




The peaceful night sky and stars were nowhere to be seen.

What was in the middle of the sky was a crack as wide as the eye can see.

Creatures and indescribable beings were falling from the sky. Some smaller ones would die upon impact, but some creatures managed to survive.

Humans who were just going about their daily lives could not comprehend what to do when all of this happened in an instant.

Fear, despair, and helplessness were all they could feel.

Some thought it was the rapture; some thought it was the end of the world.

Some pulled out their phones to record.

Some fell down to their knees and started praying for their gods.

Some hugged their family as if it was their last.

But most were stunned and unable to move. Streets filled with people looking up at the sky.

When suddenly, a car passed by the street. However, because everyone was standing and looking at the sky, it couldn't pass through.

Due to this situation, the driver honked the horn to make the people leave, but he was surprised when he saw that everyone was just looking at him, their faces filled with fear.

The sudden noise attracted the people as they stared at the guy yelling at them to move.

With nothing but fear within their minds, all they could feel was panic.

While staring at the sky, they saw a shroud of darkness descending at a very fast speed upon a building close by.

Its impact caused a massive shockwave that spanned thousands of miles.

Oddly enough, the impact didn't cause harm to the nearby people. It just pushed them away.

While there were people that started screaming, a rustling sound shut them up. By the corner of the building, an adult-sized goblin zombie mix-looking creature with pus-filled purple skin stood up on its legs.

The appearance of the creature intensified the fear felt by the people who saw it.

While people were staring at it, it turned towards a little boy. It licked its mouth as it walked slowly with increasing pace towards the boy.

The boy was stricken with fear, his body shuddering in a state of paralysis. The creature walked slowly towards the boy as the people around were watching.



The sudden loud screech of the creature woke the people up from their thoughts as some adult men already ran to protect the child.

But all was for naught as when the creature screeched, it started to run.

No one was close enough to stop what was about to happen, nor were there people that were close but brave enough to stand in between.

They boy turned to his back as he tried to run away, when the creature manage to reach and grab hold of his left leg.

While the creature was pulling him towards it. He tried to grab on to anything he could, but there was nothing. as he was in the middle of the streets.

Without anything to grab on to, the boy tried gripping the floor as the skin on the tip of his fingers starts to peal off. 

Tears started to pour out of the kid's eye as he felt the creature holding his waist and turning him around to face it.

The creature got a hold of his left arm when he tried to protect himself by waving his arms around.



Blood poured out of his arm as some of it fell on his face while sending an electrifying pain through his whole body.



He tried punching and kicking it away but due to the size difference, nothing seems to be working.




"I-I'll give you my candy, please stop it si-"



A few minutes passed as the boy then used every part of his body.

He kicked, punched, even bit it in return, but nothing seemed to work.

The creature continued to munch on the boy's arm as if it was the tastiest delicacy it had ever put in its mouth.


The few who wanted to help earlier stopped in their tracks as they saw what the creature did to the boy.

Others, being too scared, started to run the opposite way. Those inside the car ran out of it as they realized their car suddenly stopped working.

The boy who asked for help felt despair when he saw this. Everyone was running for their lives as they saw some creatures that fell started to get back to their knees.

There were even a few who recovered enough to start chasing the people who ran.


This was happening all around the world as people tried to hide, while some who had weapons or guns tried to fight back.

But as if the reality of life was spitting on their faces, their weapons and guns didn't work.

Bullets may look like they did damage on impact, but a molecular barrier so thin it can't be seen by the naked eye was stopping them from damaging the creatures.

Military soldiers tried to use bombs that made huge explosions as they thought it worked, but proven otherwise later as goblins poured out from the flames as it ran towards them.

Soldiers fell one by one as they were fighting for their lives, but one particular one stood out from the rest.

A local guard who got commanded to help protect the people with but his knife. As he dropped his gun somewhere while running, he fought with all his might.

He could see the soldiers around him dying one by one as they relied on guns that continue to not work towards these creatures.

A goblin jumped towards him making him fall on his back. while its on top of him trying its best to up gobble his head.

Its breath was so bad that it made the food inside his stomach go back up his throat.

While the goblin was trying its best to bite his face, With his shoulder muscles aching by the strength of the goblin. he tried his best to suppress it by putting a knife in its mouth. 

"ah fuck!! I have to get home quickly to protect my daughter!" 

The man thought while he felt his strength lessening by the second; he tried his best to think of any possible way to kill the creature that's trying to take his life.

But then a sudden thought came upon him as he looked at it eye to eye, what if he poked its eye out? And so he did.


He shouted as he decided to take a gamble by letting the other end of the knife go. He launched that hand towards the left eye of the goblin.

His fingers dug deep within its eye socket as he gouged its eye out. The creature jumped back as it felt intense pain and confusion by its missing eye.



The guard yelled at the top of his lungs as he lunged at the goblin who was turning away to run.

