
A Legendary Reincarnation

Watch as Josh who is met with a mysterious man grants him 3 wishes and starts his journey on his way to become the most powerful thing of all in the entire universe and multi-verse with his life revolving around shin Godzilla. !!!WARNING ⚠️ READ BELOW!!! This story contains explicit content and can contain explicit images, if you are under 18 and can possibly get me banned bc of age ratings then don’t read , this is for my own reading preference and no others.

Default_Lemon · Action
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58 Chs

Chapter 53


The long blade made of the countless little devil like fairies that had shot out towards shin were instantly vaporised when a bright purplish-white beam of gamma and atomic energy whistled through the air like thunder upon contact.

The stretch of deadly energy continued through the horde of the red monsters as they let out cries of pain from the heat before also dying.

Shin barely pushed himself as he continued firing his beam making a large hole appear in the sky from where the section of demonic creatures had just tried to attack him showing the sun.

However, the hole was quickly filled with more of the demons as it sew itself back up like fabric with the rays of light dissapearing.

More demons suddenly formed pillars from the sky rushing out to attack shin.

Firing more atomic rays of energy he melted them like a hot knife with butter but more and more of them kept forming and were starting to get too close to his body.

Shin looked as they kept piling in from within the caves of the mountain.

'I need to end this quickly.' He rushed as he slammed his tail down on a some of the creatures that managed to sneak behind him.

He stopped his atomic attack for a moment giving the hordes of monsters a chance to close in.


Within shins eyes a deep orange light almost the same color as the sun erupted in a fire from his iris.

Energy began to build up from inside his body as the air around him began to increase in heat.

Parts of the horde stopped to fly away as they noticed the rapidly changing temperature but it was too late.

Opening his mouth and splitting his jaw into three parts before an extremely hot flare of thick energy burst out instantly vaporising everything in front and even beside it because of its heat.

It was as if the sun itself let out a beam of light to shins enemies.

The large beam of energy stretched far beyond the red sky of monsters and ran straight to the atmosphere of the world.

As it broke through the atmosphere it continued into space far and wide out into the unknown.

Just like before, beings from all over saw this light but it had grew considerably powerful.. tension began to form.

Shin had managed to take down a large portion of the horde thanks to his new Flare skill but it had also managed to severely hurt him.

It was if his lungs were on fire from the sun itself making him wheeze an unnatural sound as he caught his breath.

The remaining hordes of the little demons in fear tried to run back into the mountain but most of the remaining survivors were forced.

It was as if something was marking them stay not out of their own voiltion.

Shin took notice of this and assumed it to be the hidden leader of these annoying creatures.

As he felt his burning chest heal thanks to his rapid regeneration he looked at the remaining monsters quivering in fear as he opened his mouth full of sharp teeth.

Deep within his throat a familiar purple light began to grow as it then shot out another beam of atomic energy vaporising the rest of the demons.

'Maybe I should've just downgraded my beam to that fiery part so it could hit all of them.. they weren't that tough.' Shin thought as he closed his mouth with hiss and smoke pouring out.

He watched as the left over demons scampered back into their little hides holes and sensed their life signatures depart further underground before stopping in clusters in a large area with one strong life form surrounded by multiple smaller strong life forms as well.

'This must be where the leader is..' Shin concluded like a genius.

As he thought of a way in he heard Azzy talk.

'I think I actually recognise what these are.. they should be a race of fairies called Bri from the continent that is controlled by the Kyrese kingdom up north but they are extremely different.. they should be peaceful..' Azazoth muttered as she looked at one of the dead demons that had been partially vaporised through shins eyes.

Shin thought for a moment before asking; 'The kyrese kingdom.. Lily said if I'm not wrong that it was the 'main pub' for Holy religions?'

'A, holy religion, it is the most powerful religion in the world currently ruled by a corrupt majesty.. I'm not sure who they are but it was once a land of peace.. now it's full of greed and corruption.' Azazoth answered as she kept racking her brain for answers.

Before she met shin, the bodies of dead sailors and people would occasionally drop to her prison where she was able to scrape up information from their memories after feasting on them.

Shin shivered when he first asked how she knew so much about the world and how he knew.

[Why did you wait to tell us this information now? It could've been useful for us.] Lily spoke with annoyance visible in her statement.

Azzy scoffed before replying, 'Well I wasn't exactly sure what we would be facing here, don't expect me to know every single question.. besides aren't you a powerful entity yourself? I can sense you know more than what you let off.. how about you explain that?'

Shin quickly calmed them both down before things got to crazy, he didn't exactly want to let Azazoth know what Lily was or capable of just yet as it may harm her entire belief in existence.

Azazoth had believed for the longest time that she was one of the most powerful beings ever aside from that god who enslaved her along with the other puny gods.

