
A Lewd New World18+

Infinite Tsukuyomi is executed. All of the world is now blanketed in an unbreakable illusion of a better world... unfortunately, Tobi had not anticipated that THIS would be considered a better reality. Because no matter how you change the world, Naruto Uzumaki will still wind up the main character. Even if he is literally the last man alive. [NaruHarem, genderswap, SMUT] This story is from Evil Fuzzy9 On A Story site i read all credits to him

DaoistmpU8HS · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

~Sisters, Doing it for Themeselves!~

It was with no small amount of trepidation that Naruto twisted his body out of his mother's grip, smiling shamefacedly at her as he ducked aside and cantered down the hall. The softly, sleepily mumbling forms of Obi and Mari dangling over his shoulders and bouncing (in more than one way) as he went.

Mina smiled at her son's retreating back, laughing quietly to herself.

"Mm. What a nice ass," she observed, licking her lips while leering after her son's trouser-clad posterior. "He definitely gets that from Kushina."

Naruto, meanwhile, headed on down the hallway in search of the guestroom. It was, by some odd quirk of design, one of the furthest rooms from the entrance, being at the far end of one of the entry hallway's branches. He did not walk with any particular hurry after that initial spurt, and he neared the destination after about a minute of walking.

He heard the moans well before that.

"Ohhh, Mistress Kushina...! Yes! Fuck, yes! Yes!"

"Break me! Break me, please, Madame!"

"I'm dying! Oh, fuck! This feels too good! Ahhn!"

Naruto's cheeks blossomed with a rosy tint, a ruddy bloom that glowed from out his face. Even without hearing the mention of his other mom's name, or recognizing the voices, his sensory abilities alone made it quite clear what he was going on there.

His mom, Kushina could be very old fashioned, sometimes. The Uzumaki were a very old clan of great power and wealth going far back. For centuries, they had oft taken enemies alive in battle, and indoctrinated them as slaves. It had been a very widespread practice among many clans, of course, but the Uzumaki and their seals had perfected it into an art form. So called "war wives" were numerous among the most affluent and powerful Uzumaki, and some old accounts spoke of some clan grandmasters taking more than a hundred enemy shinobi captive over the course of their lives.

Naruto had always been a little skeptical of those sorts of numbers, and despite everything else had never exactly been of the disposition to enslave captured enemies. Certainly, a few had offered themselves to him in the past, perhaps feeling that life in servitude would be better than death or punishment at the hands of the mistresses, but until today he had never done so.

Part of him wondered almost why he had decided to do it now, of all times.

That part was quickly and ruthlessly silenced.

Still, Naruto walked past the room stealthily, where his mom Kushina was evidently trying out Samui and Karui and Omoi. Probably this was as much to assert a position of dominance as it was to get herself off on their nubile bodies.

Feeling a little embarrassingly hard at that thought, Naruto finally made it to the guest room. He slid the door open easily enough with his foot (it was one of those old fashioned sliding shoji deals), and carried Obi and Mari over to the bed. He laid them down on top of it, pulling down the covers.

After a moment of thought, he leaned down over the girls and took a cursory whiff of their clothes.

He immediately blanched, recoiling and shuddering.

"Ugh," Naruto muttered. "Yeah, okay. Those totally need a wash."

Proceeding with a kind of swiftness both inherited from his mother Mina and honed through his training under Miraiya (occasionally literally, when she felt like topping), Naruto's hands blurred through the air. Fingers instinctively sought out strategic straps, ties, buckles, and buttons to deftly undo; hands masterfully slipped garments off of womanly frames without disturbing their rest.

Faster than even most sharingan could follow, Naruto had undressed the pair and thrown their dirty clothes into a conveniently placed laundry basket. Before having them taken away to be washed, though, he did pause to check if the closet had anything for the two lovely ladies to wear in case they awoke before their clothes were finished washing. A quick inspection of the closet revealed that, aside from a pair of matching french maid outfits, it was well equipped with several fine kimono and yukata in various sizes and colors.

That would do, he decided. Making a cross-seal with the first two fingers of both hands, Naruto brought another shadow clone into existence.

"Take care of their laundry, will you?" he said to his ninjutsu doppelganger. "And don't try to swipe their panties, you creep!" he added warningly, recalling what had happened the last time he'd let a shadow clone do a guest's laundry (not that they'd minded, but it was the principle of the matter, or so he insisted).

"Tch." The clone gave its creator the stink eye. "Fine. Whatever, boss."

Naruto gave the kage bunshin a swat on the back of the head, light enough to not dispel it, but still plenty hard enough to smart.

"Just do your job," he told it irritably. His clones could be so annoying about having to do this sort of boring, menial work.

"Can I at least cop a feel offa one of them?" the clone said, eyeing Obi and Mari lying under the covers. "Give myself one happy moment before I have to burst?"

Naruto scowled.

"Only after you do the laundry," he told it. Then, not waiting for the shadow clone to get another word in edgewise, he waltzed out of the room and back down the entry hall. He had just enough time to change clothes before his date.

