
A Legendary Reincarnation

Watch as Josh who is met with a mysterious man grants him 3 wishes and starts his journey on his way to become the most powerful thing of all in the entire universe and multi-verse with his life revolving around shin Godzilla. !!!WARNING ⚠️ READ BELOW!!! This story contains explicit content and can contain explicit images, if you are under 18 and can possibly get me banned bc of age ratings then don’t read , this is for my own reading preference and no others.

Default_Lemon · Action
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58 Chs

Chapter 30

The trees swayed back in worth with every huff and puff let out by the flaring nostrils of the monstrous creature.

Lillian looked one with fear and wonder as her magic glowed around her and the demon.

Some of the elves that were on the side who were earlier cheering for Lillian fell on their butts slowly backing away as they tried to get a full view of the giant creature above them.

It was as if a mountain had peered in on their situation.

The way the creature was positioned made it look much much bigger than it was.

Clouds forming around the head of the creature.


Lillian who dazed in and out of consciousness looked to the strange sounds of cracking like an egg shell.

The tripodal demon swayed around as it wiggled out of the magma vines surrounding it.

With each and every limb it managed to break free the more Lillian wanted to intervene but she wasn't sure if that was a good idea.

For the massive creature still stood over them staring at them with its bright green eyes.

Still barely holding on with his tripod, shin tried to moved his legs but failed when one of them snapped in half resulting in him falling down.

With a loud mechanical groan the demon fell the floor with a thud.

Blue smoke leaked from the demons head and limbs as well as electric sparks here and there.

Red liquid seeped from the head in where the vine had shot through.

And with that the demons eyes started to turn dull before turning off completely.

Bright blue particles starting from the end of the legs made its way to the head as the entire demon had disappeared.

Lillian felt a bit of confidence at defeating a massive creature but also sorry for not capturing it.

The demon only was defending itself and not attacking even trying run away from them but the damage was done.

Following the blue particles it swished and swirled in the air before it flew towards the massive creature.

The elf mage heard someone gasp as when they saw its face once more what its face held was a clear emotion… fury.

As the blue particles seeped into the skin of the massive creature questions entered the mages mind but she was currently trying to stand as still as possible.

She wasn't sure if this thing would be provoked.

With groans and cracks like that of a distant earthquake the creature raised its head back up.

Rumbles could be heard from within the creature as if it was growling at them.

Lillian prepared to fight the massive creature but was stunned as it let out a massive circle of smoke from its mouth surrounding the area in which they were trying to fight the demon.

A woman with a fine physic but also big musics held her axe gripping it harshly as the smoke slammed into the ground.

Everyone awaited the next move of the creature but was surprised when it slowly turned to the right, their left, and stomped away making the ground shake.

Lillian dropped her staff and fell to her hands and knees as she took in deep breaths.

Had she just avoided a battle with such a monster or something much much worse?

She wasn't sure.

But the most she did know was that this was a completely knew creature that she's never seen in her entire 600 years and had never heard of in the past thousand.

'Maybe an old titan? No..'

If this creature had taken the remains of the demon would it revive it as well as the libra demons?

Was this massive creature a demon as well?

But if it was wouldn't it attack them?

Questions upon questions flowed through her mind as she heard the stomps becoming more and more distant.

Rustles were heard from the bush as Lillian quickly picked up her staff and turned to face the possible threat.

There from the bush came Amanda holding the broken sword with the hilt in her left hand.

Looking at the young girl in her terms, her eyes wondered down to the sword before her eyes widened.

'The Varanidae Sword!?'

Power seeped through the hilt of the sword and not the blade of the sword itself.

Hugging her staff Lillian felt honored to just be in its presence.

This sword was created by one of the Lizard Mages in the Holy War thousands of years ago.

How did this girl come to have such a weapon?!

"Where did it go?" Amanda asked as she was referring to the demon.

"I-it is dead now.. how do you have that swo-" Lillian asked but was cut off.

"There is no time for that, what about the stomps from just moments ago did something else come?" Amanda asked looking around the scene of fire and burned wood but stopped when she saw a massive footprint through the trees in the distance heading off into a different direction.

Leaping forward Amanda sprinted through the forest jumping from tree to tree like a skilled assassin before disappearing from sight.

Lillian looked at the scene with a dumbfound expression.

Why was she standing there like an idiot?

That girl did not know what this creature could do to her she could not leave her alone.

Sighing Lillian chased after her and the creature as the nearby elves watched her leave.

Rigor looked at the seem while sitting on a rock breathing hard.

Earlier he was only here to help subdue the demon by tying its legs together with the help of others but he didn't expect the plan to develop into chasing a massive monster.

He could hear the people around him muttering different words like, "Old god, Ancient Beast, Primordial..".

A bunch of craziness if you ask me.

The old gods and primordials were fantasies of a children's tale… however the creature that stood above them earlier completely erased those thoughts.

Dandi had now just made it the scene as he was stopped by the concerned and worried parents of the families who ere wondering what was going on.

He assured them that they would be safe if they stayed here making things settle down before he finally made it.

The scene was barren of any trees and filled with scorch marks outlines tentacles… or vines.

'Lillian was here.' He thought.

Looking around saw some injured men and women tending to the more seriously injured people.

