
That Girl

A long-long time ago, a Girl conceived in a Brahmin Family. She was the single kid in the entire family. So, she was loved by everyone with the exception of few. Be that as it may, as the Time passed on, all that affection blurred away. She made a decent attempt to find that adoration which she got during childhood but she fizzled. She was chided by individuals of her family on numerous things just because she was a girl.

What Happened Next:

She was a child and she didn't know what does provocation really implies? She was harassed by her own family members and she didn't speak a word because she had a thought in her mind that in the event that she talked outi, she's the one who will be judged. She was not allowed to do what she has in her mind and she was required to do what others need her to do!

She didn't have any choice, she lived accordingly. By the time she realized that people of her town are less educated, their mentality is not good, they are not open-minded, but she was of good mentality,good attitude and her contemplations were liberal musings. She was also appreciated by many individuals for her thoughts(musings) and individuals used to state to her that she doesn't appear as though she is from that town because of her mentality and attitude. Being a girl she was always pushed down, but she decided to do something to show everyone that she's worthy of carrying on with the existence she needs.

She did the hard work and somehow left her town and went to some other place which was 500-600 kms far from her town for further studies. There she understood her value and started doing smart work with hard work. Presently, with her, this potential and hard work, she succeeded in changing the mindset of her family and society regarding girls. Nowadays she is carrying out a very notable organisation on a generally excellent activity profile with a healthy yearly package.

These days, Whenever she gives a visit to her family. She's not only respected by her family, but by her society also. Her parents are proud enough and she's also.

This story will be proceeded in the upcoming stories..




(A lady with a Messed-up Heart ❣)