
Chapter 002

Weeks passed, I racked my brain on how to enact my ideas. This was beyond my realm of my knowledge and possibly that of anybody else. The idea of discovering a new age of science lead me to think for hours, countless nights passed without success. Then one day I came to the conclusion that if no one had ever done this before then there would be no documents of this experiment anywhere. If I was to be successful then I would be the first, potentially even change the world. At that moment I had an idea, unsure on what would happen I started.

I collected two dead bodies and brought them to my laboratory. I call it a this as it had many of the things a laboratory's would have in it, although I always imagine them to be clean, which mine certainly wasn't.

I put both bodies on tables. I started on my ideas on how to find the answers I was looking for. My first thought was to investigate some of my own findings. I had discovered, in my early years of testing that electricity would move human limbs so i set up many experiments to see if electricity would bring the whole body back to life, although after many days I found my efforts to be unsuccessful.

I eventually gave up on the idea.

I than started at mythology's to see if there was any truth in them. I searched through many cultures. The countless stories consumed my life, my existence now relied on some truth in them. Many had holes that modern science could easily prove incorrect, few had any actual facts.

Eventually I stumbled upon a book about the occult.

At first I discarded it, but as there was diminishing books in my possession that could be any help I began to read.