Enjoying the moans coming from his mom and the Kumo trio as he once more passed the place where they were sequestered, Naruto made his way to his own room, walking more briskly now.

...briskly for himself, at least. Which, for most other people, would be considered closer to sprinting.

Just to really emphasize, again, how FAST he was.

The walk to his room was short, and it only took Naruto a few seconds to put on cleaner clothes (not that they would be staying on long where he was going) and freshen up with a light application of deodorant. Then he headed back out, dressed in a pair of clothes virtually identical to what he had been wearing when he came in, walking down the hall to the entrance.

"Oh! Hello, dear!" came his mother, Mina's, singsong voice as she body flickered purposefully into him from behind, pressing her restrained bosom against one of her son's arms. "You heading out for your date with sweet little Sasuki-chan~?"

Naruto nodded, blushing a little from the feeling of his mom's breasts pressing against his arm, which he could feel even through her flak vest. Deciding to retaliate, he raised his hand to her cheek, tickling it. Mina giggled, cheeks pinkening.

"Yeah," he told his mom, feeling a bit of hardness grow in his groin as she pressed herself so cruelly against him. "I'll probably be out all night, too. Can you take care of those Uchi sisters while I'm gone? I have a shadow clone doing their laundry, but if they need anything when they wake up..."

A vulpine smile curved Mina's soft, full lips. Her cerulean eyes twinkled in a matter most like her son.

"Yes, I will take very good care of them," she said. "But don't worry about me, dear! Go out, and be sure to have plenty of fun with Sasuki-chan~" she sang suggestively, winking at her son. She gave him a kiss on the cheek, then, and if that kiss contained significantly more tongue than would be strictly appropriate for a mother-son kiss...

...well, I'm certain it would hardly surprise you, by this point.

Naruto chuckled as he waved goodbye.

"Don't worry!" he said. "I will!"

With that, he rushed eagerly out the door.

And, again, Mina eyed her son's swiftly departing posterior with an appreciative wolf whistle.

In the home of the Uchiha clan head, Fugako Uchiha's second daughter patiently awaited her date. Sasuki was dressed in a sheer, semitransparent, low-at-the-chest-and-high-at-the-thighs cut nightgown. Her nipples were faintly visible through the cloth, if you looked from the angle. She lay suggestively across her bed, striking a sensually brooding pose as she awaited her lover's arrival.

Across from Sasuki, seated in a chair and dressed in nothing at all, was her older sister Itami. The ANBU captain and Uchiha prodigy was concealed under a heavy genjutsu, one through which Sasuki could see with her sharingan, but which Naruto would be unable to detect.

The older girl had an interest in the blonde (for which Sasuki could scarcely blame her) and had more than once sat in on Naruto and Sasuki's "dates" recording the whole affair for posterity with her considerable visual prowess. She enjoyed the voyeurism on her end, of course, and certainly Sasuki had lots of fun with the secret exhibitionism from her end, but that was not their only motivation for doing this.

It was the majority reason, to be sure, and was very enjoyable for all involved, but there were certain fringe benefits, too. Replays of Sasuki and Naruto's bedroom encounters, shown to paying customers in the form of a relatively simple but effective genjutsu, were a hot commodity in the Uchiha underground, and one of their aunts had even been working on a way to convert these genjutsu into physical, written seals that, when fed a bit of chakra, could replay the recordings countless times over.

Strictly speaking, it was not the most altruistic of motives, but money was money. And they were very fond of Naruto, so it wasn't as though they were using him, or anything. Not really.

But, digressing from that tangent, Sasuki awaited Naruto's arrival. She had been laying here like this for a few minutes, now, getting into position a little bit before the appointed time for this tryst. She was getting a tad wet already from anticipation, along with the slight jitters of antsiness that were starting to dance through her limbs, but she knew it wouldn't be long, now.

She eyed the hiraishin seal engraved into the hardwood floor beside her bed.

The Yellow Flash was not, contrary to what many believed, the only person alive able to use that jutsu. Aside from her former bodyguards, there was one other.

Her son.

Naruto appeared before Sasuki's bed. His arrival was heralded by naught but a flash of color as he materialized there, and a slight sound from the sudden displacement of air.

"Hey, good lookin'," the blond remarked, looking down at Sasuki's body (which, for how little was actually concealed by her nightgown, might as well have been naked) with an appreciative grin. "What's cookin'?"

"Your ass, if you don't hurry up and strip," replied Sasuki, smoldering lust making her impatient for the main course.

Naruto smirked at her, and with a quick ram seal, his clothes vanished in a puff of smoke. A small storage formula glowed briefly below his collarbone, before fading into his skin. Hard, sculpted muscles rippled enticingly beneath his ruddy, bronzed dermis. The seal containing the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox, Kumiko, was visible on Naruto's belly, the center-most of the lower spokes of the trigram seal's outer shell vanishing into the thick, golden forest that crowned a dually intimidating and intriguing mass of throbbing manflesh roughly twenty centimeters in length and three centimeters in girth.

