
The fox vs the Spartan

After having our fill of food, the four of us were exhausted. The food was just some simple soup, but when you've been walking for a month, it tastes divine.

Sure we could have taken a bullhead to Argus, but with the guards from Atlas protecting each port, it was best to not get close.

They would just make problems for us, and somehow the rest of the people should agree with them.

So we had no choice but to go on foot to get here, once finished eating, Sienna wanted to help Ivory with the plates, but she was shot down.

"Sienna, you four have been traveling for quite some time, relax and take a break you deserve it." Sienna wanted to argue, but couldn't do anything with the exhaustion finally setting in.

"Alright, do you still have room for us?" She asked while scratching her hair, small bits of dirt and dust fell out, and landed on the floor.

"I-I think it's best if you clean yourselves." As soon as she mentioned we need a shower, I could smell the dirt and grime that was on me.

'Oh god, I stink.' I thought, Sienna then guided us to the bathroom. Obviously I had to wait outside to not see them, but once they had towels around them, I was allowed to enter.

Blake hugged me but then pulled back when she sniffed me, rushing behind Ilia and Sienna.

Seeing her do this hurt my feelings, and I began to sniff in sadness. Ilia, who saw me clothed and dirty, rushed towards me and ignored the smell.

"I-It's okay, Blake didn't mean to hurt your feelings." Ilia said and helped me get undressed.

Once I removed my clothes, I was given a towel to wrap it around my waist. We then entered the bathroom, where we saw a large tub.

"Alright, we'll have Aiko and Blake shower first. Then it's you and me Ilia." Sienna then turned on the faucet, and hot water began to pour into the tub.

Steam started to rise from the water, and I soon dove into the tub. The girls panicked at what I did and were about to call for me, buy they soon stopped when they saw my two ears laid flat on my head.

My eyes were closed and I sighed in satisfaction at the feeling of the hot, boiling, burning water that touched my body.

"I guess he's fine, let's just finish for the day and go to sleep." Sienna said, the four of us then finished showering and changed into our sleep wear.

Luckily, Ivory had two other rooms we could use for the next few days. Me and Blake shared one room, while Ilia and Sienna shared the other.

"Aiko, can you sing me that song again?" Whispered Blake, while snuggling close to me, I smiled at her request and placed her head on my chest.


~Come with me, and you'll be, in a world of pure imagination, take a look, and you'll see, into your imagination.~ As I sang, Blake yawned at how gentle I sang, while at the same time, I wrapped my tails around her.

I hummed the song to her for a few more minutes, until I heard her breathing was slow and calm.

'Blake, you have no idea what I have done to keep you safe.' I thought while looking at her face.

A smile was on her lips, and her ears flicked at my touch. A small purr could be heard from her, and I looked at her with guilt.

I tightened my tails around us and began to drift to sleep, apologizing for what I did to keep her safe.


I felt Blake sprawled on top of me, drool was on my shirt, and Blake was muttering something.

"B-big brother, m-more, I want more." She muttered, I was curious in what she was dreaming about, but I decided to get up for the day.

Once I finished changing into my clothes, I made my way out, but not before I heard the rest of her dream.

"I want more fish." Was all I heard before I closed the door behind me, my face was neutral, while my eyes were empty.

'I'm going broke today.' Was my thought before I made my way downstairs, I then looked for my bag and pulled out some dried meat, and began to eat my breakfast.

While I was eating, my ears twitched at the sound of yells, grunts, and dirt being moved. I followed the sound and saw Pyrrha, who was swinging a wooden sword and shield.

Pyrrha whore some gym clothes on her body, sweat poured from her brow and body. She was facing a training model, swinging her sword at vital areas.

She then jumped into the air, using the model as a foot hold and kicked off it. She flipped through the air and then tossed the shield, hitting it on the head.

As she landed, she made sure to crouch into the ground to not hurt herself from the impact.

"Woah, that was cool." I whispered, Phyrra then stumbled for a second and soon sat up stiff.

She turned around with an embarrassed look on her face, she wanted to run inside, but she stood still not running inside.

She moved her lips and tried to say something, but no words came out. We stood their in a awkward silence, and I soon decided to break it.

"How long have you been training?" I asked with stars in my eyes, her blush disappeared and she was able to look me in the eye.

"I've been training half an hour ago, I-I want to participate in then tournaments soon." She said with confidence.

"B-but I've never been in a real fight, a-and I don't know if I'll do good." Steam began to rise from her head, and her eyes were starting to have swirls.

"W-what if t-they laughe at me, w-what if I-i mess up?" Before she could continue, I placed my hand on her head and began to pat her.

"Their, their, it's okay, you still have time before you join." I said with a calm smile on my face, she blushed at my touch but began to calm down at how gentle I was.

"O-okay." She whispered and looked at the floor, after a few more seconds of giving head pats, I pulled my hand away and looked around.

To the far left, there was a weapons rack that held wooden weapons. All ranging from a spear, sword, daggers, and leather gauntlets.

"How about you try to fight me?" I asked her, she looked at me in shock and began to wave her hands in front of her.