He grabbed a rock by the floor as he ran towards it, pushing it down. Holding it by the neck on its back on a rear-naked choke.

The Guard clenched all his muscles while fuming with rage, while hitting in on the head with the rock again and again.

While its blood splashed on his face, the goblin kept on trying to escape his grasp while flinging its limbs around randomly.

Only a few seconds passed when the goblin's movement started to slow down. The guard stood up on the now laying body of the goblin, as he lifted up the rock he held and smashed it on its head.


The guard felt victorious as he managed to survive and kill whatever this thing was.

But that was short lived as he looked around and saw multiple dead bodies of soldiers that was fighting earlier.

"shit, I shouldn't have shouted"

The man thought as he saw numerous goblins now looking at his direction.

He started to have a thought of giving up, but stopped when he thought of his daughter being alone at his house.


He put up his arm for guard as he readied himself to fight, when all of a sudden.

He felt his tiredness fluttering away as he felt so healthy unlike ever before.

The sudden feeling of rejuvenation confused him when light shone around his body.

Confusion was all he could feel when he suddenly saw floating letters appear by the top of his head.





"What the..."


At the place where the boy, who now has lifeless eyes as the goblin continued to dine on his arm.

He lied quietly on the ground as he completely gave up, when a passing policemen saw what was happening to him.

The policemen pulled out his gun and shot at the head of the goblin. A sudden hope showed up inside the boy as fast as it disappeared as he saw up close that it didn't do any damage towards the goblin.

A tear fell upon his already wet face, A tear that signified him giving up, as he already tried his all to save his life.

But luck came upon him, as the Goblin that was shot became shifted its anger towards the old man as it stood up and chased him.

Leaving the boy, who was covered in his own blood, all alone.

He crawled with all his might towards the bottom of a truck, he lay down beneath it on a floor that's covered with monster's blood.

As the place he was on was a place close to a sewer where the rainwater flows towards.

He continued to cry while lying on the ground as he thought about his life.

Being a 12-year-old orphan boy, there wasn't much that he experienced in life, except for an early exposure to corruption.

The orphanage he stayed in was a human organ farming den for families who had power.

The orphanage would test the blood types of the children, and look for rich families who had sick relatives that needs a specific organ.

They will then look for the child that has the same type of blood and has the proper organ that they can harvest and sell towards those families.

Most of his memories in life were being locked up inside a basement or at special occasions when the orphanage has no clients, they'll be scattered at the streets to beg for change.

Abused and beaten up when he tries to refuse or struggle to give what he got towards their keeper.

Having no choice but to surrender everything he got, he started to have a sense of comfort that if he gave everything that he has, the pain will stop.

So every time their keeper let her frustrations out on him, he'll beg and give what he got on the streets and the beatings will stop.

Sometimes some families that managed to get an organ from the orphanage will go to the orphanage to thank the children.

Some adopt them or some give money towards the orphanage.

A specific family tried to adopt the boy, feeling thankful for giving their relative a new chance at life.

But of course, the orphanage wasn't going to let that go without a hefty sum of money.

When he was at the receptionist, he kept on staring at the couple as if they were a brilliant light in a dark long tunnel.

"What name would you want the boy to have?"

The couple looked towards the boy who was staring at them with hopeful eyes and an adorable face, they answered.

"Seonshi... We'll name him Lee Seonshi."

While the couple was signing papers, he felt an indescribable sense of freedom so he couldn't wait to get out so he ran to the streets.

But when he got out of the orphanage, the sky turned black. A cracking sound that came from the sky was heard, as it began to open up.

He stared at the sky as it mesmerized him, but then he saw multiple black dots falling from the sky.

A huge one fell directly towards the orphanage as the impact pushed him away.

he struggled a little to get himself back up, then he stared at the building where he ran off from.

staring at the orphanage where the to-be parents he was about to have, squashed beneath the fallen debris of the building.

he stood there there stunned without a single thought in his head, unable to process what happened.

Everything that went after that was something that can only be described as excruciating pain.

Hope shattered repeatedly as people approached, only to sprint past him, oblivious to the sound of his desperate pleas for help.

Seonshi, with his body flat on the ground beneath the truck, wiped his face with his right arm.

He continued to stare coldly at the ruins of the orphanage as he was about to lose consciousness.

But unbeknownst to him, his left arm that was ravaged by the goblin that was now having direct contact with the monster's blood on the floor was slowly healing.

It was so slow that he couldn't even tell. His arm was healing because of the foreign cells from the monster's blood.

A microscopic scene where the foreign looking cells continues to attach itself to Seonshi's cells. Merging with it as it repaired it's damaged parts.

The cells of the monsters, being designed to regenerate organic life form that it touches, started healing his arm.

without the knowledge that this was happening, he continued to slowly close his eyes as he began to lose consciousness.

When all of a sudden, a scream, sounding like it came from a little girl, reverberated from the orphanage.