

[3rd POV]

Yuito did not know this but the common thugs he beat up in the alleyway to get information, were not just common thugs.

He was unaware yet again but they were part of the North Gangbuk High crew who were stationed in that area to protect it.

The one who he pushed against the wall and beat the fuck out of was actually no. 23rd member of the North Gangbuik crew led by Yun Jo, the main antagonist of 'Questism' and the one with the system.

The number represents their strength so the guy was the 23rd most powerful member of the crew. His name was Luu Ling.

He was a fat bully who was proficient in Judo, he was also quite an egoist and the way Yuito easily beat him was a huge blow to his overflated ego.

He was not just angry, he was seething at the humiliation he just went true. Yuito had come to the area he ruled over and beat him up like a child in front of his underlings and girlfriend.

He was determined to get back on Yuito. Every heavy breath he took was with a vengeful effort. He would not let this disrespect go unpunished.

He will have his revenge. He will get back at him.

No matter what. Even if he had to sell his soul to the vilest demon.

The moment Yuito left and he was gone out of view, he hurried to his bag and took out his phone. He grits his teeth and dialed up a number of his superior.

'I will get back to you. Mark my words.'

He called his superior, not just a person above him but one at the very top.

He was calling Daniel, the no. 2 member of the crew. That means he was just under the leader, Yun Jo in terms of strength,

The call went through, he did not waste the time of someone like Daniel and got to the point.

"Sir, this is Luu Ling, No. 23 and the one stationed near the district border of Gangnam." He quickly introduced himself.

"Sir we have a problem."

(Luu Ling? hmm. What is it? Speak.)

"Sir we are facing an attack. There was a mysterious guy who ambushed us and caught us off guard. He managed to defeat me before I could fight back and tortured me for information. I endured the torture of course but the bloody bastard took my girlfriend hostage and I couldn't help but tell him what he wanted."

Of course, it was not the truth but who the fuck cares about that now? He will make sure the bastard pays.

"He asked me for information about our leader and our crew. And I overheard him talking to someone on the phone and they seemed to be planning to attack North Ganbuk soon. He was likely a scout."

(Are you sure? From which gang is he from, is it East Gangbuk?)

"I'm sorry sir but like I said, he was wearing a disguise that covered his face."

(Hmm.. Okay, I will look into it. good job No.23.)

Luu Ling smiled, "Oh, and one more thing. Sir the guy was extremely powerful as well." This time it was not a lie.

(Well he better be if he got the balls to attack North Gangbuk alone.)

Then the call was cut. Luu Ling had a wicked smile on his face.

Now the bastard will pay.


"How troublesome." Daniel, the no. 2 fighter of Gangbuk sighed.

There has been lots of aggression from the other crews lately because their new leader had just attained his position.

They wanted to use this moment of stability to take their territories. But this one seemed important, he knew that every member of their crew was strong and to beat No. 23 fighter, their enemy seemed to be skilled at least.

He went to their leader, Yun Jo, and informed him about the information. He suspected that the leader would just acknowledge and send him to deal with it but surprisingly, the boss himself wanted to involve himself.

Yun Jo was a system holder and the main antagonist of 'Questism.'. Less than a month ago, he took over North Gangbuk and have been busy lately dealing with pest who were not happy with the new leadership.

There were two reasons he wanted to interfere with this new mysterious attacker. One was because he needed to show his power and make sure his enemies realized the gap between them. This task was given to him as a quest.

[Side quest (0/1) :-

Deal with the mysterious attacker and show your strength to your enemies and subordinates.

Reward : 1 Bronze Card.]

The second reason why he was going to deal with the enemy was because of the new skill he got from a master card, 'Mana Drain.'

It was a skill that allowed him to absorb the stats of his opponents. Basically, he could take the life force away from his opponents and make himself permanently stronger and his opponents weaker.

It was a very powerful ability, it was his triumph card.