He wasn't sure how she would react to another god even more powerful than her by a long shot that had sent shin here with ease to live his desires.

He was alright with Cassidy, Charlie and William knowing as they were now a family but Azazoth was still an extremely powerful being that he relied on to get more powerful all too suddenly, he trusted her for now as they had the same goals but he wasn't sure if it would stay that way.

Sighing at how complicated things were he shook his head.

'Listen you two, we know what needs to be done, Azzy you trust me to help free yourself so that you can take revenge while helping me, there's nothing simpler than that.' Shin said trying to ease the tension.

Azzy remained silent before he heard a quiet, 'Alright..' from the back of his mind.

'Lily, don't fight with her either, she's helping me the best she can right now, you're my lover now don't forget..' Shin responded earning a sigh before hearing a giggle.

[Ok, I'm sorry my love…I just want what's best for you..] Lily replied.

Shin smiled thankfully even if it seemed scary on the outside as she knew Lily was truthful.

His wish of wanting a system that would help him on his journey every step of the way provided by that old man was one of the best he had received.

A faithful and powerful being that loved to be with him and help him grow, she would try her best to help shin without breaking any universal rules at forth by the laws of reality.. at least until his power level had risen enough.

It hurt her to not be able to just give shin every single power and ability in existence as she was held back by some unknown force likely the law of the universe or her creator.

'Don't worry, when this is all over, I'll give you and all of those important to me a life you we all deserve.' Shin said finally putting her at ease.

With Lily going back to her functions shin looked back at the mountain with uncertainty.

'Azazoth, is there anything about their leader or how they are the way they are?' Shin asked as he stomped on a small rogue monster trying to bite him.

'Yes, the Bri share a hivemind kind of state like with honeybees with a singular leader or queen at the lead, each fairy are their individual selves, they just all usually have the same mindset.' Azazoth said as she looked at the dead Bri.

'Their original form would resemble an adorable pure white fairy capable of strong magic… but now they look like they were born from the demon territory.. it's strange.' Azzy said making shin wonder.

'Is their a way to turn them back to normal?' Shin wondered out of curiosity.

Azazoth was silent for a moment before replying; 'Well, they are all controlled by the queen correct? So find out what's wrong with her and maybe you'll find the answer.'

Shin mused as that was his plan B if she didn't have anything and well here it is.

He decided against tearing the entire top of the mountain off as he could accidentally kill the queen and he also wanted the reward from the quest of finding its secrets.

He actually hadn't seen the reward he would receive and brought it up to make sure it was worth it.

[System Quest: Defeat the horde and reveal the Mountain of ???'s Secrets!

Reward: Divine ticket x1, 30,000 XP, Ancient Brilliam Treasure]

Bonus Quest: Gain the admiration of the Bri Species

Reward: Loyalty of ???, The crown of ???]

Shin looked at the first reward with interest in the ancient treasure but the bonus quest he saw made him raise his eyebrow-less.. eyebrows.

'Interesting.. if I do what Azzy said and help them return to normal maybe they'll gain my admiration..' Shin wondered.

Making his decision he brought out his recognizable short human form to not create total chaos.. if he were to get in danger he would likely be fine with his many new powers.

When he conquered the Fnaf universe he upgraded many of his Fnaf forms to the possible max before it started asking for other materials that universe didn't have.

But just to be safe he would bring along his quadruped and golden Freddy form that had been disconnected from Cassidy and was now its own animatronic self.

He wasn't sure what would happen if Cassidy were to transform into golden Freddy as he knew she still had that power.. same with Charlie.

As the familiar robotic duo materialised into existence from shins main body, they gathered around his small human counterpart.

He had considered bringing along Marion and William in his springtrap form for extra help but they were on the new island he had made in the Fnaf Universe to protect Lily and any others he had.

It was ironic to him that the once psychotic serial killer that possessed a bunny suit that killed children was now protecting a mother with children.

He had upgraded both of them as well so that they could literally tank a smqll nuke without being in his universe.. as anything in his universe was under his control and safety.. he could make them immortal if he wanted.

But aside from the point it was just him and the robotic duo with Cass, Charlie, and Azzy staying behind in his main form to help him guard the mountain while he was gone even though he probably didn't need any help.

Even after insisting that they weren't to interfere out of worry for their very pregnant bodies they both insisted to stay and help with Lily on standby just in case anything bad happens.

Looking at the entrance of one of the large caves he glanced over at golden Freddy in his human eyes seeing it look pretty much the same except for it's more durable and powerful appearance.

The quadruped had also been slightly upgraded with the same amount of legs, but just more power and durability along with more functions.

Taking a deep breath he began his path into the dark tunnel with the quadruped and Golden Freddy following right behind.

To be continued.