Sasuki delicately quirked a single slim black eyebrow, her attention focused as much on the storage seal as on Naruto's frankly delicious body.

"That's a new trick," she observed.

"Just worked out the final kinks of it yesterday," Naruto replied. "You like?" He raised his arms and flexed them. They were far from massive, but still the muscle on them was nothing to sneeze at.

Sasuki licked her lips, purring appreciatively. "Very much so."

She lowered her hands to slip up the front of her nightgown, then, only to find nothing there.

"Oh, yeah," Naruto said a little sheepishly. "I kinda seals away all clothes inside its area of effect. That was the best I could do."

Sasuki blushed, but she did not particularly protest this development.

"Even better," she purred lustily, smiling up at Naruto and batting her eyelashes seductively. Her eyes twinkled as she spread her legs, giving the blonde an open approach to her cave of delights.

Naruto got down on top of her, kissing his teammate and rival hungrily, passionately. She moaned into his lips, arching her back as his hands grabbed her hips and pinned them still to give himself a clear shot. The blonde pressed himself into her, plunging his hardness inside of Sasuki's soaking fun house.

Itami moaned quietly, getting aroused as she watched Naruto get jiggy with her sister. Her eyes devoured the sight of his firmly, bobbing ass as the blond thrust himself back and forth, rocking his hips against Sasuki's. He had the body of a bronze god, that Naruto did, and even the famously stoic Itami could not help but melt a little bit every time she saw him in all his naked glory.

Licking her lips, the genius ANBU captain started to masturbate to the spectacle of Naruto and her sister doing it. In spite of herself. every time they did this. Itami found her barriers breaking down so quickly. It was frightening, how much she found herself desiring the blond's touch every time they did this.

Usually, Itami only spread 'em for her cousin Shimizu, whom she so greatly loved and admired, and her mother. That mistress of the shunshin was the only woman Itami desired as a lover, and she could never, of course, say no to her mom.

...of course, Naruto wasn't a woman, was he?

Itami blushed a little, in spite of herself, and she shivered, plunging fingers desperately into an aching, hungering womanhood. She moaned piteously, wriggling and writhing in her seat as she diddled herself dutifully, never once taking her eyes off of the scene in front of her.

Naruto grinned foxily, grunting briefly as he came into Sasuki, whose juices soaked his thighs. "Enjoying the show, Itacchan?"

Itami let out a most undignified squeak. He had seen through the illusion? How...?

"Did you forget?" he said, speaking almost as though he could read her mind. He was bucking his hips and shaking his ass, too, presumably solely for the ANBU captain's viewing pleasure. "I'm a sensor. The best in the world, probably. I knew about all of this from the get go."

Sasuki whimpered, looking rather shamefaced. Naruto just grinned at her, though.

"Haha! Don't act so scared!" he told her. "What, do you think I'm mad at you girls, or something?"

Itami discarded her illusory concealment, realizing now that it was completely pointless. "Aren't you?"

The blond laughed.

"Of course not!" Naruto said. "What'd make you think that? No, I think it's hot. I like having an audience, you know?" He grinned over his shoulder at Itami, waggling his eyebrows at her. "Now, why don't you come over here, sweet cheeks, and let me give you something to shoot sales through the roof?"

Blushing, but also highly aroused and still a little ashamed, Itami readily did exactly as Naruto asked.

"Hehe... Here," said Naruto, pulling out of Sasuki, who honestly pouted at being interrupted like this. "This should triple your sales, at least, once the word gets out..." He held his erect, throbbing cock in his hands.

The enormous phallus glistened with the slick sheen of Sasuki's vaginal lubricants, as well as a mixture of her and Naruto's ejaculate, and Itami's mouth watered at the sight of it. Naruto's penis was so close she could smell it, and it had one of the most gloriously arousing musks she could have ever imagined.

Itami knew immediately what Naruto wanted her to do. And she was eager to do it, soaking wet just at the thought of it.

Keeping her sharingan active the whole time, the Uchiha prodigy slowly went down on Naruto, being sure to burn every smallest detail of his cock into her memory as she took it into her mouth. Though only a third of the full length could fit in there without choking her, Itami nonetheless made the best of it.

She sucked Naruto off eagerly, and she traced every inch of his gorgeous body with her eyes as she did so. She tasted Naruto's beefiest ramen, moaning in ecstasy from the flavor and from getting to service him with her own mouth. Itami had deeply envied Sasuki for a while now, though she repressed it well, who could get a piece of this blond stud any time she wanted, but now that she had him to herself, she was making sure to get her proverbial money's worth.

Using nothing more than her lips and her tongue, Itami eagerly sucked Naruto all but dry over the course of twenty glorious minutes. At the end of it she felt bloated and overfull, but the lingering taste was like heaven in her mouth. And then Sasuki shoved her bodily aside, and proceeded to do the exact same thing for just as long.

They spent the rest of the night alternating as they had wonderful, incredible, mind blowing sex with Naruto Uzumaki.

It tasted like miso.