
A Legendary Reincarnation

Watch as Josh who is met with a mysterious man grants him 3 wishes and starts his journey on his way to become the most powerful thing of all in the entire universe and multi-verse with his life revolving around shin Godzilla. !!!WARNING ⚠️ READ BELOW!!! This story contains explicit content and can contain explicit images, if you are under 18 and can possibly get me banned bc of age ratings then don’t read , this is for my own reading preference and no others.

Default_Lemon · Action
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58 Chs

Chapter 23

<Shin P.O.V>

It wiggles hell yeah!

Currently shin was admiring his new addition to his body.

A massive length that weighed tons that looked like a regular human penis but with purple and green veins coloring it as well as a pinkish tip..

That wasn't the only thing he felt proud of…sitting below it were his two massive coconuts that were absolutely huge.

Shin although proud and happy felt a bit nervous.

'I don't wanna walk around with this showing out all the time…'

As shin thought this his body seemed to understand and he saw his penis retreat back into his crotch and then his beach balls retracted as well before a hard layer of scales and skin covered the entrance.

'Huh so it can come in and out as I want.. Nice!'

Shin heard some giggles and a cough in his mind before they went silent.

'Thank you Azazoth!' Shin said happily to Azazoth in the back of his mind hearing a response of a your welcome.

Focusing at the task at hand.. or claw, Shin just started moving forward.

Azazoth told him that when he would get within a certain distance of one of the structures he would feel a magnetic pull forwards it.

So, moving forward he decided to continue in the direction of some of the fading blood from the creature.

After all, the quest was still active and he hasn't found it yet.

Swimming to the west he followed the path to continue his search.

At the same time from the west something else was about to bump into him soon.

Meanwhile, at the edges of the ocean a massive kingdom sat.. guarded by mountains bigger than the Rockies.

The kingdom itself stretched for miles and miles.

At the edge of the kingdom massive walls connected to the mountains that had pathways through them.. a checkpoint if you will.

Dirt roads lead of from the walls into the mountainous terrain hiding anything beyond them from sight.

The dirt road was very crowded..

Giant wooden vessels resembling carriages with red wheels were pulled by horses and some big strange lizards.

The people of these carriages resembled humans of the medieval age.. rich men wore tight and itchy clothes while the women wore dresses.. while the more poor people were either walking on the road or in a more massive ride that acted as a train except it had no trail, no steel, no steam, and was only one cart long.

Some were moving out trying to get past the border of the kingdom while there were many trying to get in.

What is the reason behind this crowded mess you ask?

Just recently a massive amount of energy left the ocean and pierced the limits of the sky shocking people far and wide at the sight.

The beam of light could be seen from almost around the entire world.

More monsters became active…

Old mystical phenomenons were resurrected..

People believed it was the gods taking punishment…

Kingdoms were trying to diffuse everything but it only got worse..

As the days went by each Kingdom and Country had decided to hold a large meeting for methods to solve this situation.

Rumors spread around as it was heard that there would be a meeting of great kings, queens, dukes, nobles from other nations which would be the biggest meeting in history.

People came from far and wide to just catch a glimpse of the gathering.

It was all to be held in the Citrus kingdom, the most powerful nation and wealthiest of all.

It was ruled by a mighty man named Alexander the Great along with his Wife Allie, together they had several children who grew up to be amazing figures in their massive home of a castle made of strong stone and silver.

Some were lead astray by unknown beings to revolt against the kingdom but they were yet to be seen.

While leaders were heading to the Citrus Kingdom from far and wide, a tiny girl sat in a golden carriage being pulled by two purple and white bulls that smoked with energy.

She was very short while wearing a sort of crown and pink dress.

Currently in front of her, their sat her bodyguard Nathan with steel armor and a massive flaming sword who was specially trained to protect her while beside him was a woman with purple hair and a Bow made of a strange red material with arrows on her waist that were glowing a light green.

The little girl was also throwing a tantrum…

<Princess Le Alcina de IV of the Bohg Kingdom, P.O.V>

"But why do I have to go to this stupid meeting! Father directly said that mother would be going and all the sudden she is sick the time she is meant to go!?" Alcina said with malice and sadness as tears left her bulbous blue eyes.

Nathan sighed to himself while the purple haired girl, Allie who was also her bodyguard, simply chuckled.

"Princess! Please hold on for a little longer! You were the only being of the royal family available for this trip because your brothers and sisters are away at war!" Nathan said pleading with this hands.

Alcina simply 'hmphed' and looked away.

"You know, if we don't get there soon she won't be the only one throwing a tantrum.."

Allie whispered to Nathan with a giggle making him grit his teeth before sighing to himself having been exhausted the moment the 3 day trip started.

They were already attacked by three bandit groups multiple times but they were easily defeated by Nathan and his sword only leaving crispy corpses cut into pieces.

The Princess was forced to attend this meeting in her mothers place ordered by her father as the meeting itself was very important and he himself couldn't attend.. as he was currently on his death bed.

"We're at the city border sir!"

One of the guardsmen directing the two massive beats pulling the carriage said through a open and close window earning a nod from Nathan.

"Your highness we are here!"

Alcina perked your at this news and immediately jumped out of her seat and ran down the steps searching for the head border Man.

Cities surrounded the main kingdom of Citrus earning great economic growth from the mountains surrounding them which formed many mining and adventurer companies as while they had plenty of ores and minerals they were also filled with dangerous monsters and unseen pathways that lead deeper into the mountains.

"My lady! Please wait for me!" Nathan shouted out of the carriage before running out after her.

He could see Alcina talking to a big burly man with leather clothes and iron shins.

Rushing up to her side he let out a pant before standing straight and looking at the man who he could see more clearly.

Deep green eyes, a nice goatee, bald head, a nasty scar near his right eye, and his body was just bulging with muscles and masculinity.

"How can I help you Missy?" The man's voice was deep and menacing but Nathan could sense some warmth to it.. hopefully not his breath or something..

Alcina almost called him out on saying that she wasn't a 'Missy' and was a princess but Nathan stopped her just in time.

"This is Princess Alcina of the Bohg Kingdom! We have come under the kings orders."

The big burly man waited for a moment before nodding his head and walked away back to his post seemingly talking to the operators.

Time passed before he came back with a shirt man with a smile that never left his face slightly creeping him out.

"Greetings Princess! We've been expecting you! Please come follow me!"

The short smiling man motioned to the path in front of him before they joined his little party of guards.

<3rd P.O.V>




Currently two massive monsters stood face to face in the water motionless.

Sounds we're leaving both of their… mouths? Creating the deathly sound of a deep sea monster preying on its next victim.

A big lizard with a spiky spine and large tail was faced against a large maw of teeth with many eyes and tentacles that extended for miles and miles moving around like a bowl of worms.

Nearby fish and sea life could sense the incoming battle and swam away to avoid getting involved and then killed.

Before long everything around the two beings was silent.

All that could be heard now was the breathing of shin like a muffled growl and the sounds of slimy tentacles moving around each other along with some high pitched screech's.

Everything was silent until movement was seen.

The tentacled monster made the first move..

To be continued.


Author here! Sorry I haven't been uploading for a while, school has been a bit busy here and there, my migraines are coming back up so the feel to type hurts my head:/

Anyways hope this chapter was good thanks for reading