
Why is this happening to me?!

King become a seductive vampire

After the Goddess transfer me in this world I suddenly see two teenage boys and one teenager woman looking at me and the other boy looked away from me so I look everywhere and I point myself like asking if there are looking at me and there is a boy immediately took a blanket and throw at me so I ask him why he gave it to me and he just says covered your body while blushing and after that I looked at my body I see a gigantic boobs and this is definitely the work of that Goddess, she will pay for this.

"Uh, um..."

Wait she tell me that I was summoned as a beast then that means I need to act like a higher up creature just like in a game.

"Ahem! Human, do you know who I am, the one who summoned me, you may speak to me"

"As-as I expected to Caroline you summoned a high-class beast!"

"Do you think that I am just a summoning creature? How dare you calling me a low life beast!"


"Please...Please don't hurt him! It was just a mistake! just a mistake!"

"Then tell me who summoned me low life" I levitated in order to stand and intimidate them

Ahh~ I'm acting cool even though I don't need to but this is still ok, well I kinda know already who is the one who attempted to summon me.

"Me, I am the one who summoned you"

"No! Caroline, don't say that to her! She definitely gonna kill you!"

"No, I can interrogate to her and she might agree with our terms!"

"Ah~ There's no need to shout or I might be irritated to you guys" Sorry for doing this but I need to this for my future.

"I-I'm so sorry we won't shout again I promise"

"Then what do you want SUMMONER" I sit in the air while using my levitation.

"I want to ask you if you want to became my familiar"

"I see...I refuse"


"Why? because of your magic power not even higher than a mere Class D beast, *Sigh* How about this, I accompany you but as far as a partner only and you can challenge me in a mock battle to test if you really are my summoner"

"Wahh," They say this with satisfaction look.

"Then I will look forward to it, I'm counting on you, oh and may I know your name?"

"Hmm? Didn't you know, all beast doesn't have names or particular nickname but I do not take name if my summoner weaker than Class E monster"

"Then I will call you Yuyami as a nickname and I am Caroline Von Dalfor and nice to meet you Yuyami"

"Hmm, well I will accept that nickname well then Caroline you may have my regards"

"Oh and Yuyami this is my friends, their name is Foreld Von Tur`gai and Fu`Nami Von Tur`gai"

"H-Hi" They speak at the same time.

"Hmm, say, do you think Yuyami-san is a bit odd and you might be scolded by your father."

"Your right, what should we do, her appearance is questionable and her magic presence are way terrifying than great sage"

"Well then I shall transform myself in the same age as yours" I transformed myself and the result is I become a little bit smaller to them and I also created a dress for myself.

"Woah! She's so cute even though she was older than my mother and sexier than my Mother"

"What did you say Foreld the useless guy"

"Hiii! So sorry for talking to you rudely"

"You irritated me you know that"

"I am so terribly sorry for my rudeness please spare my life!"

The other two laugh while Foreld apologizing on me.

We will continue the journey of the Kings arrival.