
A Legend of A legend

Two siblings find out there the decendants of the hero Link and are now hunted by Ganondorf. But can they save the new Hyrule or will Hyrule fall to evil and darkness. Read and find out meet interesting characters and discover what this modern Hyrule has to offer as these siblings' journey takes them to the past and recollect the lost Triforce before Ganondorf takes control.

the_blue_blur · Games
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12 Chs

Zora's Domain

As the siblings made their way to Hyrule field they went to shops to get equipment and food but, as they got to the field they realized that they don't know where the next two destinations are.

"Maps get your maps here, only twenty rupees, Kooloo-Limpah!" Said a man in a weird tight green outfit and floating with a balloon in his backpack.

"We'll that's convenient." Tack said as he looked through his wallet "I have 5 rupees left that's not enough."

"I have 15 rupees." Carly said as she opened her wallet.

"That's just enough for a map." Tack said in relief.

The siblings walked over to the strange man. As they got closer they noticed a sign that read "tingles map shop."

"Welcome, what map would you like or maybe you would like me to decipher a map instead?" The man behind the counter said.

"We would like a map of Hyrule pwease." Carly said in a cute voice.

"Of cour-- ARE YOU FIRE FAIRIES?!!" The man said intrigued and fearful.

"No, we're Hylian not fairies." Tack said questioning the man's sanity.

"But your wearing fire fairy outfits." The man said "who are you?"

"I'm Tack a Hylian and this is Carly" Tack said

"I'm Tingle and this is Tingles map shop, Kooloo-Limpah!" He said as the siblings exchanged the rupees for a map of Hyrule.

The siblings looked at the map searching for the domain. "Is that it big brother?" Carly said pointing to a location on the map.

"No, t-that's the desert where...nvm." Tack said in shock.

"Oh there it is!" Carly said in excitement ignoring Tack while pointing to a fish like building.

They rush towards castle town. As they run through the town they notice wedding posters that say "Royal wedding at noon tomorrow."

"We must hurry!" Tack said trying not to bump into people along the way.

The siblings ran out the back entrance of castle town and towards Zora's domain. On their way across Hyrule field it started to rain.

"You poor children, you shouldn't be out in the rain you'll catch a cold." a woman said running to the siblings with an umbrella "come with me inside my house."

The siblings reluctantly went with her cautiously. When they got inside they saw picture frames of women and men on a ranch. One of the pictures was of a man in strange clothes petting a goat.

"Who''s that?" Carly asked hiding behind Tack.

"That is a past hero Chosen by the goddess , He was the Hero of twilight."The lady answered "his name is Link."

"Link!? That's our ancestor!!" Tack said remembering Impa's words.

"I see and your also on a life changing adventure, my grandmother told me stories of this hero." The lady said as she brought towels to the soaking wet heroes.

The siblings looked out the window and saw two horses galloping and playing in the rain. One was a white male with black spots and the other horse was a brown female. The lady opened the window and called for the horses "Charlie, Eeyore come meet some new friends!"

"This is white and black one is charlie" she said " and this gorgeous brown horse is Eeyore"

"I'm Tack and this is Carly" Tack said

"Oh I almost forgot my name is Elly" Elly said "My grandma and the hero was close, she took care of his horse"

"May we use your bathroom" Carly said.

"Sure it's down the hall second door on the right" Elly said pointing down the hall.

Carly went to the bathroom and changed into her usual clothes a pink shirt with a purple sweater over it and blue jeans and sneakers. Tack went into the bathroom and changed into his usual clothes a white long sleeved shirt with a dark green hoodie and dirty white pants and brown work boots.

"Wait Carly Put this on." Tack said giving her his hoodie.

Carly puts the hoodie on and the hood covers her face and the sleeves engulf her arms and hands. Tack and Elly laugh as the siblings leave into the rainy fields running to Zora's domain. As they got to the entry way they see a sign that reads "ZORAS ONLY NO OUTSIDERS".

"HEY! Not another step!" a guard says pointing his spear at the siblings.

"We were sent by the princess of Hyrule," Carly said through the big hoodie covering her face.

"Where was the princess and the help when the evil man attacked, Huh?!" The guard spat as he obviously looked like he was about to lunge at the siblings.

The siblings walked away so they didnt get harmed and they looked for a way to get in but the area was surounded by cliffs. 

"Carly get on my back," Tack said as he kneeled for her to get on his back.

"Tack why do you feel so wooden," Carly asked.

"Carly that's a tree not me," Tack said with a chuckle.

"Blame your hoody its too big," she said lifting it up and running to Tack then climbing on his back.

Tack carefully climbed up the cliff so he didn't fall or knock Carly off. As they got up the cliff they started sneaking close to the fish-shaped place. They climbed down where the cliff separated from the other side and walked on a bridge leading into the weird building. As the siblings stepped inside they we jumped by four guards.

"How'd you get in here!!" one of the guards questioned

"We climed!" Tack said in a defensive position protecting Carly.

"Take them to the dungeon." A Zora in fancy armor commanded.

The guards took the siblings to a cell in the basement of the building  and locked them in it.

"Tack I'm scared" Carly said crying

The siblings held eachother close worried of whats to come.