
A Life with the Author

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ThgAlmightyHuman · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Read this before reading the book

There are some things I would like the readers to know before starting this novel :

1. This book - though it is a fanfiction - takes itself seriously so if you are expecting a self insert/wish fulfillment, this isn't for you.

2. The book is to be read. Not skimmed through. Details are important.

3. The English in the first few chapters is in present tense while the rest would be past tense.

4. This book is written in simple English. There will be no amazing description of surrounds, flowery words or complicated words. The English is simple enough for everyone a bit proficient in English would understand. Though there is beauty in simplicity and the writing can also be powerful. Other than minor mistakes, grammar and spellings are more than readable.

5. This contains a bit NTR in the early chapters. It will not be continued in the furure.

6. This is a slice of life but the pacing is quite fast.

7. Spamming 1 star reviews because of the NTR should not be done. You are warned and you can't just destroy my book because of it.

8. Female characters are mostly Yanderes and heavily depend on MC emotionally (Borderline or straight up obsessed) so if you don't like those you can leave now.

9. The main character is a good guy. He is not neutral or anti hero, he is straight up a very nice person. If not provoked he will not be aggressive to anyone. Though he will act without hesitation if people crossed the line or if his loved ones are hurt.

10. This book is not written with any bad intent. It is purely fictional and entertainment. Some countries and celebrities might be shown in a bad light but I have no ulterior motive except for entertainment.

11. This is a mixture of fictional words, but do not rely too much on your knowledge. Some things will be changed by me.