
A Legend of A legend

Two siblings find out there the decendants of the hero Link and are now hunted by Ganondorf. But can they save the new Hyrule or will Hyrule fall to evil and darkness. Read and find out meet interesting characters and discover what this modern Hyrule has to offer as these siblings' journey takes them to the past and recollect the lost Triforce before Ganondorf takes control.

the_blue_blur · Games
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12 Chs

The Fire Temple

The siblings notice that creatures were bouncing on the magma. As they are entering into the Volcano Ruins, Carly had noticed that her bag had gotten heavier in the last five minutes. She shrugs off the feeling, just thinking that it could be tiredness from the long journey.

"Tack can we sit down, I am getting a little tired," asks Carly.

"Yeah sure," said Tack sitting down on a nearby rock.

Carly sits on her bothers lap. They rest for about ten minutes, until they heard footsteps. Tack and Carly hides behind a boulder. They see two Vikings emerge, one of the Vikings has a two-handed sword and the other one had what seems like a royal sword. As they walk to a locked door, they noticed Tack and Carly.

"You know we can see you," says the Viking with the two-handed sword.

"No you can't we are a boulder," Carly said.

The two Viking started to walk over to the siblings. The Royal Viking walked over with a high and mighty stroll.

"Hi I my name is Joseph, what is yours," he said.

"I am Tack and this is Carly," Tack said protecting his sister, a little scared.

"And this is Prince Felix of Bonanza," Joseph said.

As Prince Felix stands back and watches Joseph and the children from afar, he finally speaks up "What are you doing here," Prince Felix says in a stuck up tone.

"We were sent by Princess Zelda to save Hyrule," Carly said in a small voice.

Prince Felix stands sturdy and says sternly, "Speak up young lady!"

Jumping, Carly hides behind Tack, as Tack steps in front of her. Looking a bit taken back and scared she looks at him. Joseph looks at Prince Felix.

"Don't be rude Felix, she's just a little girl that looks a bit scared." Says Joseph defending the children.

Prince Felix rolls his eyes, turns around and starts walking away. As he does so, Joseph watches for a minute. He looks at the children, then looks at Felix and runs towards him, making sure to catch up to him.

Tack and Carly started heading to the next room of the Ruins, after being dumbfounded. As they walk into the next room, they notice the Vikings up ahead. They walk forward ignoring them. While trying not to concentrate on the Vikings hollering about things, the siblings are looking around the room trying to find a key for the locked door.

Joseph turning to Felix says, " Come on now Felix we are looking for a red stone, not a normal key."

The siblings heard and turned to each other looking confused about what he just said. With that, they walked over to the locked door and studied it for a minute. They go back to continue searching, Carly trips over something small thinking it is a rock. As she sits up, she looks at it realizing what she tripped over.

After realizing what it was, she picked it up and gasps quietly, looking over at the Vikings who are still searching for it and having their back turned to the siblings. The siblings quietly run back to the door to unlock it. When it unlocks, it starts to open with the ground rumbling and moving slightly, once opened Tack and Carly are the only ones allowed in. The Vikings notice it, and runs to go check it out, seeing the children walking into the was once locked door, they run to the door before it closes not knowing the siblings are only allowed in. They get there and gets stopped by the closed-door not letting them through.

Once the siblings walked through, they become overwhelmed with heat. By this time Carly realizes that her bag was still pretty heavy. Taking her bag off she goes to check to see why it was heavy, she opens it up and sees two red tunics. They both look at it confused like, as they are looking at the tunics, the Vikings notice a crawl space next to the door.

The siblings puts on the red tunics, not knowing what they are. But once they are on they don't feel the heat anymore. They start to walk in more to the room they are in with the red tunics, not knowing what to think of the tunics or how they got it, but they were grateful they had them. As the siblings walk further into the room, the Vikings are still in the crawl space stuck.

Joseph said in frustration, "Get your butt out of my face!"

Responding just as frustrating and sarcastic Prince Felix says, "Get your face out of my butt!"

As the Vikings continue to get out of the crawl space, the siblings have already walked in a quarter of the way. While walking along the path, the siblings encounter Tektites. They jump back in surprise and take out their weapons. Tack does a forward thrust which makes the Tektites jump over him and hit him one good time. Carly reaches for an arrow and shoots at it but misses when it dodges to the side.

While the siblings are fighting the Tektite, the Vikings finally get out of the crawl space. After standing from the crawling space, they see what the siblings are up against. They decide whether or not they should help or keep finding the treasure.

"Prince we must help them," says Joseph.

"Fine," responded Prince Felix.

The prince stepped in and took out the Tektite. The prince and Joseph did stay to be thanked, they had run off to find the treasure. Tack and Carly had raced after them. As they had gone into the next room, Joseph had tripped and set off traps. The siblings kept on running and dodging all the trapped that came their way. All four of them had noticed there was a door open up ahead.

"Carly keep on running, don't stop," Tack said pushing her towards the door.

Carly kept running almost tripping when she finally stopped she noticed the traps stopped and Tack lay on the floor not moving. The Vikings ran passed Carly and sat down to catch their breath. Carly screamed making the Vikings jump and look at a still Tack laying on the ground.

