseimbangannya dijaga oleh satu keberadaan hakim kosmik? .....Bagaimana? Sudah ada gambaran? Seorang pahlawan tertentu memikirkan ini ketika dia ditarik ke dunia fantasi seperti ini dimana ada beberapa Kosmologi bercampur menjadi satu dan tidak ada kedamaian sama sekali. Mungkin ini Dunia yang indah, tapi dia paham bahwa dibalik indahnya Dunia ini, intrik dan hukum baru, lokasi, serta sejarah menjadi sesuatu yang tidak dikenali kebenarannya. Kebenaran tidak dapat dicari oleh akal, karena akal itu neutral sifatnya. Manusia yang menggunakan akal dengan dasar mencari kebenaran hanya akan menemukan keganjilan yang pahit. Pahlawan itu mendongak ke langit, dia melihat horizon, zenith, atau apapun yang berada jauh di luar keberadaan planet ini, menembus alam semesta dan menemukan kosmologi lainnya yang memiliki misteri lebih tinggi dari tempat ini. Berwarna emas menyilaukan, tak terjangkau, permata Dunia, itu adalah Kosmologi Divine, tempat tinggal dari semua makhluk yang dikatakan sebagai Roh Ilahi yang merupakan perwujudan dari bintang-bintang di Alam Semesta. Melambangkan kekal, abadi, umur panjang, kecantikan, itulah Kosmologi Eternity, tempat tinggal para elf yang menjaga Pohon Dunia. Dikatakan mereka abadi, dan mereka dikatakan sudah ada sejak Alam Semesta mereka terbentuk. Simbol kekerasan, haus darah, kanibal dari para kanibal, wilayah yang didiami oleh para Raksasa kejam dan menakutkan adalah Kosmologi Kronus. Diperintah oleh Tujuh Raja Iblis, perlambangan dosa, kehormatan yang terdistorsi, silsilah bangsawan iblis, pilar kekacauan adalah perwujudan di Kosmologi Avenger ini. Kosmologi yang ditempati oleh mereka yang kuat, beringas, menghargai kawanan, monster diantara monster, penopang dunia, simbol kekuatan tempat tinggal dari semua naga yang sangat besar dan kuat, ini adalah Kosmologi Cryph yang putih. Kosmologi Exodus, wilayah yang ditempati oleh para dwarf yang dikatakan memiliki pengetahuan tertinggi diantara semua Kosmologi. Bahkan dikatakan bahwa setiap dwarf telah mengantarkan situasi dimana mereka bisa menjelaskan semua fenomena di Alam Semesta dengan mudah. Dan terakhir adalah Kosmologi Krishna, tempat tinggal ras dengan populasi terbanyak, ini adalah tempat manusia tinggal. ....Sekarang kalian bertanya-tanya, apa yang Pahlawan ini pikirkan bukan? Buuk.... Suara sebuah buku tertutup terdengar, dan disana [Aku] tersenyum pada kalian dengan sangat cerah seolah menemukan teman yang [setara]. [Aku] berkata: "Ini adalah kisah yang sangat panjang, dimana seorang remaja dan teman-temannya tiba-tiba saja tanpa ada persiapan dibawa ke Dunia Lain. Perjuangan, Rasionalitas, Cinta, Kelicikan, Kegilaan, dan Keingintahuan adalah apa yang mereka bawa.....Mau mendengar kisahnya?" [Aku] membuka buku itu lagi tapi dari halaman awal dan bercerita dengan nada lembut: "Cerita ini dimulai, ketika Pahlawan kita, Minazuki Akihito terbangun dari tidurnya...."

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