
A lesbian love story with a syfi twist

Sara_Pardi · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

New beginings

Jamie felt somthing cold on her forhead and tried to open her eyes but the lights were blinding. "It's ok, take it easy dear" said a soft soothing voice. "Cellfix4782 said the bomb detonated earlier than she was expecting. Thankfully your vitals are fine but you should take it easy for a while"

"Where am I?" Jamie asked weakly now fully aware of the throbbing of her head. "who is cell what ever?" The man refreshed the cold compress and took a deep breath. "Cellfix4782 or Cell as I call her is one of my greatest acheavments and the woman that saved your life. What she lacks in tact she makes up for in efficiency. She makes her papa proud"

"That psyco is your daught...oww my head Jamie rasped as another wave of pain crashed over her. She thought back to the night of her rescue and considered her savior. Cell was tall and muscled but still quite feminine. She had long jet black hair in a neat bun and Jade green eyes. Had Jamie not witness how easily Cell took down those men she would have assumed her a model or amature body builder.

"I'm so sorry. Tho she is amazingly efficient in the field her social graces are rather lacking" said the scientist before lowering his voice and saying in a sad solem tone "Growing up virtually alone in a lab has that effect. Do you remember anything else? your name? Why they held you at that facility?"

"My name is Jamie White and I was held against my will. My reaserch on mutation and reverse mutation of cells stolen and perverted. Used to create monsters for the military of the largest bidder. When I refused to continue my research they imprisoned me and erased all proof of my existence." she stated bluntly in a matter of factly tone

"Sadly I'm sure the explosion won't erase the reaserch as this company has sites on every continent. As for the monsters of wich you speak Cell dispatched several on her way into the facility, tho I doubt they would keep all the test subjects in one facility" he explained "Oh dear, where are my manners, my name is Fredanando Ferdichi. This is a secret government run facility in North America dedicated to protecting the people. Like you I am a scientist and research specialist."

Jamie thought deeply before asking "Why did you make Cell? Aren't there trained agents to aid in your cause?"

Fredanando laughed heartily "Ahh yes, but I have seen so many brave men and women die for the safety of others. People I feel responsible for, I wanted to make an agent so; smart, strong, and agile that I would never again have to make that heart breaking call to families. Through Gene minipulatio and splicing with animal DNA and RNA I was able to achieve just that. My dear girl can see in almost pitch black, smell and track better than most predatory animals, run faster than a cheetah, lift ten times her own weight, and has a high metabolism that renders most toxins and venoms inconsequential. Her brain processes information and runs scenarios as fast as a computer"

"So in other words she's perfect" Jamie asked in aww. She had worked for years to alter the human gnome enough to rid humans of sickness and extend life expectancy but never dreamed of such a perfect specimen. An almost un kilable human. "Does this mean she's indestructible?"

Fredanando let out another hearty laugh before responding "No dear, tho it would probably take an atomic bomb, necrotic bacteria, or old age. Tho she seams blessed by Oden himself being the only one out of thousands to take and develop no one is immortal. Her life expectancy is longer than the average human but even I can not predict exactly how long. She is humanities best hope of survival but she will need your help. Are you willing to begin your life again? To realize your dream of helping humanity?"