
A Lady’s Tranquility (Story of Kunning Palace/Rephrased)

In her previous existence, Jiang Xuening epitomized the archetype of a Mary Sue. In pursuit of the Empress title, she strategically formed connections and engaged romantically with various individuals. During her courtship with the Emperor, the rebel served as her contingency plan; In her dalliance with a student, the teacher assumed a similar role; When involved with a superior at work, the subordinate became her backup; Even in relationships with women, a man was kept in reserve...? Every day resembled a battleground! (Sighs) Regardless of the Emperor's identity, she aspired to secure the role of Empress! All the while, men believed they were entering the heart of a naive and sweet girl, only to discover they had unwittingly stepped into the quagmire of a deceitful woman who also moonlighted as the Queen of the Sea. Then came a change in the Palace. Her demise followed. Heaven granted her an opportunity for a fresh start. She pledged to sincerely repent and reform her ways. To her dismay, upon her rebirth, she found herself already entangled in a web of complications, rendering it too late for change! Jiang Xuening, indignant, exclaimed, "Heaven is toying with human lives! I was born with nine lives! believe it or not! When my temper flares up, [BEEP――]" Heaven, stricken with a more severe heart attack, questioned, "What if the ship capsizes again?" Jiang Xuening, with an icy and impassive demeanor, responded, "Helpless." It was all merely a rhetorical exchange. The challenge at hand: How to gracefully terminate enmity without offending influential individuals. Author(s): Mirror Of Time Shi Jing 时镜 Rephrased by: nnm88

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37 Chs

Kunning Chapter 23: Enter the palace

After uttering these words, Jiang Xuening paid no heed to her appearance, turned around, and walked away.

Many times, she struggled to discern the emotions she harbored for Wanniang.

However, all the tragedies in her previous life were ultimately intertwined with Wanniang. Logically, she should harbor resentment.

Yet, whenever she thought of the daughter she yearned for, the daughter who never inquired about her, she couldn't help but find Wanniang both detestable and pitiable.

In her past life, Jiang Xuening stole Jiang Xuehui's opportunities, her marriage, and even fought to secure a place in the palace as a companion to Shen Zhiyi. This time around, the circumstances appeared strikingly similar. Jiang Xuening couldn't shake the thought: Could she truly alter her fate in this new life, or was she destined to repeat the errors of her past?

On the early morning of the following day, before dawn, Jiang Xuening rose with the assistance of her maids. After freshening up and donning her attire, she bid farewell to her parents, gathered a few belongings, and entered the carriage.

Ministers entered and exited through the Meridian Gate, while female relatives in the palace, including those accompanying readers, used the Zhenshun Gate in the northeast corner.

Most of the selected companions were between seventeen and twenty, the prime age for blossoming young women.

Upon Jiang Xuening's arrival, some had already gathered.

Having rarely attended noble gatherings, she remained unfamiliar with the others. Although they knew each other, the group stood near the palace gate, engaged in hushed conversations.

Upon the arrival of Jiang's carriage, all discussions ceased.

All eyes turned towards her.

Curiosity or apprehension was evident in their gazes. Initially, the name presented was Jiang Xuehui, but the selected companion for the palace turned out to be Jiang Xuening. This twist was not only known within the Jiang residence but had also spread beyond. For girls from aristocratic families like them, how could they not pay attention to such matters?

Unable to seize the limelight, Jiang Xuening had it easy, sitting at home without having to do anything, and suddenly, the proverbial pie fell from the sky, landing squarely on her head.

It was truly challenging to remain composed.

As Jiang Xuening disembarked from the carriage, she immediately recognized a few familiar faces—individuals who had been with her in her previous life.

One such person was You Yue from Qingyuan Bofu.

During the Double Ninth Banquet that day, Jiang Xuening hadn't shown her any favor, leading to lingering animosity. Now, adorned in an exquisite palace dress, You Yue wore a demeanor of dignity and virtue, yet her eyes betrayed unmasked hostility and even a touch of cruelty.

Jiang Xuening thought to herself that she must avoid provoking her. Otherwise, her situation in the palace in this life could surpass the challenges of her previous life. If her temper flared and she accidentally harmed You Yue, the consequences would be unfavorable.