He had absorbed the stats and strength of almost all his enemies. So when a new enemy appeared, and one seemingly quite powerful, he could not miss the opportunity to make himself stronger.

So he set out with his right-hand man Daniel, to search for this mysterious attacker. They left their school in the middle of the class and searched through the city.

But their enemy seemed proficient in hiding. He did not stay in one place and constantly moved around, and he chose crowded places like tourist sights to blend in with the people.

When their subordinates located the mysterious man who stood out quite a bit due to his body, mask, and hat, they immediately went there but by the time they reached the place, he was gone.

"He is quite good." Daniel commented when they missed him again, "I wonder who it is."

"It doesn't matter, he can't run forever. Place fighters at the border, I don't want this guy to leave North Gangbuk." Yun Jo said and they continued looking for the mysterious man.

Luckily, after an hour, the guy seemed to go to a restaurant and stay there. Yun Jo and Daniel finally caught up to him.

They entered the restaurant, the mysterious attacker went to and they immediately spotted him.

"There he is, bloody bastard is enjoying chicken while we were busy looking for him," Daniel said.

Yun Jo looked at Yuito and noted his muscular build. He nodded, satisfied that he seemed to be strong. It would make for a good harvest after he absorbs his stats.

But first, he wanted to check the strength of his opponent. So he used his skill, 'Peek at you'.

'Peek at you' was akin to 'Observe' in the gamer's tongue. It was a skill that evaluated the opponent's strength and power even potential.

[You used the skill, Peek at You : Rank - C]

Yun Jo used the skill but something went wrong. Something huge.

He was shocked and was immediately rooted in his place when he heard the sound of the glitching of his system, something which had never happened before.

Then the usually blue system interface went completely red with something written in bold letters.


Yun Jo had never experienced something like it before. When he tried to use 'Peek at Yuo' on Yuito, he got an error and the system started glitching.

What does that mean?

Yun Jo had tried to use 'Peek at You' to fighters way above him before but at least he usually gets something like, [Stats too high to use 'Peek at you on target.] or [Skill used Unsuccessful due to insufficient level of skill 'Peek at You']

This was the first time he had seen [Error]. And honestly, it scared him.

Then the mysterious guy turned to look at them. Yun Jo realized who the attacker was the moment the guy turned back.

Fujita Yuito, the popular fighter from Japan and the one who won the Absolute championship not too long ago.

Yun Jo shivered when he saw him. He could feel how strong Yuito was but his shiver was also one of excitement.

How much stronger will he get if he absorbs Fujita Yuito's stats?

An evil smile spread across his face.

"Don't ever do that again." Yuito said to both of them in a threatening voice. Daniel could not see the stats of other people but he could instinctively feel how much stronger Yuito was.

Yun Jo was also nearly scared. Deep down he felt like running.

But how could he? He was the chosen one with a system. He thought something was definitely wrong with the system but he did not think it was because Yuito was too strong.

In his mind, there was no way Yuito could be stronger than Johan Seong. Maybe he had something special that could block his 'Peek at You.'

"Interesting." Yuito smiled, "I was getting bored. You guys don't mind playing right?"

It was then that the system made an unnatural sound again and the panels went red again. Panicked, Yun Jo immediately checked what was wrong this time.


Emergency quests? Yun Jo had never heard of such things before. It was the first time. What exactly was going on, who the heck was Fujita Yuito really to make the system react like this!!





Get one clean hit on Fujita Yuito

Make Fujita Yuito acknowledge you

Absorb Fujita Yuito's stats

Come out of this confrontation without permanent injuries

Reward : 2 Diamond cards (Reward will be reduced if quest are not completed)]

Yun Jo looked dumbfounded at the system and turned towards Yuito who was slowly walking towards him with a smile.

Now it was official, Yuito was stronger than he had ever predicted if the system initiated such a quest. It means he was even stronger than Johan Seong.

He was the strongest he had encountered yet.

He couldn't help but wonder what kind of monster he had sought after.


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