
A Knight Who Becomes Adventurers

Bjorn is a former knight that wanders around the realm as adventurers. Follow his story as he meets many threat, kills many monsters and meets many persons with different races and cultures on his journeys.

RokuN · Fantasy
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Chapter 2: Noda Villages Grief

Bjorn can see the Noda villages farm fields from the distances. He made his horse trot a little so he can reach his destination faster.

The villagers that are working on the fields stopped their works as they heard a horse trotting.

Bjorn that passed by with Wills that he wrapped with his cloaks and 5 Orcs heads dangling on his horse become the spectacle for them. just before he reach villages gates, he heards someone calling him.

"Mr.Adventurers....Wait...Mr....!!!!" A woman voices calling Bjorn as she runs toward his directions.

Bjorn stopped his horse and turn away to looks at the womans that calling him. She is one of the farmers thats working on the fields. She is a woman around 40 years olds.

"Wait....Mr.Adventurers is that ..." The woman dropped on her knees as soon as she arrive near his horse and saw what Bjorn carrying on his shoulder.

"Wills....My sons.....sob.....sob....." She started sobbing and her cries breaking out after.

Bjorn get down from his horse and calmly putting Wills bodies on the grounds in front of his grieving mother. Then he opens the cloack that are covering Wills bodies.

All of the villagers stopping their works and comes gathering around them.

"I found him already badly wounded and getting attacked by them, his wound are severe so he cant be saved. i am sorry for your lost." Said Bjorn to console Wills mother.

"Thank you, Mr.Adventurers for bringing him back. Sob...sob.....look....his face are smiling. Wills probably glads that you saved him." she said while still has grieving looks on her faces.

"My sons.....oh my cute little Wills...sob.....sob....." She hugged her sons bodies while talking to herself.

A sadness atmosphere can be feels on all of the villagers by Bjorn.

"I already taken care of those 5 Orcs that terrorise this villages. So your sons and other villagers death has been avenged." Said Bjorn while grabbing and lifting those 5 Orcs heads with one hands.

All of the villagers that watching those scene are very impressed. Not only because how big those Orcs head is compared to human heads. But because Bjorn huge stature and strength while lifting those 5 heads with one arms.

A man that are a head taller than everybody else in fully equiped mercenaries outfit and vendel helmet with mail, holding 5 dead Orcs head that he hunts raises everyone morales. the villagers would have cheered if nobodies died.

"It's pretty fast for you to come back in this evening and when you just started hunting all of them this morning." suddenly someone talk to Bjorn and comes out from the crowds.

He is the villages chief that Bjorn talked too this morning when he arrives to the villages.

He sounds pretty happy at first but after he sees Wills lifeless bodies that get hugged by his mother, his expressions changed to sadness.

"This is.....not very good news that you bring todays." The village chief voices sounds like he tried to be professionals, but Bjorn can see that he holds back his sadness as he take a look at Wills again.

"Oh Wills, just what did i told you....." He mumbled to himself.

"I am sorry for your lost Lidia." he said after he walk closer to Wills and his mother.

"Today another bad news falls upon our villages. Our brothers and families Wills passed away todays while foraging in the forest."

"We will burried him tomorrow as there are not enough time to digs the graves todays." Villages Chief starts a smalls speech to inform all the villagers that gathers. He then ask some of them to take care of Wills bodies.

"Come along to the villages hall with me Mr.Adventurers. i will confirm your quest parchment." He said to Bjorn after he end his speech.

Bjorn guides his horse as he follow the village chief to the village halls.

"Ugh....i can believe this happens just before those Orcs are killed." the villages chief mumble as he writes on the parchment inside the village halls.

"If only he just wait until tomorrow....." he looks pained while saying that.

Bjorn stood there without uttering a single replies.

"Here's your parchment with my seals on it, and here's your rewards to bring his bodies back without any missing parts."

"That moneys are the rewards from Wills families , so dont ask any to them." said village chief while handing parchment and a pouch of coins to Bjorn.

"Alright, actually i dont expect any rewards but i will accept what you give me." Said Bjorn while receiving the coins and parchment.

"Nah, You deserves this rewards. it's the right thing to do for me as a village chief too." said village chief. His face mouth are smiling but sadness can be seen in his eyes.

"Btw, are you going to spend the night here or just straight going back to the town?" he ask.

"It's pretty late and my horse are fatigued, so i will be happy enough if you have a free stable to stay the night." said Bjorn to him in hope to find a places to sleeps inside the villages.

"Oh we have more than enough empty stables just beside this building that you use for your horse, so feel free to stays as long as you like."

