
Chapter 2(planning to create problems)

In this earth my name is Zhu hao Yun,my sister name is Tia Yang hao,my father name is Zhihui hao and my mother name is yuqi.Now let's do some focus and practice and I have to go to dormitory and check on my academic status.how much money I have 29 yuan and 10 fen. 2 fens for riding a bicycle ok then. wow earth indeed unique riding a bicycle is like a good experience. There is a market is there I am getting a large spiritual energy from that place

let get there fast wow there is a shop is there I am sensing a large spiritual energy from the shop there it is a ring why I am sensing from it normally interracial ring which can store items

and spiritual medicines. There is a creak on the ring that's why it is leaking energy no body sensed it because it is releasing very low amount of energy. ok let's bid it the book is familiar it's look like a modern kungfu lets check it out uncle how much this book cost.

This book costs 190 yuan ,then forgot it.but how much this old ring costs. our customer has a good eye it actually belongs to Shanghai century and it costs only 90 yuan it's an artifact do you know kid(aa this kid is looks like doesn't have any experience in buying I can take this opportunity to sell to him,it is when buying the stock I got the ring for free)

then uncle I have only 10 yuan sorry I am going , wait kido I can sell only you for 15 yuan.

no thanks uncle I am get going ,wait take it for 10 yuan

thanks uncle. then after reaching the dormitory he closed all doors and windows let's check on the ring.wow so many divine 10000 year old hurbs , so many martial arts books and so many medicines and so many gold coins I think I am richest person in the world right now I think. no I can't release so many painting and martial at a same time but I can sell this gold coins in auction so I can be rich with these he..hee.. so many divine herbs are there I can make medicines also but I don't have any medical knowledge,aa why I need the medical knowledge.but I learned all modern kungfu in a single glance of the book can it is possible this body how is it possible I think due to divine mind 0.01(./.) knowledge acquired wow I can try these moves . wait let's go to auction first then I can go to library for some medical skills.

My xin biao he is of the richest 5 biggest family in Hong Kong I can ask him to take me to the auction house.xin biao what happened why are you unhappy my dad lost in gamble today what happened anybody caused you any trouble. no it's xin I can give 5 golden coins that restore what you lost in yesterday gamble.yun where do you get this coins these are priceless treasures I actually 25 coins I can give 5 coins for compensation and 20 for auction how about it xin. Yun where did you find it these treasures.xin I found it in a pit I bought a treasure map on the market I gone to search I found it there.Forget it Yun If you don't want to tell me.Yun you are my best friend and only friend I can't take it from you and you are from poor family also, no xin you gave me so much when I am in trouble now I am repaying you. If you don't accept it I won't speak to you.

ok ok I will accept I will take you to biggest auction let get going to auction house.

Hey system are you there I am still here I am getting angry on you.tell me something about the task I don't know the task also you mindless system.

system:sir when I am active you didn't ask me so sorry you shit hole sir I can't help you right now.