
A Lewd New World18+

Infinite Tsukuyomi is executed. All of the world is now blanketed in an unbreakable illusion of a better world... unfortunately, Tobi had not anticipated that THIS would be considered a better reality. Because no matter how you change the world, Naruto Uzumaki will still wind up the main character. Even if he is literally the last man alive. [NaruHarem, genderswap, SMUT] This story is from Evil Fuzzy9 On A Story site i read all credits to him

DaoistmpU8HS · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

~Fight for First Place~

It was amazing, how incredible Naruto's body was. No matter what form he took, his body always managed to be, in some way or other, utterly gorgeous and irresistible.

For instance.

In his default Naruko form, the form of his sexy jutsu, Naruto-cum-Naruko had a figure that would make even Tsunade green with envy. And not just the curves, though these were certainly most generous and lascivious. But, no, every part of Naruko was almost objectively beautiful.

From her smooth, soft skin free of blemishes, shaded a healthy, athletic bronze, to her hair, silky and luscious and sun-kissed gold colored. Her calves and underarms were smooth and shapely, swelling and tapering in just the right places and proportions that we was both gentle and soft, but also hard and strong beneath.

Lean, corded muscle could be made out across her body, if only in the subtle ways that it shaped the softer, more yielding tissues layered atop it. Her thighs, her shoulders, her lean, flat abdomen, were all perfectly enticing, lewdly drawing one's gaze this way or that, perfectly framing and accentuating the most bountiful and sensual parts of her anatomy.

Her posterior was goodly-sized, round and bountiful. The curvature of it, in profile, flowed truly erotically from the small of her back down on to her thighs, flowing like a river into perfectly toned and proportioned legs that seemed to go for miles and miles without end. Her ass was big, but not over-soft.

The buttocks had a distinct, athletically sensuous tone to them, even beneath the not inconsiderable layer of, well, fat. The muscles were well cushioned, yes, but they were not in any way atrophied or underdeveloped. Naruko's glutes were as toned and masterfully sculpted as you would expect from someone so strong and proficient in the ninja arts. Beneath the glorious, plump softness, there was a truly shinobic hardness.

Her bosom, meanwhile, was even more generous. Her breasts were large, bordering on cup-sizes that were close to a third of the way through the English alphabet. Yet they still had quite a fair degree perk to them, and while every bit as soft and heavenly as one might imagine, were yet also somewhat pert. Certainly, they could and would bounce like nothing else from just the tiniest, subtlest of motions, yet Naruko moved nonetheless with a sensual, animal grace, completely unhindered by her immense endowments.

And a normal person certainly would have been hindered by such bunker-busters. Naruko's cleavage alone could conceal a small arsenal of weaponry, even without the use of sealing. And the way the jiggled and heaved, bouncing and bobbing to and fro as the blonde - slowly at first - began thrusting her hardness into Sakura, only made the sheer size of those tits seem even more ungodly salacious.

But, for all of the various other attractions, the one thing that really, truly drew in attention was the cock. Long and thick, pulsing with veins, bulging and throbbing, it was almost like its own independent entity. And it could certainly seem to act that way at times. Its head was a purplish hue, and glossy with a coating of transparent precum and female ejaculate. It was hard, too. Hard like steel.

It was amazing, though.

Even Sakura, for all her years of prior bluster and stonewalling, could not deny the appeal of the organ. It was strange to their sensibilities, different from everything else they knew, and yet in that difference it was one of the most outright attractive things that womankind could conceive. It filled such a perfect niche in sexuality, seemed almost flawlessly adapted to the sole purpose of going within a woman's insides.

Having it pumping in and out of her pussy was a sensation that the pinkette, while perhaps not necessarily a virgin, could not help but find herself adoring. It just stimulated her in ways she never before knew were possible, filling her out like no fingers ever could.

Certainly, it hurt a little bit, initially, just accommodating that tremendous girth, but still there was even from the start that undercurrent of arousal. However this member may have looked, Sakura could definitely "see" now why so many women went absolutely wild over her teammate's bone. Just feeling it rubbing against the walls of her vagina, stretching her insides out in these strange but pleasurable ways, going thluck-thluck in her wet, soaking womanhood as Naruko pumped her ever-present cock gradually faster and harder to and fro inside of the moaning, groaning pinkette.

"Yes..." Sakura gasped, even as Ino crawled up between her and Naruko, putting her mouth eagerly to the golden-blonde's breasts for some licky-lick lick on this sexy man-chick. "Yes...! Oh! NARUTO! Yes! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK! SHIT! It feels so good! IT FEELS SO GOOD! AHH! АН! АН!"

