
A Legendary Reincarnation

Watch as Josh who is met with a mysterious man grants him 3 wishes and starts his journey on his way to become the most powerful thing of all in the entire universe and multi-verse with his life revolving around shin Godzilla. !!!WARNING ⚠️ READ BELOW!!! This story contains explicit content and can contain explicit images, if you are under 18 and can possibly get me banned bc of age ratings then don’t read , this is for my own reading preference and no others.

Default_Lemon · Action
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58 Chs

Chapter 5

The angry glare that the statue held while pointing the large lethal triden directly at him set alarm bells all over his body.

The little lizard floated in the water motionless with its mouth agape shivering in fear.

Time seemed to slow for Shin as seeing this nearly stopped his tiny heart but after what seemed like forever he realized that it was only a statue due to its stone like features and the unmoving presence.

After all the constant shivering he managed to relax from his tensed muscles and realized he wasn't breathing and had been holding her breath this entire time.

He was so paralyzed with fear that his own breathes froze along with him.

Upon relaxing everything went right back to normal.

When he laid eyes on that thing he could see his life flash before his eyes like a cinema.

Letting out a few bubbles, he swam around the massive statue inspecting it.

If he was the size of a hand then this statue was the size of the Abe Lincoln memorial in Washington.

The pose of this statue was that of a muscular man with his left leg lifted onto a rock and a large trident raised behind his head in his right hand seemingly wanting to strike what lay before him.

'Father Poseidon?' Shin joked while looking at the statue that very much resembled the Old Mythological God of the seas Poseidon.

The entire cave that held the statue was only big enough to hold the statue itself and nothing else but with Shins small size he could easily maneuver around the statues sides.

He was scared of what the darkness held, but with everything cleared it gave him a sense of comfort.. knowing what was unknown was now known.

"System can you tell me what this thing is exactly?"

[In order for the Host to receive exact data on the target the 'Scanning' function would help in aiding further]

[Would you like for me to use the 'Scanning' function on the target?]

"Yes.." Shin replied immediately.

After a few moments of waiting with seemingly nothing happening the system then reported its findings to Shin.

[Scan complete!]

[Faith of the Ocean God, Poseidon, is an old god long worshipped by the Kobold people and ??? of the land and sea. This is a worship statue dedicated to the faith of the Ocean God but it has long withered to old materials only retaining it's shape by fungus and dead plants.]

[An opening is present within the Trident leading to an unknown energy source.]

'Oh… it really is Poseidon, an old god huh?'

Shin remembered in some old books about old gods who were basically that of titans replaced by the 'new gods' and with that replacement faith and power of the old gods decreased dramatically and as such the new gods took a chance to kill them off.

He wondered if this Poseidon was actually that of the Greek pantheon, but according to that old man who sent him here, this planet was vastly different from Earth.. maybe it was coincidence.. I think not.

Shin made his way to the large trident that was as big as a lamppost and circled around it to try and find the so called opening the system said there would be.

After a few minutes of searching a faint glowing light barely noticeable even in the dark was seen near the bottom of the trident.

'Let's see why this quest is so mysterious'

Upon nearing the bottom he saw a hollow entrance that lead into the trident.

Barely managing to squeeze in he got stuck with his newly formed chunky Godzilla legs after his last evolution.

Wiggling with all his might he was finally able to pop in only having to crawl with his also newly added claws and tiny arms.

At the end he could see what the glow came from.

A small cube with blue light was attached to the interior by small blue binds to prevent it from getting out.

[Warning! High Energy Source detected proceed with caution]


Shin slowly made his way forward and got to see the cube more close up.

Hundreds of little strands of energy sprang around making it seem alive and moving as it formed its cube shape.


The blue light seemed mesmerizing to the eye.

Getting closer the system kept warning him over and over not to approach but the light seemed so beautiful.

The cubes bright blue energy reflected off shins small beady eyes as if showing his soul.

Every movement he made as he got closer, a whisper of a voice with no exact gender sounded out.

'Touch mee~ Touch me~ Touch me~'

'System is that you?'

He heard no answer in his mind or ears while the system itself was actually giving off alerts, but he just couldn't hear them.

The echoes of the whispers continued the closer he got, each more alluring than the last...

'Touch me~ Touch me~ Touch me~'

Shin was inches away as everything seemed to turn dark with only the cube lighting the way.

A bittersweet taste of happiness and power entered his mouth as he now crawled right into it.

'Touch me~'

Shin extended one of his small scaly arms to touch the cube with no care in the world.

He just wanted to touch it.

The blue energy that was all jumping around focused onto the spot where his finger reached.

Its own blue electric finger protruded to contact him.

'Touch me—'

This voice hadn't need to wait longer as shin thrust himself forward making contact with the cube.

[Quest: Explore the Cave, Complete!]

[Reward Obtained: Nox Cube(Broken)]

To be continued

Rating my book can help point me in the right direction to see if I need improving or not thanks guys!

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