"I-I can't do that, I-I d-don't know if you can fight." She said, I made my way to weapon rack and began to look at each weapon.

'Use the sword, it's best if I teach you young'un.' Said a new voice within my mind, I was surprised at the voice, since it sounded young, but the way they spoke sounded old.

I did end up grabbing the sword and swung it a few times, Pyrrha wanted to talk me out of it, but then flipped backwards to avoid the sword I thrusted in her direction.

"How about a promise?" I asked her while still swinging the sword.

"W-what kind of promise?" She asked while grabbing the short sword and shield.

"If I win, you take me around the city, and if you win, you can touch my tails." I said and moved my tails to the side.

"I saw you were looking at them." I teased her and gently ran my hand across one of them, Pyrrhas eyes widened at my promise, and raised her guard imeddiatly.

"I accept." I was surprised at the change of her attitude, but I didn't dislike it since she was taking the spar more serious now.

I raised my sword above my head and began to walk around her, but she did the same, making sure I was in front of her.

As the two of us circled around, the sound of a bird was heard. I stepped onto the ground hard and dashed forward, kicking up a small cloud trail behind me.

Seeing me dash, Pyrrha crouch onto the floor and rolled forward, avoiding the strike I made. As the strike passed over her, she spun the sword and tried to stab me from behind.

The wooden short sword was about to make contact on me, but I used my my tails to stop it in place.

"Close, but you'll need to do better that's that." I said and jumped away from her; creating a small distance.

Phyrra then rushed at me with her shield raised, seeing that she was about to bash me with her shield, I decided to rush towards her.

Seing me rush towards her made her surprised, she slowed down her charge to not harm me, but this was a mistake on her part.

I jumped into her shield and caused her to skid back a few inches, she was forced to kneel from the sudden impact that I caused and flung me off.

As I flew into the air, she timed her jump and swung her sword in the center of my stomach.

I placed the sword in between us, causing the two swords to clack with one another. As our swords made contact, I gripped her arm and used her weight to orientate myself, and placed my feet against chest and pushed.

Before she could land on her back, she was able to use her sword as a staff and bent her arm to lessen the impact, and soon landed on her feet.

I on the other hand used my tails to cushion my fall and gracefully sat on them like chair. The two of us continued to stare at one another and smiled, enjoying the small spar between us.

"I have to admit, I thought you didn't have any experience." She said while drawing short breaths.

"As some people say, theirs more than meets the eye." I replied and pushed myself back up.

"I have to admit, I didn't expect myself to get tired quicker." Pyrrha said while gripping her sword tight.

"That's because you didn't have anyone to spar with." I said and gently lowered the sword in my hand.

"I think it's best if we end this fight soon." I said and looked at the house, one of the curtains was moved to the side and I saw Blake looking at the two of us in awe.

"Of course, I have to prepare for a few things for later." Pyrrha said and rushed towards me, she then thrusted her sword forward towards me while I was distracted.

If it wasn't for my enhanced hearing, I wouldn't have noticed. I moved my tails in front of her, causing her to stab her sword into the ground.

My tails moved away, and she saw I wasn't their, she looked to the sides and above to find me, but she couldn't see me anywhere.

"I win." The wooden sword was touching her throat, while I stood beside her, away from her peripheral vision.

"It seems you have, I surrender." She said and dropped her sword and shield and raised her hands to surrender.

As I drew the blade back, Pyrrha slumped onto the ground with a sigh and had a smile on her face.

"That was a fun battle, I guess I need to have more battles to improve." She said, I smiled at her words and offered my hand to her.

"That's true, and with each loss, you can improve to fix your mistakes." As Phyrra gently held my hand, I helped her stand up.

"Here, you can touch them." I said and offered her one of my tails, she widened her eyes at my offer and looked at me with shock.

"B-but I lost, why?" I just smiled and tilted my head to the side.

"It would be rude if you didn't get to touch them once." I said, Pyrrha blushed at my smile, and looked at my tail.

She slowly raised her hand and was hesitant, she was conflicted inside and didn't know what to do.

Before she could continue, I gently took her hand, and placed it on my tail. She squeaked in surprise at my hand touching hers, but it then turned into a smile and sparkles began to form around her.

She gently ran her fingers against my fur and gently hugged it, snuggling against it like a warm blanket.

"It's so soft, like a pillow." She whispered, I smiled at the sight of her doing so, but noticed that she was swaying.

'Oh shit.' Phyrra then fell to the side, and I caught her in my arms before she could land on the floor.

'Guess she was tired still.' I thought and gently picked her up with ease, I then shivered and began to look around, only to see Blake and Ivory behind us.

Ivory had her scroll in hand and took a picture of us, while Blake was pouting with jealousy at the sight.

I could only nervously chuckle at what I was doing, and soon entered the home while passing by.

'I didn't mean for this to happen.'

(A/N) Hey hey; here's this weeks chapter, hope you enjoyed it.

If you did send some power stones and comment, besides that; I have a problem.

I've been getting ideas on making a crossover with star rail, and path to nowhere, both good games btw.

And I don't know if I should do it or not, I'll just have that idea pinned and work it out in the future.

For now, peace.

Next chapter