Meaty, lascivious hips impacted wetly against Sakura's leaner, slighter pelvis with a quick and powerful rhythm. Ino's tongue swirled suggestively, teasingly, around Naruko's sensitive aereola. Naruko's hands wandered skillfully and generously over Ino and Sakura's sensitive, aroused bodies, pleasuring them here and there with the prowess of a true injutsu master.

Naruko was gladly fucking Sakura, then and there, on the porch of her house, for all the street to see.

They were not alone. Not for long.


Inside the house, Kumiko was lying down on her back, panting and sweaty. She was smiling down at Obi and Mari, satisfaction clear on her face.

The elder, more well-endowed sister was drowsily, only half-consciously cupping one of the kyuubi's sizable breasts in her right hand. She squeezed, occasionally, a bit of milk trickling out from the puffy, swollen nipple when she did so. Kumiko appeared to be extremely sensitive there, now, after the extensive nursing these two had done.

Her breasts actually looked visibly swollen, as though they had filled themselves up with milk in response to the eager, lewd suckling of this pair. Kumiko whimpered a little, feeling the passive, languid ministrations her bosom was yet receiving from the sensual sisters.

"Ahhh... you girls are so greedy..." the voluptuous kitsune purred delightedly, weakly. She smiled tiredly but happily down at Obi, in particular, who was still contentedly slurping and sipping at Kumiko's yet lactating teat. One of her breasts was being fondled by her sister's free hand.

The younger girl's scars were now completely gone. The right side of her body now blended in seamlessly with the rest of her form, going from H-type Senju cells to more-or-less normal and natural Uchiha cells.

And Kumiko could tell, yes, that these two were Uchiha. She hadn't sensed it, initially, but somewhere between the fucking and the sucking she had gotten a close enough taste of their flesh, a near enough whiff of their chakra, to identify them as members of that...

Kumiko frowned slightly.

Just for a moment there, however briefly, she had felt such... such anger in her belly, such bitterness and hate. It had been so intense, so potent and crushing. Yet it had vanished as quickly as it had come.

All she had left, now, was a vague, general impression of distaste at the thought of the Uchiha clan. But even that was quickly fading.

And this disquieted her.

She did not share her revelation with the girls. If they had given their names to Naruto as Uchi, then perhaps they were only biologically Uchiha. Even if the two names were strikingly similar.

Shaking her head, Kumiko returned her attention to the girls.

She eyed the expansive, sensuous crevasse of Mari's bosom. She leered kindly, appreciatively at the slender, softly-curving figure of Obi.

"Kumiko-sama..." Mari managed to weakly get out, looking up at the human-shaped bijuu. "That was..."

"Yes, I know..." murmured Kumiko softly in response. "Perfect, right?" She smiled slyly.

"Bliss..." moaned Obi weakly, lewdly against Kumiko's teat. "Pure bliss..."

"Yes..." purred Kumiko, shivering a little from Obi's warm breath against her sensitive nipple. "Yes, it was..." She smiled beatifically, lustily down at the pair. "You two will make fine maids for Naruto-dono."

Obi and Mari moaned happily.

Sasuki Uchiha and Hinata Hyuuga were holding hands and faintly blushing as they scowled, a little jealously, at Sakura and Ino.

"Sasuki-chan?" said Sakura, looking aghast. "This... This isn't what it looks like...!"

Despite saying this, however, the pinkette made no attempt to push Naruko off of her. Though the temporarily gender-muddled blonde, at least for her part, had stopped what she was doing to look over at the pair of visual prowess princesses.

"Sasuki~!" squealed Ino cheerfully. "Wanna join the fun?" she asked slyly, wiggling her cute, round, twerkable bum in an attempt to entice the Uchiha.

"No," said Sasuki, the words coming out a little more sharply than she intended. She shook her head, brow furrowed. "Or... That is... No, not now. I'm not here for that."

"We're not here for that," added Hinata. "We have something a very important matter to discuss with Naruto-kun."

Her milky, byakugan eyes cast themselves warmly upon the voluptuous, tanned figure of her love's sexy jutsu. Her stern frown turned itself upside down, becoming a loving smile.

"Naruto-kun..." she said softly. "This is about the marriage..."

Ino's eyes lit up. "Ohmigod!" she squealed. "Marriage?! You don't mean..." She was smiling gleefully, grinning from ear to ear as she looked from Hinata, to Naruko, to Sasuki, to Sakura, and back to Naruko.

She beamed, overcome with the kind of pure, unadulterated GLEE that came only natural to a certain variety of female when confronted with the prospect of a wedding.

Sasuki and Hinata both blushed. And Naruko was a little pink, herself.

Sakura turned white as chalk. Her jaw went slack.

"Wh-what about it, Hinata-chan?" Naruko asked her girlfriend.

The Hyuuga heiress glanced sidelong at her friend, rival, and newfound lover, Sasuki. The Uchiha's blush deepened.