Beside You Yue stood Fan Yilan, the daughter of the renowned calligrapher Fan Shang, who had been acclaimed as the top poet at the last Double Ninth Banquet. She was the most plainly dressed among the group, exuding an air of indifference and mystery. The prospect of entering the palace did not seem to excite her, and she regarded Jiang Xuening with neither curiosity nor envy.

Jiang Xuening recognized Fan Yilan as the only one among the twelve entering the palace to study who harbored no yearning for wealth or prosperity and ultimately chose not to stay for further studies.

Following them was Zhou Baoying, the youngest and most beloved daughter of Dingyuanhou's family. With a face adorned with a hint of baby fat, she possessed bright, sparkling eyes reminiscent of grapes.

People gathered in front of the palace gate, fearlessly surveying their surroundings.

A girl with a small oil paper bag in her delicate white hands continuously extracted candied fruit from it, indulging in bites. Her cheeks moved akin to a little hamster, blinking and fixating on Jiang Xuening.

This was a girl easily swayed by the allure of snacks. However, there was a drawback—anyone offering her treats could easily gain control. Perhaps due to youth, ignorance, and a lack of principles, she succumbed to the simple pleasure of snacks.

The others present were Yao Rongrong, Fang Miao, and three additional individuals.

The trio appeared unfamiliar to Jiang Xuening, with no recollection of them. They seemed deficient in etiquette and scholarly aptitude, and during their initial days in the palace to learn the rules and acclimate to the environment, palace officials had sent them back.

Among the remembered two was Yao Rongrong, the least privileged among the entrants this time, being the daughter of Yao Duping, a minister in the Imperial Academy. Her appearance and attire were slightly more modest compared to the other girls from prestigious families. She maintained a low profile, pleasing to the eye, and when her gaze met Jiang Xuening's, she quickly averted her eyes, seemingly hesitant to look again.

Jiang Xuening recalled Yao Rongrong from her previous life as the slowest learner and the least intelligent among all the entrants.

Then there was Fang Miao.

With a delicate and clean countenance, her bright eyes exuded vivacity. A small red mole adorned the tip of her eyebrow, adding a touch of delicacy to her appearance. Closer inspection revealed her donning a water-blue dress today, aligning with the September element of gold, where the temperature of Shaoyin moistens the flow and aligns with water.

Indeed, Fang Miao was the only daughter of Qin Tianjian. From a young age, she immersed herself in the study of observing the sky and calculating solar terms, delving into the realms of the five elements, eight trigrams, astrology, and divination. Whether her skills were accurate or not, Jiang Xuening couldn't ascertain. Nonetheless, in her previous life, Fang Miao garnered popularity due to her interest in these fields, and she would often gather at night to calculate auspicious and inauspicious marriages, flourishing in such company.

Jiang Xuening paid little attention to their gazes, as her plan in this life was crystal clear—learning etiquette was not part of it. One cannot awaken someone pretending to be asleep, and no matter how skilled a teacher might be, teaching someone who vehemently wishes to stay away from the court is an impossible task.

Dealing with these people is just too bothersome for her.

Therefore, after alighting from the carriage, she refrained from engaging in conversation with them, merely halting at the palace gate not too distant.

The eunuch guarding the door cast a brief glance her way, pinched his fingers to calculate, and uttered, "There are nine people, and three are yet to arrive. Please wait a little; people will guide you into the palace shortly."

Yao Rongrong timidly inquired, "Who hasn't arrived yet?"

Zhou Baoying lowered her head, munching on the candied fruit from her oil paper bag, and nonchalantly responded, "The one who always arrives last must be Xiao Shu's sister. Sister Chen and Sister Yao are with her, so they will likely arrive together."

Momentary strangeness played on the faces of the others.

Given Zhou Baoying's status as the concubine daughter of the Hou family, her close association with Xiao Shu and others, and her pure-hearted nature, she didn't perceive any issue with her words. However, the situations of others' families varied significantly.

Currently, most people were awaiting everyone's arrival, and it was evident that some were yet to show up.

Upon hearing this, who wouldn't perceive those yet to arrive as overly arrogant?

Yet, just as discussions unfolded, an opulent carriage approached Zhenshun Gate, coming to a stop in front of the assembly.

The coachman placed the footstool from the cart on the ground.