Walking up to a woman sipping out of a water pouch he asked her what happened.

He was told of a giant beast and the battle between demons and mages.

He was told that Amanda had joined shortly before him and had chased after the massive monster that had walked away.

Furious at the current situation a tick mark appeared on his forehead before he sighing in frustration.

Giving thanks and farewells to the women he began following the path that the women told him they went.

Walking across the barren and scorched land was like walking into a completely different piece of land.

Even in this piece of land he couldn't feel the life that the forest would give off.

It was like walking through the land of death.

Until he finally stepped foot into the lush green forest that replenished the feeling of life.

Taking in a deep breath of air he the. Started his path.

<Shin P.O.V>

'Those elves destroyed my tripod!' Shin yelled in his mind.

His tripod body was broken and burned with multiple wounds all over.

The tripod returned to his inventory.

Good news was that when the tripod was damaged or even fully disintegrated it would reform after a certain amount of time and he was lucky that it just had a hole with a torn leg in it and a bunch of puncture wound leaking blood everywhere….

But the shield should stopped the shots from the vin-

Why didn't the shield work..

Shin felt like he just missed half of his life without knowing how to breath.

How did he not notice all this time!?

When that arrow bounced of his head.. it still touched him!

Shin looked into the status system of the tripod and looked through it.

[Current Damages: Weapon abilities-82%, Carapace-43%, Foreign Contaminant-100%, etc.]

Stopping on the third option shin looked further into it in confusion as he had thought he prevented this earlier but I guess he didn't.

The tripod had in fact been invaded by the toxic air and bacteria from the environment around him that was enhanced by the mana making it dangerous.

Affecting his shield systems resulting in them not working it also made his overall body weaker.

Deciding what to do he quickened the repair a speed by giving it bio-points which thankfully worked.

As it fully reformed the tripod was good as new ridding of all illnesses and wounds.

But he decided to go further.

Surprisingly, after each evolution he had the ability to mutate or evolve it in any way he wanted.

After the 5 successful mutations shin looked at the final result by looking over the tripod status.

[Vehicle Type- Cybernetic Organism-/ Vehicle Name- Tripod/

Health- 1,000–> 10,000 (1D)

Durability- 3,000–> 20,000 (2D)

Speed- 15 m/h's–> 40 m/h's

Weapons damage- 150–> 500 (0.0005D)

Weapon fire ticks- 2 per sec—> 4 per sec (0.000002D)


[Weapons System: Plasma Beams x4 (Tentacle limbs able to disintegrate most objects and materials), Tentallic Arms x50 (Multiple arms capable of tearing apart objects and sucking them up), Pedal Legs x4 (Large Bendy legs capable of extensions), Telekinetic Disruption (Limit of 5,000 Ibs), Magnetic dissolution (Emit a powerful quake through the legs of your quadruped), Ultrathermal vision (Let's out high temperatures from the eye area of the head)]


[Defensive System: Spectral Spikes x120 (Multiple curved spikes on every point of the body that act as a cutting defense and a poisonous defense upon contact with enemies), Energy Barrier (Powerful Shield capable of blocking most attacks), Obsidionite carapace x2 (Layers of extremely tough elements surrounding the outer and inner layers of the entire body), Dissipating Illusion (Create a highly realistic illusion of mostly anything you can think of), Body Enhancement (Enhanced speeds, health, damage, armor, etc.)]


[Evolution Requirements: 500,000 Bio-points (Completed), Precursor DNA vials x20(Uncompleted)]

Currency: Bio-points-Money-Energy

[Available Modifications: Limbs/Arms (Unlimited)- 50,000 per purchase, Plasma Arms (Unlimited) 100,000 per purchase, Solar Discharge (x10) 5,000,000 per purchase, Cage enlargement (Unlimited) 10,000 per purchase, Sceptic Blueprints (x3) 1,000 per purchase]

Shin read through all the new and crazy details of the… quadruped?

If he wanted to further continue evolving it he would need precursor DNA.. I wonder if it would work on me if I turned into one.

Looking at the small icon of the quadruped he expanded it to become bigger before looking at the new improvements and features.

The quadruped had somehow grown 30 more meters becoming a staggering 75 meters tall.

Four giant limbs now supported its weight and height.

Dozens of small tentacles were retracted into the man body with only small spikes peeking out.

Four crescent shapes at the end of four separate limbs were added making his weapons system more powerful.

The back of the head moved slightly upward into a smooth spike.

The entire body was covered in small sharp spikes from the legs all the way to the head.

It's color had changed from a metal gray to a black gray.

Vein like stripes went along the hull and limbs of the quadruped making it look like black and orange circuit board.

Overall it was so much stronger than before.

I bet I can take on that annoying girl now.

As shin was thinking with confidence he felt a presence come within his 100 meter sensory range.

Thanks to his intelligence and sensory skill he could watch the person like a camera easily.

It was a woman.. an elf.. with a broken sword and nice smooth and tan skin.

'Are they trying to follow me?!' Shin growled in frustration that he allowed them to destroy his tripod and left them alone but they still went after him.

Anger welled up in him.

Lately, he's noticed that whenever he gets mad it's a lot… more powerful.

Fire arose in his eyes.

To be continued