"TACK!!!" Carly cried running to her brother who was still on the ground.

The Vikings followed closely behind "I knew you children shouldn't have come here," Prince Felix says with a hint of boast.

"Wait I have something for this," Joseph said pulling a fairy in a bottle out.

Joseph dumped the bottle letting the fairy out and it spun around Tack nearly elevating him in the air, then it disappeared into thin air and then Tack starts to twitch. He shoots up and looks like he saw a ghost.

"Where am I, and why do I hurt so much," Asked Tack standing up nearly falling over.

Carly explains what happened while helping her older brother to the room she just entered. The Vikings right behind them. Right as Tack was able to walk he stepped on a pressure plate making the door behind them close and lock. As they were confused on how it locked they felt a rumble beneath them.

"What is that!" Carly said scared huddled up to Tack.

As the group looks around trying to figure out what was going on, a giant Tektite covered in Fire Chuchus fell from the ceiling. As the group sees it, Prince Felix jumps forward grabbing his sword and starts to run towards while swinging it. Joseph takes his sword and runs in to help the Prince to defeat the creature.

Carly pulls out her cross bows and starts to shoot the creature with precision. The creature starts to turn even more red than before. It started to charge at the siblings. Tack pushes Carly out of the way and right before the creature hits him, it let out a screech and it laid on the floor dead. Tack had his sword out and thrust toward the creature, half of the Triforce was glowing on his hand. That was when it stopped glowing and Tack snapped out of a trance-like state.

"What happened," Tack said with a confused look and woozy.

As Tack stood there clueless everyone looked at him in shock and confusion. Carly looked frightened as if she saw a ghost.

"What do you mean, what happened," asks Carly very shocked.

"Uh never-mind," says Tack.

The group starts walking to a chest that just randomly appeared in the middle of the room. Tack opened it cautiously and curiously. As he opened it he noticed that there was two of the same item. As he picked them up he had realized it was a double claw-shot.

Prince Felix pipes up, "Is that the treasure? Just two measly claw-shots?"

The group continues exploring the ruins for 5 minutes. They find more keys and enemies to fight. Finally, they find the boss key. They walked around for 3 minutes trying to find the boss door.

"I think I found it," Carly said pointing to a door with a lock on it that matches the face of the key.

The siblings and the Vikings made their way to the door and unlocked it making their way inside.

"Wow it's so big," Carly said.

As the group walked in, the door closed and lock. When the door locked the group noticed some bones rattling at the end of the room. The room started shaking and the group stumbled towards the end of the room. The bones started to rise and resemble a dragon.

"T-Tack I'm sc-scared," Carly said shivering.

The Vikings took a ready to attack stance. Tack grabbed his sword and put his arm out in front of Carly to protect her. The bones of the dragon roared with a fierce growl. Tack noticed a hammer on the ground and made his way to it but was stopped by fire breath coming from the dragon. As everyone looked at the dragon it had it's flesh back. The Vikings knew that they had just resurrected Volvogia the dragon once defeated by the hero of time himself.

"That's Volvogia, but how it was destroyed by the hero of time." Prince Felix said with a hint of anger in his voice.

Tack finally grabbed the megaton hammer which was surprisingly light for a heavy hammer. Volvogia, the Vikings, and Tack along with Carly started fighting. Volvagia tail whips the prince into a wall knocking him out cold er... warm?. Joseph rushes to the dragon and slashes its claw. Tack used the megaton hammer knocking it down, its eye started spinning.

"Now Carly!" Tack shouted.

Carly shot an arrow at the dragons eye 4 times thanks to the two crossbows. Volvagia roars in pain and crumbles back to a pile of bones. The siblings cheer and grabbed a red-colored triangle. Prince Felix wakes up and joins the group and they left. As they exited the cave the Goron greeted them.

"Hello you two and... the Vikings I see you four are all still alive," the Goron said.

"Yes we are and we defeated the resurrected dragon Volvagia," Joseph said looking tired.

"Volvagia!!" The Goron said in shock

"Hey mister sorry to change the subject but what is your name?" Carly asked

"My name is Gilildigs, I am the chief of the Gorons and the descendant of the old chief Darunia," Gilildigs answered.

The siblings' stomach growled with hunger "Mister Digs may we eat now," Carly whined.

"Of course" Gilildigs said with delight.

Gilildigs ordered the Gorons to prepare a feast for the Vikings and the young heroes as a reward for saving the mines. There were multiple types of meat and salads. The Vikings ate and left while the siblings ate. After eating the food the siblings asked if there was a place to take a bath. The Gorons took them to a place with hot springs.

"Thank you," the siblings said with gratitude.

The siblings walked to the springs to bathe. As they got in they felt there energy regaining and their wounds healing. When they got done, they got out and thanked the Gorons again and started back down the mountain to the village.

As they make it to the village it is already nighttime. Once they got into the village, they were looking for somewhere to stay the night at. After 5 minutes of looking for a small Inn and went in to rent a small room, afterwards went to bed.