"But our gates will be closed when the suns goes down so you cannot leave before the suns is up again." Explain village chief.

"All right then, Thank you very much. I will pay a visits to Wills houses and give back his gathering bags." said Bjorn.

When he almost leaving the villages halls, the villages chief cough and ask him questions.

"Ehem.....can i ask wich gods did you believe in, the north ones or the south ones? or are you a heathen?" ask village chief.

"The North ones." Bjorn answered shortly.

"Oh then, you can use the rooms upstairs to sleeps tonight. no need to stays in the colds stable tonight." said villages Chief before Bjorn leaves.

It's something commons to ask your believes arounds this part of the worlds. because this villages and it's kingdom are the places where the north and the south gods believers merges in and live togethers.

Sometimes a persons will be treated more specials if they have the same believe. But the Kingdoms forbid violences discriminations towards peoples that have different believes in this places.

Bjorn believes in the North gods where their teaching about a strength and bravery. The north gods highly value a stong warriors like him. the north gods are also worshipped by other race like beastkin and dwarven.

While the south gods teach more about compassions within humans. The south gods value a humans as a higher species than the others. All of the south gods believers are humans. The south gods are also become the most worshipped gods by humans.

" How are you Bravery? I bought some waters for you." Said Bjorn to his horses. he have been with Bravery since 8 years ago, When he graduates from being squires.

Bjorn putting a wooden bucket with waters in front of Bravery. He drink the waters that placed in front of him as Bjorn removing the Orcs heads and Wills gathering bags that strapped on his armors.

"I am sorry but bear with me a little longer. you can move freely without these heavy armors in 4 days when we arrive at homes." He said as he pat Bravery armored bodies.

After that he goes to drop the Orcs head that he forgot to bring insides the villages hall as a proof. Bjorn can see the terrified expression from the villages chief as he bring his proof insides. He goes to Wills home after that.

It's not hard to find Wills home as a lot of the villagers visiting him. The purifications rituals is happening in his home. Some villages man are washing Wills bodies before he get buried tomorrow.

Bjorn ask one of the villagers to guides him towards Wills mother. He guides Bjorn to enter insides Wills house. He sees Wills mother hugging two womans and one small boys that are still crying.

" Oh Mr.Adventurers, i'd like to properly entertain you in your visit but todays is a little bit impossible for us." Said Wills mother as he notices Bjorn already standing insides.

"It's alright madam, I only come to bring back Wills bags." Said Bjorn to him while removing the bags that are full of mushrooms and forest harvest from his back.

"Not only you bring his bodies back but you're also bringing his belonging too, i cant thank you enough Mr.Adventurers." She said while letting go her kids hugs and walk toward Bjorn.

"Please take all what insides it with you, Wills probably will be happy if you do that." Her pained eyes are looking at the bags but her minds wondering to some faraway places when she said that.

"I cant accept it." said Bjorn.

"Wills give me a quest to bring him back safely with this as a rewards. but i failed, so i cannot accept it." Explain him. The part about bring him back safely are lies so he can politely refuse it.

"I.....i already watched the wounds on his bodies. You already know t-that..... that no humans can survive wounds like that. Yet you still accepted his last request, so....just take it as his rewards for you."

Said Wills mother. She stutter and stopped her word sometimes to hold back his tears from dropping.

"Adventurers cannot accept rewards for a failed quest, but i can accept it if i buy it from you." Said Bjorn while taking out a pouch of coins from the villages chief.

"I-i can't....." Said Wills mother but she stopped halfway.

"Alright then..... Wills older brother are adventurers too, so i kinda know how you feel about it. I accept your moneys to buy what Wills forages todays."

She thought a little and accept Bjorn money to respect him.

After that Bjorn going back to the stables with a bag full of forest mushrooms and herbs as his fully armores body feels out of places on Wills funeral rituals.

Bjorn rest his bodies on a hay pile after he arrive at the stables. He take of his helmet and start to prepare his dinner for the night after he feels rested enough.

He enjoys mushrooms and herbs stew that night before going insides villages hall to sleeps.

He already take off all of his armours and ready to sleeps that night when someones knocking his doors. He grab and slips his daggers to his back as emergency weapons before opening the doors.

"Good night Mr.Adventurers, i heard from the villages chief that you're a north gods believers." Said a woman when Bjorn open just a part of his door.

The religions on this worlds are purely fictions and are not based on any that existed. So yeah, the north gods are not norse pagan gods. if there is something similiar in the teaching, it's mostly coincidences. thanks.

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