"W-well, Hinata isn't the only one who wants to marry you, Naruko..." she said softly. "I... really want to have your babies, too..."

Naruko blinked. She wasn't quite stunned by this, considering how close she and Sasuki were, but it did seem a little curiously timed.

Why now, all of a sudden?

"And Hinata's okay with that?" Naruko wondered. "I mean, if she's gonna be my first, then I'm pretty sure she needs to approve of any other wives personally..."

"I don't need to be your first, Naruto-kun," said Hinata warmly. "Not if it's Sasuki you choose." She pinkened a little more in the cheeks, smiling warmly at the Uchiha.

Naruko looked between these two. She looked a little pale from being put on the spot like this.

She gulped, nervous.

"Um, well, uh..." she stammered anxiously. Her eyes were flitting a little frantically between Hinata and Sasuki. Her form wavered briefly, nerves becoming so frayed and frazzled from being put on the spot like this that her chakra destabilized sufficiently to undo his sexy jutsu transformation. "Ummmm..."

Hinata smiled softly.

"Don't worry, Naruto-kun," she said reassuringly. "We don't expect you to reach an answer right away."

"Good," came a distinctly low, and husky voice from outside their field of view. Sand blew suddenly through the street.

Startled, Sasuki, Ino, and Sakura spun around in surprise. Naruto, however, with his sensory powers, and Hinata with her byakugan's extremely wide range of perception, simply smiled.

"Yo, Gaara-chan! Temari-chan! Kanakuro-chan!" said the sunny blond brightly. "What brings you three all the way here to Konoha?"

In the street, the three Sand sisters were standing side by side, Temari and Kanakuro flanking the youngest of the trio, Gaara.

"We're here," said Temari.

"To settle an argument," continued Kanakuro.

"But clearly it was fate that brought me here, at this moment," concluded Gaara, turquoise eyes smoldering intensely as she gazed towards Naruto. "Because if there is anyone you should marry and take as your first wife, it is me."

Naruto blinked.

"Eh?" he said, an intelligent rebuttal. "Wha?"

He stared blankly at Gaara for several long seconds. Then he stared at Hinata. Then Sasuki.

That was when Sakura spoke up.

"Hey..." said the pinkette, her eyes narrowing, and her tone more than just a little confrontational. "If anyone should be his first wife, it should be ME."

Gaara, Hinata, and Sasuki all immediately placed their attention on the medic. They did not look particularly pleased by this announcement. If anything, the killing intent leaking out from their bodies seemed to give the impression that they reallydid not like the idea of Sakura declaring herself a competitor.

"Why?" said Gaara coolly. "What makes you so qualified?"

Sakura sniffed imperiously. "He liked me way before he liked any of you."

Hinata scowled a little bit at this.

"And you refused every one of his advances," she retorted with almost more venom than most present would have thought her capable. "And violently rebuked him every time he expressed any kind of romantic interest in you. Since when have you thought of him as anything more meaningful than a necessary comrade?"

Sakura winced, recoiling weakly. "Okay, so maybe I was mean to him in the past... but that doesn't mean I don't l-lo...like him. He's... really nice, and handsome..." she said softly, cheeks pink. Her gaze was shyly averted from the others as she continued. "Maybe it just took me until now, to realize what I had... to realize, that I like Naruto as much as he likes me."

The other girls stared at her, eyes half-lidded.

"You just want to sleep with Sasuki-chan, don't you?" said Ino, piping in cheerfully.

Sakura face-faulted. "N-no...!" she exclaimed. "Of course not! I really do lo-lo-likeNaruto... and if becoming his first wife means getting to have sex with Sasuki-chan, well... that's just a minor benefit..." she said quietly, cheeks pinker than her hair.

She was twiddling her fingers, and not looking any of them in the eye.

"...well, she knows what she wants, at least..." muttered Sasuki, sighing. "But I still say that myself or Hinata would make the best first wives for Naruto. We've both been involved with him longer than anyone else, and we're both from old, noble clans with bloodlines bearing powerful doujutsu. Quite frankly, from a political, and romantic standpoint, we're the best options."

Hinata nodded. "Sasuki-chan is right, of course. We're both two of Naruto's earliest real lovers, and marrying either one of us would certainly increase his prestige even beyond what it is now."

"But you aren't the best options..." came Gaara's voice. She stepped forward meaningfully, double-D breasts bouncing a fair deal with the movement. "Politically, I am the best choice, as the vessel of Shukaku and reigning Kazekage. And besides that, I am best suited to understand the unique difficulties faced by jinchuuriki in this world. None of you would be able to understand Naruto like I would."

Glaring at Gaara, and always having been a little competitive with the redhead ever since their battle in the Chuunin Exams, Sasuki pulled out her and Hinata's ace in the hole.

"Hinata is pregnant with his child."

It was quiet enough to hear a pin drop.