The eunuch who had conversed with Jiang Xuening and the others earlier rushed towards the carriage, wearing a broad smile, and bowed beside it, announcing, "The young lady has arrived."

True to expectations, it was Xiao Shu in the carriage.

Donned in an apricot-yellow fairy dress with wide sleeves and adorned with jingling rings around her waist, she alighted from the carriage with the assistance of the eunuch. Grinning, she remarked, "Eunuch Huang came out to greet us today. Kindly convey my gratitude."

Huang Renli followed suit with a smile, saying, "Your Highness is delighted to know that many playmates will be joining this time. I've sent my attendants to accompany you today. It's good to have a look around. I'll discuss it with the princess upon my return."

It was evident to all that Huang Renli, the eunuch, was a trusted aide to Princess Leyang. Nevertheless, such an esteemed aide still stepped forward to assist Xiao Shu from the carriage, underscoring the prominence of the Xiao family and the strong bond between Xiao Shu and Princess Leyang.

Xiao Shu wasn't the sole occupant of the carriage.

Upon her exit, two additional individuals emerged from the vehicle.

Jiang Xuening arched an eyebrow at the sight.

While Chen Shuyi, the daughter of Chen Yunjin, a cabinet scholar, infrequently visited the palace and wasn't closely acquainted with Princess Leyang, she maintained a strong rapport with Xiao Shu due to their analogous backgrounds in the capital. Despite her appearance not matching Xiao Shu's brilliance, her name suggested elegance, and a perpetual faint smile adorned her lips. However, her eyes revealed a thoughtful and calculative demeanor, embodying a restrained and cautious personality.

The remaining individual was intriguing.

Adorned with almond-shaped eyes and willow-like eyebrows, sporting a single snail bun, crescent-shaped white jade earrings dangling from her ears, and a delicate jade ornament on her chest, she exuded an attractive appearance. Even her attire hinted at an extraordinary background. Yet, upon disembarking from the carriage, the official's daughter displayed a furrowed brow, a touch of irritability, and a hint of gloominess, as if grappling with something difficult and unpleasant.

Jiang Xuening vividly remembered her.

Yao Xi, daughter of Taifu Yao, Minister of the Ministry of Officials—

She nearly wedded Zhang Zhe but withdrew from the engagement midway, sparking rumors of Zhang Zhe "retaining his wife" throughout the capital. This prompted her father to suppress the matter, resulting in Zhang Zhe's elderly mother, Feng Shi, falling seriously ill. Eventually, after extensive deliberation, she wedded Zhou Yinzhi. In doing so, she beseeched her maternal family to support Zhou Yinzhi, facilitating his ascent. Unexpectedly, within three years, she succumbed to death in Zhou Yinzhi's mansion, amid numerous wives and concubines, due to "difficult childbirth."

At this moment, Yao Xi likely wrestled with concerns about her impending marriage to Zhang Zhe, especially given his altercation with Jin Yiwei. It didn't bode well for his future.

For reasons unknown, Jiang Xuening, despite acknowledging her past transgressions, found herself less skilled than this seemingly lowly woman. Surveying Yao Xi from head to toe, left to right, Jiang Xuening discerned a lack of jubilance in Yao Xi's demeanor.

Abandoning Zhang Zhe and selecting Zhou Yinzhi…

Truly, a case of beautiful eyes being somewhat shortsighted!

Jiang Xuening gazed at Yao Xi with a calm and meaningful expression. Although Yao Xi was surveying others after exiting the carriage, her eyes inadvertently met Jiang Xuening's, causing her a brief startle. However, Jiang Xuening gently curved the corners of her lips, joining the crowd with a bright smile—concealing the prior sharpness and sarcasm. She projected an amicable impression, nodding in a friendly greeting.

Yao Xi appeared bewildered.

Yet, when someone as charming as Jiang Xuening extended a smile, even a woman would find it irresistible. Although Yao Xi couldn't fathom the reason, she subconsciously reciprocated the smile.

Jiang Xuening maintained an outwardly pure and kind demeanor, yet beneath the surface, she contemplatively mused: Although she hadn't known Zhang Zhe or paid much attention to Yao Xi in her past life, in this present life, she couldn't allow this girl to become a problem under Zhang Zhe's nose. Otherwise, she might find it challenging to remain a bystander and refrain from intervening in certain matters.

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